Initial momentum amplitude to wave function

In summary, the author is trying to integrate the following equation:##\int_{-\infty}^\infty q\exp\left[-q^2(\frac{\alpha^2}{2}+\frac{it}{2m\hbar})+ q(\frac{ix}{\hbar}+\frac{ipt}{2m\hbar})\right ]\; dq##but they get stuck because they have an equation with an extra q in it. They are trying to solve for v, but are not sure how to do it.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

So I had to use this initial momentum and multiply it by a plane wave (sure you are aware of the exp[i(px+p^2(t)/2m)\hbar] )
setting p-p_0 to q and then coupling all terms together to get an integral of the form where one could complete the square the problem here is the extra q, which seems to force me to to integration by parts. The problem is I can set u=q but if dv is my exponential term what is v? I've never seen how to

\int_{-\infty}^\infty dq(q)exp[-q^2(\frac{\alpha^2}{2}+\frac{it}{2m\hbar})+ q(\frac{ix}{\hbar}+\frac{ipt}{2m\hbar})crud. I'm not sure how to post latex here. I guess this is my second question. To see the above the link is here\help1.pdf
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  • #2
##\small \psi(x)## is the Fourier transform of ##\small \phi(p)## - time-evolve - use the derivation for eq3.61 to guide your algebra.

##\small \LaTeX2e## is posted between double-hash marks for inline equations and double-dollar signs for display math. Use the "quote" button (bottom left of this post) to see the following example:
$$\int \phi(p)=\sqrt{\frac{2\alpha^3}{\sqrt{\pi}}}(p-p_0)e^{-\alpha^2(p-p_0)^2/2}$$

exp[i(px+p^2(t)/2m)\hbar] (a bit of confusion about brackets there?) comes out as: $$e^{-i(px+p^2t/2m)\hbar }$$

Your actual question though...
The problem is I can set u=q but if dv is my exponential term what is v? I've never seen how to

You are trying to do:
$$\int_{-\infty}^\infty q\exp\left[-q^2(\frac{\alpha^2}{2}+\frac{it}{2m\hbar})+ q(\frac{ix}{\hbar}+\frac{ipt}{2m\hbar})\right ]\; dq$$ ... I tidied up your latex a bit.

Integrals of form: ##\int \exp [x^2]dx## have no analytic solution.
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  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
$$\int_{-\infty}^\infty q\exp\left[-q^2(\frac{\alpha^2}{2}+\frac{it}{2m\hbar})+ q(\frac{ix}{\hbar}+\frac{ipt}{2m\hbar})\right ]\; dq$$ ... I tidied up your latex a bit.

Integrals of form: ##\int \exp [x^2]dx## have no analytic solution.

if we look at my first equation, and forget about the extra q lying around, we get something of the form

##\int_{-\infty}^\infty \exp [-x^2+x]dx##

or $$\int_{-\infty}^\infty \exp [-x^2-x]dx$$

do have's just that this new q makes me need to use integration by parts as well.
  • #4
Kidphysics said:
if we look at my first equation, and forget about the extra q lying around, we get something of the form

##\int_{-\infty}^\infty \exp [-x^2+x]dx##

or $$\int_{-\infty}^\infty \exp [-x^2-x]dx$$

do have's just that this new q makes me need to use integration by parts as well.
... well $$\int\exp[ax-bx^2]dx = \frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2\sqrt{b}}\exp \left[\frac{a^2}{4b}\right]\text{erf}\left[\frac{2bx-a}{2\sqrt{b}}\right]+c$$ ... but you have an integral of complex exponential so you could try to express is as a sum of sines and cosines.
  • #5
I am confused

  • #6
That differs from what you wrote in post #1... you have bx-ax^2 in the exponent.

Assuming I misread your expression in post #1...
Integrating your version by parts:

$$\int xe^{-ax^2-bx} dx = \frac{b\sqrt{pi}}{4a^{3/2}}e^{\frac{b^2}{4a}}\text{erf}\bigg(\frac{2ax+b}{2\sqrt{a}}\bigg)-\frac{1}{2a}e^{-x(ax+b)}+c$$

I've still got the nagging feeling you should also separate real and imaginary parts - especially considering you'll end up taking the complex conjugate after.
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  • #7
Why don’t you complete the square in the integral?
let a = α2/2 + ipt/2mhbar
b = ix/hbar + ipt/2mhbar
e-(a + b*b/4a*a)∫qe(b/2a-q)*(b/2a-q)dq

and making the substitution q’ = b/2a-q
I get
e-(a + b*b/4a*a)[(b/2a)e-q’*q’-√(π/4)erf(√q’) ]

--sorry about the notation. I don't know how to type the square of an exponential argument,
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  • #8
the exponential of x^2 in LaTeX is \exp(x^2) or e^x^2
using the bv code you have to write exp[x2].

when you substitute back, you'll end up with the answer in post #6.
That's as close as I want to get to doing the problem for OP - let's wait for feedback before providing the next clue OK?

FAQ: Initial momentum amplitude to wave function

1. What is momentum amplitude in wave function?

Momentum amplitude in wave function is a measure of the initial momentum of a particle in a quantum system. It describes the probability of the particle having a certain momentum at the beginning of an experiment.

2. How is initial momentum amplitude related to wave function?

Initial momentum amplitude is a crucial component of the wave function. It helps determine the shape and behavior of the wave function, which in turn describes the behavior of a quantum system.

3. Can initial momentum amplitude be measured?

No, initial momentum amplitude cannot be directly measured. It is a mathematical concept used in quantum mechanics to describe the behavior of particles in a quantum system.

4. How does initial momentum amplitude affect the uncertainty principle?

According to the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics, the more precisely we know the momentum of a particle, the less we know about its position, and vice versa. Therefore, a higher initial momentum amplitude will result in a larger uncertainty in the position of the particle.

5. Can initial momentum amplitude be changed?

Yes, the initial momentum amplitude can be changed by altering the experimental conditions or by applying external forces to the quantum system. However, this will also affect the behavior and properties of the wave function and the particle in the system.
