Injective linear transformation

In summary: So:x+y = 0v if and only if y = -xIN SUMMARY, the function g:R[t]\rightarrow R[t], p(t) \rightarrow \int_{0}^{t}p(x)dx defines an injective linear transformation because it is only defined for t \geq 0 and the only vector in the kernel is the zero polynomial. This is because any other polynomial can only be zero at finitely many points and g is not a linear transformation of t, but rather of p. Furthermore, the zero polynomial is identified as p(t) = 0 by the vector space axioms.
  • #1

Homework Statement

We regard each polynomial p(t) an element of R(t) as defining a function

p:R\rightarrow R, x \rightarrow p(x) [/itex]

prove that

[itex] g:R[t]\rightarrow R[t], p(t) \rightarrow \int_{0}^{t}p(x)dx [/itex]

defines an injective linear transformation.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

As the function is only defined for [itex]t \geq 0 [/itex] is fair to say that when t = 0, g(T) = 0 = ker(g)
is the only vector in the kernel. and as the functions domain is well defined

then function is injective?
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  • #2
First, the function p output by the functional g is defined for all real t, as the integral is defined for all real t. Secondly, g is not a linear transformation of t, it is a linear transformation of p. Properties of g are not related to variations in t, but variations in p (Ie., what polynomials, if any, are mapped to the 0 polynomial?)
  • #3
Are they the polynomials with zero coefficient?
  • #4
Do I need to find out all the elements p(t) of the set of polynomials [t] that after integration map to the zero polynomial?
  • #5
where r u stuck with this ? ... linear part is trivial. to prove the injective part observe that any polynomial cannot be zero in the whole of (0,1) as it can atmost have finitely many zeros.

i can help u more only if you show evidence of your effort. you seem to be stuck at just the question, marvelling at what to prove.
  • #6
I am stuck with identifying the function G.

I thought a function is injective IF and only IF Ker{T}= 0.

I'm not sure what you mean by "any polynomial cannot be zero in the whole of (0,1) "
  • #7
g is defined ... what r u identifying ? g is injective iff g(p) = 0 => p =0.

which is the same as your definition in this case (why ?)

> I'm not sure what you mean by "any polynomial cannot be zero in the whole of (0,1) "

it means that only zero polynomial (one which is identically zero) can take the value zero at every point between 0 and 1.

but like i said, you are stuck with a benumbed mind. come out of it. there is nothing so terrifying that you freeze.
  • #8
g is injective iff g(p) = 0 => p =0.

Normally polynomials are not injective because f(x^2) = 9 could be x = 3 or -3

If it is injective we assume there must be an left inverse function f of g = idx

so take two elements of G x and y

g(x) => =0 = g(y) => 0

If g(x) = g(y), then x = g(f(x)) = g(f(y)) = y, so that x = y = idx
  • #9
who said polynomials are injective ?

g maps {set of all polynomials} to {set of all polynomials}. you r supposed to prove that g is injective not elements of {set of all polynomials}. and what is this supposed to mean (along with whatever you wrote) --

g(x) => =0 = g(y) => 0
  • #10
beetle2 said:
Are they the polynomials with zero coefficient?

The zero polynomial is the polynomial that is the zero vector in the vector space R[t]. Use the vector space axioms to identify this element. Intuitively, it should be the polynomial p(t) = 0.
  • #11
Hi guy's
Thanks for your help but I think I better go back to the books because I'm not sure what the question asks

the first part says:

[itex]p:R\rightarrow R, x \rightarrow p(x) [/itex]

A function explicitly maps an variable x in R to p(x) in R

I'm confused about the function G

[itex] g:R[t]\rightarrow R[t], p(t) \rightarrow \int_{0}^{t}p(x)dx [/itex]

how they tie together
  • #12
boneill3 said:
Hi guy's
Thanks for your help but I think I better go back to the books because I'm not sure what the question asks

the first part says:

[itex]p:R\rightarrow R, x \rightarrow p(x) [/itex]

A function explicitly maps an variable x in R to p(x) in R

I'm confused about the function G

[itex] g:R[t]\rightarrow R[t], p(t) \rightarrow \int_{0}^{t}p(x)dx [/itex]

how they tie together
What "G" are you talking about? If you mean "g" then then it is, just as it says, the function that maps each polynomial into its integral (with the stipulation that its value at 0 is 0).

in particular
[tex]g(a+ bt+ ct^2)= \int_0^t (a+ bx+ cx^2)dx= at+ \frac{1}{2}bt^2+ \frac{1}{3}ct^3[/tex].
  • #13
slider142 said:
The zero polynomial is the polynomial that is the zero vector in the vector space R[t]. Use the vector space axioms to identify this element. Intuitively, it should be the polynomial p(t) = 0.

So to identify the zero vector..

we prove [itex]\lambda x = 0v[/itex] if and only if [itex]\lambda = 0 [/itex] or [itex]x = 0v[/itex]

take [itex]x \in R[t] [/itex]
Suppose that [itex]\lambda x = 0v[/itex] and [itex]\lambda \neq 0[/itex]

x = 1x

= (\frac{1}{\lambda}\lambda)x

= \frac{1}{\lambda}(\lambda x)

= \frac{1}{\lambda}0v

= 0v\\

take [itex]x,y,z \in R[t] [/itex]

We need to prove [itex]x+y = 0v[/itex] if and only if [itex]y = -x[/itex]

Suppose [itex]x+y = x+z[/itex]


[itex]-x+(x+y) = -x+(x+z)

[itex](-x+x)+y = (-x+x)+z

[itex]0v+y = 0v+z

[itex]y = z[/itex]

FAQ: Injective linear transformation

1. What is an injective linear transformation?

An injective linear transformation is a type of function that maps one vector space to another while preserving the linear structure. In other words, it is a function that takes in vectors as inputs and outputs vectors, while also satisfying the properties of linearity. An injective linear transformation is also known as a one-to-one linear transformation because it maps distinct inputs to distinct outputs.

2. What is the difference between an injective linear transformation and a surjective linear transformation?

An injective linear transformation is a function that maps distinct inputs to distinct outputs, while a surjective linear transformation is a function that maps every output to at least one input. In other words, an injective linear transformation has no overlapping outputs, while a surjective linear transformation covers all possible outputs.

3. How can you determine if a linear transformation is injective?

A linear transformation is injective if and only if its kernel, or the set of inputs that maps to the zero vector, is equal to the zero vector itself. In other words, if the only way for the function to output the zero vector is by inputting the zero vector, then the linear transformation is injective. This can also be checked by looking at the rank of the transformation's matrix, which should be equal to the dimension of the input vector space.

4. Can an injective linear transformation be reversed?

No, an injective linear transformation cannot be reversed. This is because the function maps distinct inputs to distinct outputs, so there is no way to map the outputs back to the inputs without losing information. In other words, the function is not reversible because it is not possible to determine the original input from the output.

5. How is an injective linear transformation useful in real-world applications?

An injective linear transformation is useful in real-world applications because it allows for the mapping of distinct inputs to distinct outputs, making it useful for data encryption, compression, and error correction. It also helps in determining if a system is solvable, as an injective linear transformation ensures that there is a unique solution for a set of equations.
