Integrating Complex & Imaginary Functions - Answers Here

In summary, the conversation discusses taking the integral of complex or pure imaginary functions, with the suggestion of separating the real and imaginary parts and integrating them separately. It is noted that the result of the integral can depend on the chosen path, but for analytical functions and closed paths, the result is generally unique. It is also mentioned that positive and negative are not defined for complex numbers, but the imaginary axis can be ordered based on the real numbers that multiply the imaginary unit. However, working solely on the imaginary axis is not practical.
  • #1
Char. Limit
Gold Member
I feel ashamed asking this, but how do you take the integral of a complex or pure imaginary function?

My sheer guess is that you take the real parts of the function and integrate them seperately, then take the imaginary part and integrate it, but I don't quite know how to do that last part.

Also, can the definite integral of a complex or imaginary function ever be a real number? Does any function have a derivative or integral of i? And just to finish this up, is i positive or negative?
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  • #2
Generally,we substiute the z=x+iy into f(z) and transform it to f(x+iy)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y).So is the dz=dx+idy.Then,we must choose a path connecting A point with B point on the complex plane.Finally,calculate f(z) along the path as you have done in line integrals.However,the result for the same f(z) depends on the path you have choose,that is to say, we can get different results.
If the f(z) is analytical function satisfying Cauchy-Riemann condition, and the path is close ( we may call it contour ,this is the usual condition we face!),the result is generally unique.To work out it,we use the Cauchy formula or theorem of residues.
  • #3
Also, can the definite integral of a complex or imaginary function ever be a real number?

Yes. The integral of an analytic function on a (suitably nice) closed curve is zero.

is i positive or negative?

Positive and negative are not defined for complex numbers.

I will not that Dyson does a nice job outlining the basic idea of a contour integral. More generally, we may integrate any complex-valued function on a measure space by breaking it into its real and imaginary parts exactly as you describe.
  • #4
Thank you for your help, I can see that my intuition was correct.

If I may ask, is there a separate positive and negative for imaginary numbers, such as 3i being positive while -27i is negative?
  • #5
No, C is not an ordered field, so you can't define positive numbers or negative numbers.
On the imaginary axis you can define order, since it resembles the real axis, but rarely one speak only of the imaginary axis.
  • #6
So you can define order for pure imaginaries?
  • #7
Yes, it simply the order between the real numbers that multiplies the imaginary unit.

But as I said, I can't find any use in working just in the imaginary axis. (Note that the group of pure imaginaries isn't even closed under multiplication)

FAQ: Integrating Complex & Imaginary Functions - Answers Here

What is the purpose of integrating complex and imaginary functions?

The purpose of integrating complex and imaginary functions is to extend the concept of integration to functions that involve complex numbers. This allows for the evaluation of integrals that cannot be solved using traditional real number methods.

What are some common examples of complex and imaginary functions?

Examples of complex and imaginary functions include trigonometric functions, exponential functions, and logarithmic functions. These functions involve complex numbers and cannot be solved using traditional real number methods.

How is the process of integrating complex and imaginary functions different from integrating real functions?

The process of integrating complex and imaginary functions involves using complex analysis techniques, such as Cauchy's integral theorem and Cauchy's integral formula. This is different from integrating real functions, which can be solved using methods such as substitution and integration by parts.

What are some challenges that may arise when integrating complex and imaginary functions?

Some challenges that may arise when integrating complex and imaginary functions include dealing with branch cuts and branch points, as well as understanding the implications of using complex numbers in integration. It is also important to carefully evaluate the limits of integration in order to avoid divergent results.

How is the integration of complex and imaginary functions applicable in real-world scenarios?

The integration of complex and imaginary functions has many real-world applications, such as in electrical engineering, quantum mechanics, and signal processing. It allows for a more accurate representation and analysis of physical systems that involve complex numbers, leading to more precise results and predictions.

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