Inner Prod Space, Positive Definite Proof

In summary: Now, let's consider (T(v),v). Since T is positive definite, we know that (T(v),v) > 0 for all v in H. Therefore, we can focus on the second term, -(v,T(h))*(T(h),v)/sqrt(1+(T(h),h)).We can see that this term will be positive as long as (v,T(h)) and (T(h),v) have the same sign. This is true because the inner product is symmetric, so (v,T(h)) = (T(h),v). Therefore, we can rewrite the term as -(v,T(h))^2/sqrt(1+(T(h),h)). Since (v,T(h))^
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let H be an inner product space.

Let T:H->H be a linear, self adjoint, positive definite operator.

Fix h in H and let g = T(h) / square root (1 + (T(h),h)). for h in H

Show that the operator S:H->H defined by S(v) = T(v) - (v,g)g for v in H is positive definite (and self adjoint, but I already proved that part).

Homework Equations

L is self adjoint if L = L*
and by proposition FOR ANY L, (L(v),u) = (v,L*(u))
but => (L(v),u) = (v,L(u)) for self adjoint operators.

L is a positive definite operator <=> (L(v),v) > 0 for all v in V (where V is an inner product space).

The Attempt at a Solution

So far I've tried to show (S(v),v) > 0 by substituting in T(v) - (v,g)g.

When I do that I get:

(S(v),v) = (T(v) - (v,g)g,v) =

(T(v),v) - ((v,g)g,v)= (T(v),v) - (v,g)*(g,v).

Then I substitute in for g:

(T(v),v) - (v,T(h)/square root(1 + (T(h),h))*(T(h)/square root(1 + T(h),h)),v)

And I realize (since T is positive definite) that the above expression is greater than:

(T(v),v) - (v,T(h))*(T(h),v).
since square root 1 + a positive number > 1, and pulling the 1/square root(1+(T(h),h)) out of the two inner products.

I don't see this as helping all that much though and I am now stuck.
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  • #2

Thank you for your question. Let me walk you through the proof step by step to help you understand it better.

First, we want to show that S is self adjoint. This means we need to show that for any two vectors v and u in H, (S(v),u) = (v,S(u)).

So let's start with (S(v),u):

(S(v),u) = (T(v) - (v,g)g, u)
= (T(v),u) - ((v,g)g,u)
= (T(v),u) - (v,g)*(g,u) (using the property you mentioned in your attempt at a solution)
= (T(v),u) - (v,g)*((T(h)/sqrt(1+(T(h),h)),u) (substituting in for g)
= (T(v),u) - (v,T(h))*(T(h),u)/sqrt(1+(T(h),h)) (since g = T(h)/sqrt(1+(T(h),h)))

Next, let's look at (v,S(u)):

(v,S(u)) = (v, T(u) - (u,g)g)
= (v,T(u)) - (v,(u,g))g
= (v,T(u)) - (u,g)*(v,g) (using the property again)
= (T(u),v) - (u,g)*(g,v) (since T is self adjoint)
= (T(u),v) - (u,T(h))*(T(h),v)/sqrt(1+(T(h),h)) (substituting in for g)

Now, we can see that (S(v),u) = (v,S(u)) if (T(v),u) = (T(u),v). This is true because T is self adjoint. Therefore, S is self adjoint.

Next, we want to show that S is positive definite. This means we need to show that (S(v),v) > 0 for all v in H.

(S(v),v) = (T(v),v) - (v,g)*(g,v)
= (T(v),v) - (v,T(h))*(T(h),v)/sqrt(1+(T(h),h)) (since g = T(h)/sqrt(1+(T(h),

FAQ: Inner Prod Space, Positive Definite Proof

1. What is an inner product space?

An inner product space is a vector space equipped with an additional operation called an inner product, which is a function that takes in two vectors and outputs a scalar. This operation allows us to measure the angle between vectors and the length of vectors, and it also satisfies certain properties such as linearity and positive definiteness.

2. What is positive definiteness?

Positive definiteness is a property of an inner product that ensures the inner product of a vector with itself is always a positive number. This means that the angle between a vector and itself is 0 degrees, and the length of the vector is always positive. In other words, positive definiteness guarantees that the inner product is a valid measure of length and angle.

3. How is positive definiteness proven in an inner product space?

To prove positive definiteness in an inner product space, we need to show that the inner product of any vector with itself is greater than 0. This can be done by showing that the inner product satisfies the necessary properties, such as symmetry, linearity, and positive definiteness. Additionally, we can use mathematical techniques such as the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and the Pythagorean theorem to prove positive definiteness.

4. Why is positive definiteness important in an inner product space?

Positive definiteness is important in an inner product space because it allows us to define important geometric concepts such as length and angle. It also ensures that the inner product is a valid measure of these concepts, which is essential in many applications such as physics and engineering. Additionally, positive definiteness guarantees that the inner product space is a well-behaved mathematical structure that follows certain rules and properties.

5. Can an inner product space be positive definite if the vector space is not?

No, an inner product space cannot be positive definite if the vector space is not. The inner product is defined on the vector space, so if the vector space does not satisfy the necessary properties, then the inner product cannot either. In order for an inner product space to be positive definite, the underlying vector space must also be a valid vector space with certain properties such as closure under addition and scalar multiplication.

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