Inspired questions from a Kaku interview.

  • Thread starter BozEon
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In summary, The conversation was about an interview between Michio Kaku and Infidel Guy about String Theory. Kaku described how variations of String Theory compile into one set of physics, with ours being the basis. He also mentioned the concept of multiverse and how other universes may have different sets of physics based on String Theory. The question was asked about the properties in String Theory that determine a set of physics and if there is a published claim about this. Kaku may have been discussing the many vacua situation with M-theory, which has sparked discussion about the falsifiability of string/M physics.
  • #1
Hi there everybody. I heard an interview recently, that was done with Michio Kaku ([/url]) and InfidelGuy ([url][/URL]) - you can listen to the interview on the frontpage in case you need a reference for my question.

The interview was basically about String Theory! Kaku made the following statement:

"SST is a physics beyond physics" and described how the possible variations of SST compile into one "set" of physics, depending on the strings values. And thus we have one "set" of physics, ours, from which this is the basis of physics.

And in part as you will hear, he mentioned multiverse, and related this to how the other universes "set of physics" would be the other derivatives of compiled sets of physics from SST.

So, my question is, how many - and what kind - of properties are their that need chosen values in SST that determin a "set of physics" ?

And in general, i was hoping some people here would know more about this so i can learn more. If you listen to the interview - it's 100% free on the frontpage, perhaps you can teach me more!

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  • #2
By The Way, I got here because of that interview but I have read Kaku before this.

And my name is the two names of my cats "Boz" and "Eon"...!

If you want you can call me Boz.
  • #3
Anyone know if this is a published claim as well or did he just explain it differently than usual? Or maybe people don't really know about this? It's a rather specific subject I guess!
  • #4
Kaku may have been describing the many vacua situation with M-theory. At least some of the vacua are inequavalent, which means there would be different physics between them. There has been some discussion about this, as Susskind and others have claimed this makes string/M physics unfalsifiable. See "Not Even Wrong".

FAQ: Inspired questions from a Kaku interview.

1. What inspired you to conduct this interview with Kaku?

I have always been fascinated by the work of Dr. Michio Kaku and his research in theoretical physics. I wanted to learn more about his perspectives on the universe and the future of science, and I believed that others would also be interested in hearing from him.

2. What are some of the most interesting insights you gained from the interview?

Dr. Kaku shared many intriguing ideas during the interview, but some of the most interesting insights for me were his thoughts on parallel universes and the possibility of a Type III civilization. He also discussed the potential applications of string theory and the challenges of achieving interstellar travel.

3. Did Dr. Kaku mention any current projects or research that he is working on?

Yes, Dr. Kaku mentioned that he is currently working on a project involving the development of a theory of everything, which would unify all the laws of physics. He also mentioned his work on the feasibility of using antimatter as a source of energy.

4. How did the interview with Dr. Kaku influence your own scientific perspectives?

The interview with Dr. Kaku definitely broadened my perspectives and opened my mind to new possibilities in the field of physics. It also reminded me of the importance of asking big questions and continuously seeking knowledge and understanding.

5. What do you hope others will take away from this interview with Dr. Kaku?

I hope that others will be inspired by Dr. Kaku's ideas and curiosity, and that they will be motivated to continue exploring the mysteries of the universe. I also hope that this interview will spark conversations and discussions about the future of science and technology.

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