Instantaneous value of sinusoidal voltage

In summary: I can't seem to find an example of that form of notation anywhere. It would help to know what book you're using.As an aside, I've never seen the average value of a sinusoid called "Vav" either, but it's a reasonable notation. I've always seen it called "Vavg" or just "V".In summary, the conversation discusses finding values from the instantaneous value of a sinusoidal voltage. This includes the peak to peak value, RMS value, average value, and period. The RMS value is typically used for household measurements and can be calculated using the peak value. The period can be found by dividing the frequency of 50Hz by 1/f. It is also noted that there
  • #1
I'm just looking for some sources that would help me deduce values from the instantaneous value of a sinusoidal voltage. For example I have a question that states it as:

v = 50cos(100*pi*t - (pi/3))

I just need some material to help me deduce things such as the following:

* the peak to peak value of v (with two "^" on top)
* the RMS value of v
* mean or average value Von
* the period T


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  • #2
Dear eximius,
Normally we receive 220Volts in the residence. Here 220V is the RMS(Root Mean Square) value. Approximately 311Volts peak value and 622Volts peak to peak value.
Peak Value(in volts) = RMS value(in volts) x square root of 2.
Peak to Peak Value(in volts) = 2 X Peak Value(in volts)

Peak Value(in volts) = 220V x 1.414 = 311V
Peak to Peak Value(in volts) = 2 x 311 = 622V
Our Voltmeter reads RMS value. Therefore we are getting 220V on voltmeter.

And about period, we are getting normally 50Hz frequency in residence. This means total 50 cycles of alternate waves in one second.
Period of one wave will be = 1/50 = 0.02 Seconds
  • #3
eximius said:
I'm just looking for some sources that would help me deduce values from the instantaneous value of a sinusoidal voltage. For example I have a question that states it as:

v = 50cos(100*pi*t - (pi/3))

I just need some material to help me deduce things such as the following:

* the peak to peak value of v (with two "^" on top)
* the RMS value of v
* mean or average value Von
* the period T



This wikipedia page starts right off with the answers to your questions! Pretty neat.

Now can you tell us the answers to those questions?
  • #4
Thanks for the help guys. Not checking wikipedia was just plain stupid of me. But please don't think I was simply being lazy and asking, I had already checked a book I have which is meant to be specific to the course... and searched google quite a bit. I only asked because I hadn't managed to find the answers.

Vpeak = 50 V ,because the 50 is equal to A, which is the amplitude
Vp2p = 100 V ,because amplitude x 2
Vrms = 35.36 V ,because Vpeak = RMS x 2^0.5
Von = unsure about this one, don't know what it is really, the average of the AC voltage would be zero but I don't see how this would help
T =

ω = 2*pi*f
ω = 100*pi
.:. 100*pi = 2*pi*f
f = 50 Hz

T = 1/f
T = 1/50
T = 0.02s

Sorry for turning this into a sort of question thread, seems to be in the wrong forum now. If a mod feels that this is the case, could they please move it to the correct forum.
  • #5
eximius said:
Thanks for the help guys. Not checking wikipedia was just plain stupid of me. But please don't think I was simply being lazy and asking, I had already checked a book I have which is meant to be specific to the course... and searched google quite a bit. I only asked because I hadn't managed to find the answers.

Vpeak = 50 V ,because the 50 is equal to A, which is the amplitude
Vp2p = 100 V ,because amplitude x 2
Vrms = 35.36 V ,because Vpeak = RMS x 2^0.5
Von = unsure about this one, don't know what it is really, the average of the AC voltage would be zero but I don't see how this would help
T =

ω = 2*pi*f
ω = 100*pi
.:. 100*pi = 2*pi*f
f = 50 Hz

T = 1/f
T = 1/50
T = 0.02s

Sorry for turning this into a sort of question thread, seems to be in the wrong forum now. If a mod feels that this is the case, could they please move it to the correct forum.

Looks good to me. And yes, the average value of that sinusoid is zero. It would be possible to add a DC term to it, in which case the average would not be zero:

v(t) = Vo + Acos(wt)

I'll go ahead and move this thread to the HH/Engineering forum. Good job!
  • #6
Thanks again. But what exactly is Von? Not exactly an easy term to google seeing as I only get german results... :P

Edit: Oops. Just checked the digital version rather than the photocopied version I have. It's Vav not Von. Makes much more sense now.

Can't thank you guys enough. The help was very much appreciated.
  • #7
eximius said:
Thanks again. But what exactly is Von? Not exactly an easy term to google seeing as I only get german results... :P

I don't know, actually. I've never seen that term used for an average value. Is it really shown as Von, or some other way? Is "on" two letters in the subscript? I'd guess the "n" is for nominal, and maybe Vo is the output voltage or something?

FAQ: Instantaneous value of sinusoidal voltage

1. What is the definition of instantaneous value of sinusoidal voltage?

The instantaneous value of sinusoidal voltage is the voltage at a particular moment in time in a periodic alternating current (AC) circuit. It is represented by the peak value of the voltage waveform at any given point on the sine wave.

2. How is the instantaneous value of sinusoidal voltage calculated?

The instantaneous value of sinusoidal voltage can be calculated using the equation V = Vpsin(ωt), where Vp is the peak voltage, ω is the angular frequency, and t is the time.

3. What is the relationship between instantaneous value and RMS value of sinusoidal voltage?

The RMS (Root Mean Square) value of sinusoidal voltage is the effective value of the voltage over one complete cycle. It is equal to the square root of the average of the squares of all the instantaneous values in one cycle. The RMS value is about 0.707 times the peak value of the voltage.

4. How does the instantaneous value of sinusoidal voltage affect the power in a circuit?

The instantaneous value of sinusoidal voltage is directly proportional to the power in a circuit. This means that as the voltage increases, the power also increases. However, the power also depends on the resistance and current in the circuit, as given by the equation P = Visin(ωt), where Vi is the instantaneous value of voltage and I is the current.

5. How is the instantaneous value of sinusoidal voltage measured in a circuit?

The instantaneous value of sinusoidal voltage can be measured using a voltmeter, which is a device that measures the potential difference between two points in a circuit. The voltmeter displays the voltage in volts (V) and can measure both AC and DC voltages. It is typically connected in parallel with the circuit element whose voltage is being measured.

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