Information content of a qubit

In summary, the conversation discusses how a qubit in quantum computing can potentially contain infinite information, depending on how one defines "information". This is due to the fact that a qubit can have an infinite number of possible states, and each state can represent a different piece of data. However, in order to determine the full state of a qubit, one would need to prepare and measure multiple identical qubits, as a single measurement cannot provide all the information. The conversation also touches on the concept of maximum entropy and how it relates to measuring the information of a qubit.
  • #1
Sunny Singh
TL;DR Summary
I have read in Neilson and chuang that the information represented by a qubit is infinite because the state vector takes values in a continuous space. I have a doubt regarding this statement.
I have just started reading Neilson and chuang's book on quantum computing and two times already have they said that when a qubit is not observed, it can contain infinite information.
"How much information is represented by a qubit? Paradoxically, there are an infinite number of points on the unit sphere, so that in principle one could store an entire text of Shakespeare in the binary expansion of theta"
And again when explaining quantum teleportation, "even if Alice did know the state, describing it precisely takes an infinite amount of classical information since ψ takes values in a continuous space"
Now, doesn't the complete description of the qubit depend only on the two coefficients of its two computational basis states? If Alice did know the state, doesn't it mean that she just knew what these two complex coefficients are? Why will she ever need infinite classical information to explain the state? I understand that we need an ensemble of identically created qubits to determine the coefficients but even if we don't know the exact state of the qubit, we know that there's only two unknown complex numbers. I don't understand what do the authors mean by a qubit having enough space to store an entire book only because those two complex coefficients takes values in a continuous space?
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  • #2
It depends a bit on how you define "information". The standard way is the Shannon-Jaynes-von Neumann entropy, which measures the "surprise" when measuring the spin (if the qbit is realized as a spin state of a spin-1/2 particle or the polarization state of a single photon). It's defined by (in natural units with ##k_{\text{B}}=1##)
$$S[\rho]=-\mathrm{Tr}[\hat{\rho} \ln \hat{\rho}],$$
where ##\hat{\rho}## is the statistical operator describing the state the spin is prepared in.

If you don't know anything about the spin, you have to use the maximum-entropy principle to make a choice for ##\hat{\rho}##, which corresponds to the least prejudice, i.e., you must make ##\hat{\rho}## such that the entropy gets maximal under the only constraint you have, i.e., that ##\mathrm{Tr} \hat{\rho}=1##. Since any spin-measurement has 2 outcomes (say, you meausure ##\sigma_1##, it can only take two values ##\pm 1/2##). This implies that the maximum-entropy statistical operator is
$$\hat{\rho}=\frac{1}{2} (|1/2 \rangle \langle 1/2| + |-1/2 \rangle \langle -1/2|)=\frac{1}{2} \hat{1}.$$
The maximum entropy thus is
$$S[\rho]=\ln 2.$$
That's the maximum information you can get out of measuring a q-bit, i.e., measuring one spin component when you don't know nothing about the preparation of the system before measuring.

The point is that you cannot by a single spin measurement determine the full state ##\hat{\rho}##. For that you need a preparation of many systems in the same state ##\hat{\rho}## and measure a certain set of incompatible spins to figure out the state. For a good discussion on "state determination", see Ballentine, Quantum Mechanics.
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Likes Sunny Singh
  • #3
There is an infinite amount of information in a single real number. Or, to put it another way: suppose I want to send you a book with up to a million pages (let's say up to a billion characters), then I can do that with 8 billion bits.

Every book, therefore, can be represented by a unique number between zero and one. Or, alternatively, an angle between ##0## and ##2\pi##.

I could in principle send you a single picture of an arrow at some angle and that single angle would encode 8 billion bits, say. If you can measure the angle accurately enough - to 12 decimal places, or whatever.

A qubit has, theoretically, an infinite number of possible states. And, theoretically, each state could represent a different piece of data. And, just like the above, any finite amount of information could be encoded in a single qubit state.
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Likes Sunny Singh

Related to Information content of a qubit

1. What is a qubit?

A qubit, short for quantum bit, is the basic unit of quantum information. It is the quantum equivalent of a classical bit, which can represent either a 0 or a 1. However, unlike a classical bit, a qubit can exist in a superposition of both states simultaneously, allowing for more complex and powerful computations.

2. What is the information content of a qubit?

The information content of a qubit refers to the amount of information that can be stored and processed by a single qubit. It is measured in terms of the number of classical bits required to represent the same amount of information. A single qubit can hold an infinite amount of classical bits, making it a highly efficient information storage unit.

3. How is the information content of a qubit different from a classical bit?

A classical bit can only represent either a 0 or a 1, while a qubit can be in a superposition of both states at the same time. This means that a single qubit can hold more information than a classical bit, making it a more powerful unit for information processing. Additionally, the information content of a qubit is not limited to a specific number, as it can hold an infinite amount of information.

4. How is the information content of a qubit measured?

The information content of a qubit is typically measured in terms of entropy, which is a measure of the uncertainty or randomness of a system. The higher the entropy, the more information a qubit can hold. In quantum computing, the information content of a qubit is also measured in terms of its entanglement with other qubits, as entanglement is a key factor in quantum information processing.

5. What are some applications of the information content of a qubit?

The high information content of qubits makes them useful for a variety of applications, particularly in the field of quantum computing. Qubits are used to perform complex computations and simulations, as well as in quantum cryptography for secure communication. They also have potential applications in fields such as medicine, finance, and artificial intelligence.

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