Integral - what does it represent?

  • Thread starter Benny
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In summary, the given integral represents the flux of F across surface S, where F is a vector field and S is a surface. The integral can also be interpreted as the rate at which some property is flowing through S. The Divergence theorem states that the amount of this property inside a region depends on how much is flowing in or out through the surface.
  • #1
Hi, I am given the following integral.

\int\limits_{}^{} {\int\limits_S^{} {\mathop F\limits^ \to } } \bullet d\mathop S\limits^ \to = \int\limits_{}^{} {\int\limits_D^{} {\mathop F\limits^ \to \bullet \mathop n\limits^ \to } } dS

The n vector is an outward unit normal. So does the RHS of the above represent how much 'stuff' is coming out of a surface? Or does it have something to do with what is happening on a surface? The book says that the integral is called the flux of F across S. In many examples, there are little arrows point out of the surface so I'm not sure what the integral is supposed to represent.

Any help would be good thanks.
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  • #2
Yes, both of those can be interpreted to represent the total "flow" of something across the surface (so that flow in opposite directions at different parts of the surface cancel). I am, however, puzzled over what "S" and "D" are. For those to be equal, in general, S and D must be the same.
  • #3
D and S are right next to each other on one's keyboard.
  • #4
Oops, I need to be more careful when copying out the definitions. Thanks for the help.

Edit: In many of the questions I've been doing, the procedure is generally to rewrite the integral so that the dS is repalced by ndA where n is a normal to the surface. After the replacement, instead of integrating over a surface, is the integration done over the x-y plane?
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  • #5
The form you put above is still a surface integral on either side, further work is required to change such into a double integral over a domain D in the xy-plane; one such way is to parameterize the surface by, say [itex]\vec{r}(u,v)[/itex] where the parameters u and v range over values in D, the formula is then

[tex]\int\limits_{}^{} {\int\limits_S^{} {\mathop F\limits^ \to } } \bullet d\mathop S\limits^ \to = \int\limits_{}^{} {\int\limits_D^{} {\mathop F\limits^ \to \left( \vec{r}(u,v) \right) \bullet \left( \vec{r}_{u} \times \vec{r}_{v}\right) } } dA[/tex]
  • #6
Ok thanks for the clarification. I've been working through some questions using the procedure you've presented during the last few days so I'm fairly comfortable with them now.
  • #7
[tex]\int\limits_{}^{} {\int\limits_S^{} {\mathop F\limits^ \to } } \bullet d\mathop S\limits^ \to = \int\limits_{}^{} {\int\limits_S^{} {\mathop F\limits^ \to \bullet \mathop n\limits^ \to } } dS[/tex]
Just different ways of writing the same thing:
[tex]d\mathop S\limits^ \to [/tex] is defined as [tex]\mathop n\limits^ \to } } dS[/tex]
Yes, it can be interpreted as "flux of F across S"- that is, the rate at which some property (whatever F represents) is flowing through surface S. One way to interpret the Divergence theorem:
[tex]\int\int\int\limits_B^{ } (\nabla \bullet \mathop v\limits^ \to )dV= \int\int_S \mathops v\limit^ \to \bullet d\mathop \sigma\limit^ \to [/tex]
is that the amount of something inside region B depends upon how much is flowing in or out through the surface S.
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FAQ: Integral - what does it represent?

What is an integral?

An integral is a mathematical concept that represents the area under a curve in a graph. It is a way of finding the total amount or quantity of something that is continuously changing over time.

What does an integral represent?

An integral represents the accumulated total of a function over a given interval. It can be thought of as adding up all the small changes in a quantity over time to find the overall change in the quantity.

What are the uses of integrals?

Integrals have many practical applications in fields such as physics, engineering, economics, and statistics. They are used to calculate areas, volumes, and other quantities that are continuously changing. They are also used to solve differential equations, which are used to model real-world phenomena.

What is the difference between definite and indefinite integrals?

A definite integral has specific values for the upper and lower limits of the interval, while an indefinite integral does not have limits. A definite integral gives a specific numerical value, while an indefinite integral gives a function that can be used to find values for different intervals.

How do you find the value of an integral?

The value of an integral can be found by using integration techniques such as substitution, integration by parts, or partial fractions. It can also be found using numerical methods such as the trapezoidal rule or Simpson's rule. In some cases, the value of an integral can also be found using a table of integrals.

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