Inheriting Genes from William the Conqueror to Elizabeth II

  • Thread starter bjogae
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In summary, the conversation revolves around a misunderstanding of genetics and probability regarding the passing on of genes from William the Conqueror to Queen Elizabeth II. The speaker, who has a strong understanding of mathematics, attempts to calculate the probability of Elizabeth having no genes from William through a series of calculations and discussions with their biologist friends. However, their calculations are incorrect due to a misunderstanding of how genes are inherited.
  • #1
This is not a homework question. It is actually kind of a biology question, but I'm dealing with the pure mathematics here. We came up with this reading "The selfish gene" by Richard Dawkins. He writes something like: "Elizabeth II is a direct decsendant William the conqueror. However it is likely that they share not a single gene." This struck us as odd.

Being the only person in the room who knew advanced mathematics I took on the problem. Now I'd like to check if my solution is correct, because I feel I've got some flaws.

What my biologist friends told me is that one inherits 25000 genes from ones father. Also we counted that there are 30 generations between William and Elizabeth.

I think this would be analogous to flipping 25000 coins. All that end up heads one discards, and the ones that end up tail gets flipped again. What is the probability that after 29 throws we don't have a single coin that came up tail every time?

Doing some calculations I came up with a formula


This should at least give the right answer for the first generation. Can I then just raise it to the power of 28 or should i do something different. Also, one problem is that when i tried to program this into MATLAB the first generation had a probability so close to one, it was one. Then rasing it to the power of anything won't give an accurate answer. This would say Dawkins was way of.

Any ideas?
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  • #2
Actually, thinking of this in another way says that because of the law of large numbers about half of the coins will end up heads. Therefore we can calculate this as [tex]25000\cdot0,5^{29}=4,66\cdot10^{-5}[/tex]. Although if we think of how many ancestors one should have so nobody reproduces with someone that's even remotely related we end up with 536870912 persons in the 29th generation.
  • #3
Your understanding of math is fine. Your understanding of biology, on the other hand... :D
bjogae said:
What my biologist friends told me is that one inherits 25000 genes from ones father. Also we counted that there are 30 generations between William and Elizabeth.

Genes are inherited via chromosomes, of which a parent passes on only 23.

William shared 46 chromosomes with William. William's children shared 23. Their children shared between 0 (probability 2^-23) and 23 (probability 2^-23) with William.
  • #4
The probability I get that William passed no genes directly to Elizabeth (though she might have had some of his from other ancestors!) assuming no interbreeding or polysomy is 99.9999957%.

  • #5
OK. Thank you. I figured I got something incorrectly. Does this mean that if William passed genes to Elizabeth he passed a complete chromosome? And that happened with 99.9999957% possibility? Just curious.
  • #6
bjogae said:
OK. Thank you. I figured I got something incorrectly. Does this mean that if William passed genes to Elizabeth he passed a complete chromosome? And that happened with 99.9999957% possibility? Just curious.

If William passed on any genes, he passed along at least one whole chromosome (so that Elizabeth would be "over 2% William"). The probability that this would happen is 0.0000043%; the probability that he passed on zero chromosomes is 99.9999957%.

FAQ: Inheriting Genes from William the Conqueror to Elizabeth II

What is the significance of inheriting genes from William the Conqueror to Elizabeth II?

Inheriting genes from William the Conqueror to Elizabeth II is significant because it allows us to trace the genetic history of the British monarchy and understand how certain traits or characteristics have been passed down through generations.

What evidence is there that Elizabeth II has inherited genes from William the Conqueror?

There is no concrete evidence that Elizabeth II has inherited specific genes from William the Conqueror, as genetic testing was not available during his time. However, based on historical records and genealogical research, it is highly likely that she carries some of his genetic traits.

What kind of traits or characteristics may have been inherited from William the Conqueror?

Some possible traits or characteristics that may have been inherited from William the Conqueror include physical features, such as height or hair color, as well as personality traits, such as determination or leadership skills.

Can inheriting genes from William the Conqueror have any health implications?

It is possible that inheriting genes from William the Conqueror could have health implications, as certain genetic variations can increase the risk of certain diseases. However, it is not possible to definitively link any specific health issues to this genetic inheritance.

How does the inheritance of genes from monarchs differ from the inheritance of genes from other ancestors?

The inheritance of genes from monarchs is not fundamentally different from the inheritance of genes from other ancestors. However, because of their prominent position and extensive genealogical records, it may be easier to trace the genetic lineage of monarchs compared to other individuals.

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