Infrared Divergences in QED Revisited

In summary, the paper "Infrared divergences in QED revisited" discusses the vacuum state degeneracy in quantum electrodynamics (QED) and its effect on scattering processes. By properly accounting for the vacuum transitions, the authors show that scattering amplitudes in QED are nonzero and infrared finite. This is a rediscovery of the 1970 formulae of Faddeev and Kulish, with a new physical interpretation provided by the last author, Strominger. However, there are some issues with the Faddeev-Kulish construction from a rigorous perspective, as discussed in Dybalski's article.
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David Neves
What do you think of the following paper about QED?

Infrared divergences in QED revisited

Daniel Kapec, Malcolm Perry, Ana-Maria Raclariu, and Andrew Strominger
Phys. Rev. D 96, 085002 (2017) – Published 10 October 2017


It has been found recently that the vacuum state of quantum electrodynamics (QED) is infinitely degenerate. The authors exploit this fact and show that any non-trivial scattering process in QED is necessarily accompanied by a transition among the degenerate vacua, making the scattering amplitude finite at low energy scales (infrared finite).

Recently, it has been shown that the vacuum state in QED is infinitely degenerate. Moreover, a transition among the degenerate vacua is induced in any nontrivial scattering process and determined from the associated soft factor. Conventional computations of scattering amplitudes in QED do not account for this vacuum degeneracy and therefore always give zero. This vanishing of all conventional QED amplitudes is usually attributed to infrared divergences. Here, we show that if these vacuum transitions are properly accounted for, the resulting amplitudes are nonzero and infrared finite. Our construction of finite amplitudes is mathematically equivalent to, and amounts to a physical reinterpretation of, the 1970 construction of Faddeev and Kulish.
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The authors write

''Although we have phrased this result in a way that sounds new, the mathematics behind it is not new. We have merely rediscovered the 1970 formulae of Faddeev and Kulish and others, who showed that certain dressings of charges by clouds of soft photons yield IR finite scattering amplitudes. [...] While our formulae are not new, our physical interpretation is new.''

Thus it is some sort of commentary of FK that sheds new light on their construction. The driving force behing the paper is the last author, Strominger, who wrote a very useful survey arXiv:1703.05448 on the infrared structure of quantum field theories with massless bare particles.

On the other hand, the FK construction is not without problems when viewed from a rigorous perspective. For a critique see Dybalski's article arXiv:1706.09057, which treats almost rigorously a (compared to QED) simplified model.

Related to Infrared Divergences in QED Revisited

What are infrared divergences in QED?

Infrared divergences in QED (Quantum Electrodynamics) refer to mathematical calculations that result in infinite values when dealing with particles that have long-range interactions.

Why are infrared divergences a problem in QED?

Infrared divergences can lead to incorrect predictions and inconsistencies in the theory. These divergences arise due to the fact that the theory does not take into account the effects of soft or low-energy particles.

How have infrared divergences been previously addressed in QED?

Previously, infrared divergences were dealt with by introducing artificial cutoffs or by adding counterterms to cancel out the infinities. However, these methods are not completely satisfactory and can lead to inconsistencies.

What is the new approach to addressing infrared divergences in QED?

The new approach involves using a modified version of QED called "Soft-Collinear Effective Theory" (SCET) which takes into account the effects of low-energy particles. This approach has shown promising results in dealing with infrared divergences.

What are the potential implications of this new approach for QED?

The new approach could potentially lead to a more consistent and accurate theory of QED, allowing for more precise predictions and calculations in particle physics. It could also have implications for other theories that deal with long-range interactions.

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