Initial velocity of soccer ball and length of time in the air- projectile motion

In summary, a soccer ball kicked at 38.0° with respect to the horizontal travels 64.0m before striking the ground. Using the equations for horizontal and vertical displacement, it was determined that the initial velocity of the ball was 25.42m/s and it was in the air for 3.20 seconds. These calculations were done with 2 significant figures to match the significant figures used in the inputs of the equations.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A soccer ball is kicked at 38.0° with respect to the horizontal and travels 64.0m before striking the ground.
a) what is its initial velocity?
b) how long was it in the air?

Homework Equations

Kinetic equation d=Vi*t+ 1/2*at2
dh=-V2*sin2θ /g
Δt=-2Vsinθ / g

The Attempt at a Solution

a) dh=cos(38)*64m= 50.4m

Find t=√(39.4m/(0.5*9.8))=7.96s

plug this value into the d=Vi*t+ 1/2*at2 equation and solve for Vi if d=64m


b) V=dh/Δt= 50.4m/7.96s=6.33m/s

Then solve for Δt=-2Vsinθ / g= 0.80s

I would like for someone to just double check my answers and that I used the appropriate equations and that the number of significant figures are being respected! Thanks so much in advance!
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  • #2
I don't think you've done this one correctly. When the question says it travels 64m before striking the ground, I think it means this is the horizontal displacement.

Edit: as a hint dh=Vh*Δt is the equation for the horizontal displacement, where you can use the horizontal component of initial velocity for Vh. And d=Vi*t+ 1/2*at2 is the equation for vertical displacement, where you can use the vertical component of initial velocity for Vi. You will need to make use of both these equations simultaneously to solve the problem.
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  • #3
Thank you for your time but I am still so lost here.
  • #4
Maybe start with the equations that you need to use. The horizontal and vertical motion are separate, so there are 2 equations. Have you been through this kind of question in class?
  • #5
Well this a correspondance course that I taking through the department of education so I am kind of teaching myself, which is making these assignments a bit more challenging but thankfully I have this forum to kind of guide me in the right direction.

I tried to redo this problem after consulting my textbook again and came up with the following:
For part a) I used dh=-V2sin2/g, which lead me to getting V= 25.42m/s as my answer for this section.

For part b) Δt=Δx/Vx, and from this equation I got 2.52 seconds.

Are these answers correct? Thank you so much for your time and help.
  • #6
You've got part a) correct. But I get a different answer for part b), what did you use for Δx and Vx ?
  • #7
I used Δx=64m and Vx=25.42m/s
  • #8
Vx is the component of velocity in the horizontal direction, not the total initial velocity. So you need to do a little trigonometry to get Vx from V. (as a check, Vx should come out as less than V, so it will be less than 25.42m/s).
  • #9
Ok so I did a little trigonometry and got the velocity in the horizontal direction to be equal to 20.03m/s... So with that, I plugged it back into my delta t equation to get 3.195 or 3.20 seconds. Does this seem correct? Thanks!
  • #10
Yep, that is all correct. Nice work! One other thing: I think you should only use 2 significant figures, in the answer, since you used 2 sig. fig. in the inputs of the equation (i.e. g=9.8 which is 2 sig. fig.)

FAQ: Initial velocity of soccer ball and length of time in the air- projectile motion

What is the initial velocity of a soccer ball?

The initial velocity of a soccer ball can vary depending on various factors such as the force applied by the player, the angle at which the ball is kicked, and the air resistance. However, on average, the initial velocity of a soccer ball can range from 20 to 30 meters per second.

How does the initial velocity affect the length of time the ball stays in the air?

The initial velocity of a soccer ball directly affects the length of time it stays in the air. The higher the initial velocity, the longer the ball will stay in the air. This is because the initial velocity determines the speed at which the ball is launched into the air, and according to the laws of projectile motion, a higher initial velocity will result in a longer time of flight.

What is projectile motion and how does it apply to a soccer ball?

Projectile motion is the motion of an object that is launched or thrown into the air and moves under the influence of gravity. In the case of a soccer ball, when it is kicked, it becomes a projectile and follows a curved path due to the combination of its initial velocity and the force of gravity acting on it.

What other factors can affect the length of time a soccer ball stays in the air?

Apart from the initial velocity, the length of time a soccer ball stays in the air can also be affected by the angle at which it is kicked, the air resistance, and the gravitational pull of the Earth. These factors can either increase or decrease the time of flight of the ball.

How can the initial velocity and length of time in the air be calculated?

The initial velocity and length of time a soccer ball stays in the air can be calculated using the equations of projectile motion. These equations take into account the initial velocity, angle of launch, and gravitational acceleration. Alternatively, these values can also be measured through experiments using motion sensors or high-speed cameras.
