Integrating a Complex Integral Involving a Rectangle

In summary, this integral came up while trying to find the potential of a uniformly charged rectangle. There is an integration by parts method and a trig substitution, but they both complicate the problem.
  • #1
This integral came up while trying to find the potential of a uniformly charged rectangle.

[tex]\int \log(\sqrt{a^2+x^2} + b) dx[/tex]

Integrator gives a pretty long expression involving inverse tangents so I'm not sure where to begin at all. I tried integrating by parts once, taking u to be the whole expression, but it just makes it messier. I also tried the trig subtitution:

[tex]x = a \tan(\theta)[/tex]
[tex]\int a \log(a \sec(\theta) + b) \sec^2(\theta) d \theta[/tex]

But that's not any easier to integrate.
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Physics news on
  • #2
Damn nobody? I am stumped as well, I have this problem at the back of my head ... hopefully something pops up :)
  • #3
I don't know if this is going to work but how about:

assuming the log is of base e

[tex]y=\int \log(\sqrt{a^2+x^2} + b) dx[/tex]
[tex]e^y=\int (\sqrt{a^2+x^2}+b) dx[/tex]

solve the RHS and then take the ln of the resulting solution
  • #4
bob1182006 said:
I don't know if this is going to work but how about:

assuming the log is of base e

[tex]y=\int \log(\sqrt{a^2+x^2} + b) dx[/tex]
[tex]e^y=\int (\sqrt{a^2+x^2}+b) dx[/tex]

solve the RHS and then take the ln of the resulting solution

I don't know how to do the integral easily, but I know you DEFINITELY can't do that. If this is related to the potential of a uniformly charged rectangle I'd suggest you post the steps you used to get to that integral. Shouldn't it be a double integral? There may be an easier approach that doesn't involve evaluating that integral.
  • #5
awvvu said:
This integral came up while trying to find the potential of a uniformly charged rectangle.

[tex]\int \log(\sqrt{a^2+x^2} + b) dx[/tex]

Integrator gives a pretty long expression involving inverse tangents so I'm not sure where to begin at all. I tried integrating by parts once, taking u to be the whole expression, but it just makes it messier. I also tried the trig subtitution:

[tex]x = a \tan(\theta)[/tex]
[tex]\int a \log(a \sec(\theta) + b) \sec^2(\theta) d \theta[/tex]

But that's not any easier to integrate.

have you tried using integration by parts? I think it would simplify thigs a lot. And after that probbably a trig substitution would work, i am not sure though, i haven't tried it myself.
  • #6
Dick said:
If this is related to the potential of a uniformly charged rectangle I'd suggest you post the steps you used to get to that integral. Shouldn't it be a double integral? There may be an easier approach that doesn't involve evaluating that integral.

Okay, there's a rectangle with uniform charge density [itex]\delta[/itex] with one corner at the origin and the other corner at (L, H). And we want to find potential as a function of (x, y), so x and y are constants in the following integral.(this is going to be fun to type up).

[tex]V = K \int_R \frac{dQ}{r_i}[/tex], where [tex]r_i = \sqrt{(x - x_i)^2 + (y - y_i)^2}[/tex] and [tex]dQ = \delta dA = \delta dx_i dy_i[/tex]
[tex]K \delta \int_0^H \int_0^L \frac{1}{\sqrt{(x - x_i)^2 + (y - y_i)^2}} dx_i dy_i[/tex]

Now doing the substitution [tex]u = x - x_i[/tex] and [tex]v = y - y_i[/tex]:

[tex]K \delta \int_{y - H}^{y} \int_{x - L}^{x} \frac{1}{\sqrt{u^2 + v^2}} du dv[/tex]

Then doing the trig substitution [tex]u = v \tan(\theta)[/tex], so [tex]du = v \sec^2(\theta) d\theta[/tex]:

[tex]K \delta \int_{y-H}^{y}\int \frac{v \sec^2(\theta)}{\sqrt{v^2 \tan^2(\theta) + v^2}}d\theta dv[/tex]
[tex]K \delta \int_{y-H}^{y}\int \sec(\theta) d\theta dv[/tex]
[tex]K \delta \int_{y-H}^{y} \left[ \log(\sec(\theta) + \tan(\theta)) \right] dv[/tex]
[tex]K \delta \int_{y-H}^{y} \left[ \log(\sqrt{u^2 + v^2} + u) - \log(v) \right]_{u = x - L}^{u = x} dv[/tex]
[tex]K \delta \int_{y-H}^{y} \log(\sqrt{x^2 + v^2} + x) - \log(\sqrt{(x - L)^2 + v^2} + x - L) dv[/tex]

The last integrals are of form: [itex]\int \log(\sqrt{a^2+x^2} + b) dx[/itex] like above. I think the left integral is much simpler because a = b in that case, and stuff cancels out. But the right one is a lot more complicated.

edit: oh wait, a = b for the right integral too, so that makes it a lot easier!

[tex]\int \log(\sqrt{a^2 + x^2} + a) = x \log(\sqrt{a^2 + x^2} + a) + a \log(\sqrt{a^2 +x^2} + x) - x[/tex] (from Integrator)

I still don't know how to do this integral though.
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FAQ: Integrating a Complex Integral Involving a Rectangle

1. How do I determine the limits of integration for a complex integral involving a rectangle?

The limits of integration for a complex integral involving a rectangle can be determined by considering the dimensions and coordinates of the rectangle. If the rectangle is defined by points (a,b) and (c,d), then the limits of integration would be a and c for the x-axis and b and d for the y-axis.

2. Can a complex integral involving a rectangle be evaluated using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus?

Yes, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus can be used to evaluate a complex integral involving a rectangle as long as the function being integrated is continuous on the defined region.

3. What is the purpose of integrating a complex integral involving a rectangle?

The purpose of integrating a complex integral involving a rectangle is to calculate the area enclosed by the rectangle and the function being integrated. This can be useful in various fields of science and mathematics, such as physics, engineering, and statistics.

4. Can the orientation of the rectangle affect the result of the integral?

Yes, the orientation of the rectangle can affect the result of the integral. If the rectangle is rotated or reflected, the limits of integration would change accordingly, resulting in a different area being calculated.

5. Are there any special techniques for evaluating a complex integral involving a rectangle?

Yes, there are certain techniques that can be used to evaluate a complex integral involving a rectangle, such as splitting the integral into smaller, simpler integrals, or using geometric properties to simplify the calculation. It is also important to choose the correct orientation and limits of integration to obtain an accurate result.
