Inflation requires initial symmetry?

In summary, Roger Penrose argues that inflation does not solve the mystery of why the universe started out in a low-entropy state. He argues that a high-entropy collapsing FLRW universe would consist of "a horrendous mess of congealing black holes," in which the gravitational degrees of freedom would be fully activated, rather than suppressed.
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I'm reading Roger Penrose's Cycles of Time. On p. 124 he's explaining why he thinks inflation doesn't solve the mystery of why the universe started out in a low-entropy state. He argues that a high-entropy collapsing FLRW universe would consist of "a horrendous mess of congealing black holes," in which the gravitational degrees of freedom would be fully activated, rather than suppressed. Then he says let's imagine time-reversing this so that we have a high-entropy big bang, which is statistically the most probable kind of big bang. Since the laws of physics governing inflation are time-reversal symmetric, the two solutions are equally valid.

In the collapsing, high-entropy universe, "...the situation will be so far from FLRW homogeneity and isotropy that the inflationary capabilities of the inflaton field will find no role, and (time-reversed) inflation will simply not take place, since this depends crucially on having an FLRW background (at least with regard to calculations that have actually been carried through)." From this he concludes that inflation has no effect on the final result of the collapse, which is a "highly complicated enormously high-entropy singularity, very possibly of a BKL type..."

Am I understanding correctly that inflation requires an isotropic and homogeneous background to start with? It gets a little confusing because he's talking about time-reversals. Forgetting about all the time-reversal stuff, and just talking about our own universe proceeding forward in time after the big bang, I think what he's saying is that it had to start out isotropic and homogeneous, because otherwise the mechanism of inflation can't get started. Is this right, and if so, is there any easy way to understand why? If this is correct, then I think he's saying that you need some degree of initial isotropy and homogeneity to allow inflation to start, and then inflation provides even more smoothing...?
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  • #2
Yes, that's essentially correct. One requires a sufficiently smooth background and an energy density dominated by a homogeneous scalar field in order to get inflation started. This follows from the Friedmann Eqs. However, the rub is that the size of this initial smooth patch is found to be necessarily larger than the Hubble radius, i.e. an initial condition for inflation is that homogeneity already exists on superhorizon scales (see" ).

Then there's always eternal inflation, which evades this whole issue because presumably the universe is either spatially infinite or truly eternal. Then, simply by chance alone you get the right conditions for inflation somewhere at some time. Once you get inflation going, it never stops.
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  • #3
Interesting -- thanks very much!

FAQ: Inflation requires initial symmetry?

What is the concept of "initial symmetry" in relation to inflation?

The concept of "initial symmetry" in inflation refers to the theory that in the early universe, there was a perfect balance between matter and anti-matter, as well as a uniform distribution of energy. This symmetry was necessary for inflation to occur.

Why is initial symmetry important for inflation?

Initial symmetry is important for inflation because it is the starting condition that allows for the rapid expansion of the universe. Without this symmetry, inflation cannot occur and the universe would not have expanded at the rate that it did.

What evidence supports the idea of initial symmetry in inflation?

One important piece of evidence for initial symmetry in inflation is the observed uniformity of temperature and density in the cosmic microwave background radiation. This suggests that the early universe was in a state of perfect balance.

What happens if initial symmetry is not present in inflation?

If initial symmetry is not present in inflation, then the universe would not have undergone the rapid expansion that is necessary for the formation of large-scale structures such as galaxies and clusters of galaxies. This would result in a very different universe than the one we observe.

Are there any alternative theories to explain inflation besides initial symmetry?

Yes, there are alternative theories to explain inflation that do not rely on the concept of initial symmetry. One example is the "chaotic inflation" theory, which suggests that inflation can occur even without initial symmetry due to quantum fluctuations in the early universe.

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