Installing Linux on an external HD

  • Thread starter HuskyNamedNala
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In summary: It also has a nice GUI interface and is based on Ubuntu so it should be relatively easy to install and use. Overall, it would save you a lot of time and hassle compared to trying to install everything separately on your own. In summary, it is recommended to use the CAELinux distribution for easy installation of OpenFOAM and other software for CFD and FEA purposes. This distribution is based on Ubuntu and has a user-friendly interface, making it a convenient option for beginners.
  • #1
Hey, I am taking a CFD class using OpenFOAM. The software in Linux based and I would like to install this OS on an old hard drive I pulled from a SONY VAIO. The problem is...I have never installed full Linux before (let alone on external media, but I have a ~2008 version of Slax on cd) and I don't want to do a dual boot and risk ruining my new Asus. Any help or tips aside from "use google"?
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  • #3
It is not recommended to install Slax to hard drive and that is from the developers themselves. Slax was designed as a compressed, on-the-fly, LIVE system, so if one wants it on hard drive they recommend you just copy it as is and use their simple command to add it to your bootloader. It will still be compressed and fresh every boot unless you go through some steps to make it persistent. Many such environments, like Porteus which grew out of Slax, make this quite easy while retaining a boot option for "Always Fresh"

Still, as convenient as that may seem (and if the option to load to ram is used - FAST) nothing is truly free so there are hoops to jump through. In short it is just easier to use Live OpSys live, and install full systems to hard drive. There are some distros that combine (or try to combine) these elements in a "try before you commit" fashion, but the live side is rarely as full as dedicated Live systems and meant strictly as a limited demo.

I see now that this thread is a few months old so maybe you already know this and hopefully have found the right solution. If not, let me just recommend that you try a full system by one of "the biggies" - Centos, Debian (or the derived branch-off of Ubuntu), Arch, OpenSuse or Slackware. Since you are installing to a separate hard drive the only concern you will face is the bootloader and it is not as scary as many assume.

While Windows tends to "not play nice with others" Linux developers have come to accept that many if not most users will have Windows too so they have designed their bootloaders to add Windows to the boot options. There are ways to add Linux to the Windows bootloader but it does involve jumping through a few hoops so I recommend letting whatever distro you choose (especially if one of the biggies) to add Windows to it's bootloader because it's just easier to install and easier to fix should you break it somehow.

There is another way which is simply using your BIOS (or UEFI) to change boot order so each system will only run via the boot order option, each "thinking" it is on the 1st drive. One way to accomplish that is to disable the Windows drive for the time you install Linux so it isn't even present, and then upon completion, reconnect your Windows drive and use boot order to select which system you wish to boot. Then each installation can be automated and left to it's own since one does not "see" the other.

Upon booting, Windows will still not see Linux unless you install the proper file system support but Linux, having NTFS support, will see Windows but will not interfere on it's own. Linux, especially these days, plays nice with others.

Good Fortune and I hope this is still valuable to you.
  • #4
I would recommend installing the distribution, it already comes with OpenFOAM and a bunch of other software for FEA,CFD, 3D modeling, etc.

Related to Installing Linux on an external HD

1. Can I install Linux on an external hard drive?

Yes, it is possible to install Linux on an external hard drive. This allows you to have a portable operating system that you can use on different computers without having to install it on each one individually.

2. What are the benefits of installing Linux on an external hard drive?

Installing Linux on an external hard drive allows you to have a separate operating system from your primary one. This can be useful for testing new software or for increased security. It also gives you the flexibility to use Linux on any computer that supports booting from an external drive.

3. What do I need to install Linux on an external hard drive?

You will need an external hard drive with sufficient space for the Linux installation, a computer with a USB port, and a Linux distribution or Live CD. You may also need to change the boot settings on your computer to allow booting from an external drive.

4. Is it difficult to install Linux on an external hard drive?

The difficulty level of installing Linux on an external hard drive will depend on your technical knowledge and experience. If you are familiar with installing operating systems and have a basic understanding of partitioning and booting, it should not be too difficult. However, if you are new to Linux or have limited technical knowledge, it may be more challenging.

5. Can I use the external hard drive for other purposes after installing Linux on it?

Yes, you can still use the external hard drive for other purposes after installing Linux on it. However, make sure to properly partition the drive so that your other data is not affected. You can also remove the Linux installation and use the drive for other purposes again if needed.

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