Initial value problem question

In summary: Many helpers will not look at the photo. Take the trouble to type it out here if you are really serious about wanting help.In summary, Yecko attempted to solve a homework equation but was stuck. He used the formulas from Wikipedia and found that his answer did not match the correct answer. He also attempted to simplify the equation but was not successful.
  • #1
Gold Member

Homework Statement

螢幕快照 2018-02-18 下午12.12.52.png

Homework Equations

## y(t)\mu(t) - y(t_0) \mu(t_0) = \int_{t_0}^t \mu(s) g(s) ds##
## y(t) = \frac{1}{\mu(t)} \left[y_0 \mu(t_0) + \int_{t_0}^t \mu(s)g(s) ds\right]##

The Attempt at a Solution

WhatsApp Image 2018-02-18 at 12.07.52 PM.jpeg

(7 lines)I have done the first part, which seems correct, yet I am stuck with the second part although I have attempt so many times. I have got no idea with what is wrong with my attempt. Can anyone help?
Thanks for any help!


  • WhatsApp Image 2018-02-18 at 12.07.52 PM.jpeg
    WhatsApp Image 2018-02-18 at 12.07.52 PM.jpeg
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  • 螢幕快照 2018-02-18 下午12.12.52.png
    螢幕快照 2018-02-18 下午12.12.52.png
    12.5 KB · Views: 874
Physics news on
  • #2
Thanks for posting your question. In the "relevant equations", what is ##\mu (t)##?
  • #3
Integration factor
Calculated in the photo
  • #4
yecko said:
Integration factor
Calculated in the photo

Many helpers will not look at the photo. Take the trouble to type it out here if you are really serious about wanting help.
  • #5
yecko said:
I have done the first part, which seems correct, yet I am stuck with the second part although I have attempt so many times.
Did you check your 2nd solution? In other words, did you verify that it satisfies the diff. equation? I did, and it looks like you have a sign wrong somewhere.

Also, you should simplify things a bit. ##e^{-\cos(t) -1} = e^{-\cos(t)}\cdot e^{-1} = e^{-1}e^{-\cos(t)}##
  • #6
I have solved this problem using the formulas in Wikipedia, at

My answer does not agree with what you have posted for the instructors solution, nor does it agree with your solution. My solution for x>##\pi## is:
##y(t) = (2 + 7e^{-2}) e^{(cos(t)+1)}-1##
Could you show more steps in your solution? Thanks
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  • #7
Gene Naden said:
I have solved this problem using the formulas in Wikipedia, at

My answer does not agree with what you have posted for the instructors solution, nor does it agree with your solution. My solution for x>##\pi## is:
##y(t) = (2 + 7e^{-2}) e^{(cos(t)+1)}-1##
Could you show more steps in your solution? Thanks

Your solution (i.e. (2+7e^(-2))e^(cos(t)+1)-1) should be correct...
Do you mind to share how can you obtain the answer? because I still have no idea on starting with which step am I wrong...
Thank you.

Ray Vickson said:
Many helpers will not look at the photo. Take the trouble to type it out here if you are really serious about wanting help.

My attempt (incorrect):
μ(t)=e^[∫ {from pi to t} -sin(t) dt]=e^(cost+1)
y(t)=e^(-cost-1)*[1+7e^-2+∫ {from pi to t} e^(cost+1)(-sint)dt] = e^(-cost-1)[7e^-2 + e^(cost+1)]

Mark44 said:
Did you check your 2nd solution? In other words, did you verify that it satisfies the diff. equation? I did, and it looks like you have a sign wrong somewhere.

Also, you should simplify things a bit. ##e^{-\cos(t) -1} = e^{-\cos(t)}\cdot e^{-1} = e^{-1}e^{-\cos(t)}##
My answer seems nothing similar to the correct answer, and I have double checked the signs and I feel like they are fine... can anyone help? or to show your attempt for comparison?
  • #8
Hello Yecko,
As I said, I used the formulas form Wikipedia. There is a link to the page on my earlier post.
The differential equation is ##y\prime + Py = Q## where P=sin(t) and, for t>##\pi##, Q=-sin(t).
The solution is ##y(t)=A(t)B(t)+CD(t)## where C is a constant of integration, to be determined by the boundary condition ##\pi = 1+7e^{-2}##.
##A(x)=e^{-\int_{\pi}^x P(s) ds}##
##B(x)=\int_{\pi}^x Q(t)e^{\int_\pi ^t P(s)ds}dt##
and ##D(x)=e^-{\int _\pi ^x P(s) ds}##
I suggest you try to do these integrals. Maybe you can relate them to your formula ##\mu(t)=e^{\int _\pi ^t Q(t) ds}##
Let me know how far you get... thanks.
  • #10
Using definite integrals over-complicates the problem.
The integrating factor is I=e-cos(t), and ##Iy=\int{Igdt}## Include integration constant, and match it to the initial conditions for both parts of y(t).
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  • #11
I would very much like to see a little more about how to use the integrating factor. I agree that my solution is very complicated and would welcome an opportunity to simplify it!
  • #12
  • #13
What I meant to say was that my method, doing all the definite integrals, was very complicated and I would welcome knowing about a simpler method.
  • #14
See the URL in my previous Post. You do not need definite integrals.
There is an other method which is simple for this problem.
You have linear first-order differential equations for the two domains.The homogeneous parts (dy/dt+sin(t)y)) are the same, the inhomogeneous parts differ.(sin(t), -sin(t).
Do you know that the solution of a linear equation is Y=Yh + Yp, where Yh is the general solution of the homogeneous equation (dy/dt+sin(t)y)=0) and Yp is a particular solution of the inhomogeneous equation (dy/dt+sin(t)y)=g(t)). Yp happens to be very simple, a constant function for both parts.
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  • #15
Gene Naden said:
What I meant to say was that my method, doing all the definite integrals, was very complicated and I would welcome knowing about a simpler method.

Is your question asking how to choose the integrating factor? In general, the solution of $$dy/dx + f(x) y = g(x)$$ on ##x \geq 0## has the form
$$y(x) = c e^{-F(x)} + e^{-F(x)} \int_0^x e^{F(y)} g(y) \, dy,$$
$$F(x) = \int_a^x f(t) \, dt$$
If we change the lower limit '##a##' we change ##F## as well; however, that does not affect the solution ##y(x)!## To see this, just change ##F## to ##F+k## for some constant ##k##. The new ##y## is
$$y_{\text{new}}(x) = c \,e^{-k} e^{-F(x)} + e^{-k} e^{-F(x)} \int_0^x e^{k} e^{F(y)} g(y) \, dy$$
The factors ##e^{-k}## and ##e^k## cancel in the integral term, and the non-integral term just has a different constant ##c_1 = c \,e^{-k}##. Since you determine the constant to match the initial condition (or whatever type of condition you are given), you get the same solution in the end.

So: choose any antiderivatve ##\int fx) \, dx## and forget about the constant of integration. The only thing that changes is the coefficient of the constant term (the ##c## in our formulas above).
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  • #16
This is very helpful. I particularly liked the splitting of ##y## into ##y_h + y_p##. When I did that, I didn't have to do any integrals at all except to solve
##\frac{d y_h}{dt}+y_h sin(t)=0##!

Related to Initial value problem question

What is an initial value problem?

An initial value problem is a type of mathematical problem that involves finding the solution to a differential equation based on a given set of initial conditions. These conditions typically include the value of the dependent variable and its derivative at a specific point in the domain.

What are some common examples of initial value problems?

Some common examples of initial value problems include population growth models, radioactive decay, and motion under the influence of friction. These problems can be found in various fields such as physics, biology, and economics.

What is the difference between an initial value problem and a boundary value problem?

An initial value problem involves finding the solution to a differential equation based on a set of initial conditions, while a boundary value problem involves finding the solution based on conditions at different points in the domain. In other words, an initial value problem has conditions at a single point, while a boundary value problem has conditions at multiple points.

What is the importance of initial value problems in science?

Initial value problems are important in science because they allow us to model and predict the behavior of systems based on their initial conditions. This is particularly useful in fields such as physics and engineering, where understanding how a system will behave over time is crucial.

What are some methods for solving initial value problems?

There are various methods for solving initial value problems, including analytical methods such as separation of variables and numerical methods such as Euler's method and Runge-Kutta methods. The choice of method depends on the complexity of the problem and the desired level of accuracy.

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