Inflation & Its Effects on Universe's Expansion

In summary: Once again, thank you!In summary, inflation is when the distance between any two things grew by way more than 300 000 km every second. It happened before galaxies were formed, and it's still happening now. The recession velocity of most galaxies is greater than c and always has been. We can see objects because the rate of expansion has been slowing down. What we see with visible light is from a few hundred thousand years after inflation ended. The inflationary period is not visible to us. It's within the invisible early instants. General relativity throws a big wrench into all of this because it throws out the entire notion of absolute space and time.
  • #1
Fabio Sachs
I have two questions related to inflation, and wonder if there is an answer to any of them:

1- If there was inflation occurring faster than light at any time, so that the universe's radius is larger than aprox. 14 billion light years, then shouldn´t we be seeing some galaxies more than once, in diferente moments of their life time?

2- If space is something with such a real existence that it can be bent, warped, and it even has its own amount of energy no matter how empty it is, then does not inflation, or even todays accelerated expansion, mean that more "plank sized units" of space are being created out of nothing, thus breaking the consevation laws of the Universe? Or maybe there is something being transformed into space?
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  • #2
Inflation isn't a speed, so saying it's "faster than light" is literally nonsense. One might as well say, "The length of this rod is faster than light." It makes zero sense. I realize that a number of scientists have used this language, but it is flagrantly incorrect.

The second point is that galaxies only ever formed long after inflation ended. Inflation was a period of extremely rapid expansion in the very early universe. The inflation that led to the entire observable universe need only have lasted a tiny fraction of a second. The galaxies formed much later when the expansion was much slower, and the expansion hasn't changed so dramatically since.

Finally, energy isn't conserved in an expanding universe. Conservation of energy arises as a consequence of symmetry in time. The expansion breaks that symmetry (the past is different from the future because things are closer together in the past and further apart in the future). For a more detailed discussion on energy conservation in General Relativity, see here:
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Likes Fabio Sachs
  • #3
Thanks for such a clear and fast response!
I know I have poorly frased my first question as you have very apropriately pointed out. Maybe I should have put it as Inflation having occurred at such a pace that the distance between any two things grew by (way) more than 300 000 km every second. What I hadn´t realized was that there were no galaxies formed by then!
Is the inflationary period visible for us or is it within the invisible early instants?

As for the second question, your answer seemed to me as meaning that : There is conservation except when there isn't!
I'll take a look at the link you posted and try to grasp the concept a little better...
Once again, thank you!
  • #4
Fabio Sachs said:
Thanks for such a clear and fast response!
I know I have poorly frased my first question as you have very apropriately pointed out. Maybe I should have put it as Inflation having occurred at such a pace that the distance between any two things grew by (way) more than 300 000 km every second. What I hadn´t realized was that there were no galaxies formed by then!
The thing is, the recession velocity depends upon distance. The recession velocity of most of the galaxies in the visible universe is greater than c and always has been. We can see these objects because the rate of expansion has been slowing down.

Fabio Sachs said:
Is the inflationary period visible for us or is it within the invisible early instants?
Certainly not with visible light. Prior to the emission of the CMB, which occurred a few hundred thousand years after inflation ended, our universe was opaque. The emission of the CMB is the earliest we can see with visible light.

Now, it might be possible to see the imprint of gravitational waves from the inflationary period imprinted on the CMB, but so far those haven't been detected (BICEP2 thought they detected them, but it turned out to be foreground contamination).

Fabio Sachs said:
As for the second question, your answer seemed to me as meaning that : There is conservation except when there isn't!
Conservation laws are a result of symmetries. This is demonstrated by Noether's theorem*. You get conservation of momentum for any system that has certain properties that don't change from place to place. You get conservation of angular momentum for any system that, when rotated, looks the same in a certain mathematical sense. And you get conservation of energy when a system doesn't change over time in a particular mathematical sense.

General Relativity throws a great big wrench into all of this because it throws out the entire notion of absolute space and time. Without absolute space and time, what you mean by the words, "doesn't change from place to place" or "over time" becomes ambiguous. It is easy, for example, to write down equations that look like an expanding universe, but in actuality just represent flat space-time where there is nothing measurable that can be called "expansion".

Instead, General Relativity follows other symmetries that enforce the conservation of the stress-energy tensor. This higher-order object contains energy density, pressure, twisting forces, and momentum. The whole thing is conserved together in a very particular way, and in certain physical scenarios this forces energy to not be conserved. It also doesn't make sense to say that the energy goes into pressure or whatnot: all of the terms in the stress energy tensor can go down together just fine (the way it's conserved is specific, but a little weird and counter-intuitive).

* Fun fact: Emmy Noether is one of the few women who have theorems with their names on them. Sexism has been endemic in the sciences for a long, long time...
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Likes Fabio Sachs
  • #5
Indeed women have had to struggle harder in the sciences, as well as in other fields. That is by no means helped by the convention of crediting articles with the last names only! Had you not said otherwise and I would have, in involuntary but automatic sexism, imagined a Mr, instead of a Ms. Noether..!

FAQ: Inflation & Its Effects on Universe's Expansion

What is inflation?

Inflation refers to a rapid and exponential expansion of the universe in the early stages of its existence. It is believed to have occurred within the first fraction of a second after the Big Bang and is thought to have been driven by a mysterious force called the inflaton field.

How does inflation affect the expansion of the universe?

Inflation theory suggests that the rapid expansion during the early stages of the universe's existence caused it to become nearly flat and smooth, which helps to explain why the universe appears to be the same in all directions. It also helps to explain the observed large-scale structure of the universe, including the distribution of galaxies and clusters of galaxies.

What evidence supports the theory of inflation?

One of the main pieces of evidence for inflation is the observation of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation. This is a faint glow of light that permeates the entire universe, and it is believed to be leftover radiation from the Big Bang. The CMB shows a nearly uniform temperature across the entire sky, which is consistent with the predictions of inflation.

Are there any other proposed explanations for the universe's expansion?

While inflation is the most widely accepted explanation for the universe's expansion, there are other proposed theories, such as the steady-state theory and the cyclic model. However, these theories have not been supported by as much evidence as inflation and are not as widely accepted in the scientific community.

What are the implications of inflation for the future of the universe?

According to the theory of inflation, the universe will continue to expand at an accelerated rate. This means that galaxies will continue to move away from each other, and eventually, the universe will become so spread out that it will appear to be dark and empty. This is known as the "heat death" of the universe, and it is a possible outcome of inflation theory. However, there is still much debate and research being done on this topic.
