Integrating the Integrand: Solving a Double Integral

In summary, the conversation discusses the integration of the term ##\frac{xz}{\sqrt{16-x^2}}## using the substitution method and evaluating the integrals in any order. The integrand is undefined when ##x=4## and the integrability of ##x \to f(x,z)## and ##z \to \int_0^4 f(x,z) \ dx## must be justified for the double integral to be well-defined.
  • #1
Ekramul Towsif

Homework Statement

##\int_{z=0}^5 \int_{x=0}^4 \Big( \frac{xz}{ \sqrt{16-x^2}} +x \Big)dxdz##

Homework Equations

double integration

The Attempt at a Solution

how do i integrate the term ##\frac{xz}{ \sqrt{16-x^2}}## though i know that ##\int x \, dx = \frac{x^2}{2}##
pls help me thoroughly :(
Physics news on
  • #2
Ekramul Towsif said:
how do i integrate the term ##\frac{xz}{ \sqrt{16-x^2}}##
The method used to solve that integral was most likely already covered in your past teacher's speeches.
Use substitution method, in particular ##u=16-x^2##. From this compute ##du/dx## and the new integral limits.
  • #3
The integrand ##f(x,z)## is undefined when ##x=4##.
You will have to discuss integrability of ## x \to f(x,z) ## on ##[0,4[##, and of ## z \to \int_0^4 f(x,z) \ dx ## on ## [0,5]##.
If you can justify this, your double integral is well-defined and you can evaluate the integrals in any order you like.

FAQ: Integrating the Integrand: Solving a Double Integral

What is a double integral solution?

A double integral solution is a mathematical tool used to calculate the volume under a surface in two-dimensional space. It involves finding the integral of an integral, also known as a nested integral.

How is a double integral solution different from a single integral solution?

A single integral solution finds the area under a curve in one-dimensional space, while a double integral solution finds the volume under a surface in two-dimensional space. This means that a double integral has two variables, whereas a single integral only has one variable.

What applications is a double integral solution used for?

A double integral solution has various applications in physics, engineering, economics, and other fields. It can be used to calculate the volume of a solid, the center of mass of an object, the moments of inertia, and more.

What are the different methods for solving a double integral?

The two main methods for solving a double integral are the iterated integral method and the change of variables method. The iterated integral method involves breaking down the double integral into two single integrals and solving them separately, while the change of variables method involves substituting variables to simplify the integrand.

What are some common mistakes made when solving a double integral?

One common mistake is forgetting to include the limits of integration in both integrals when using the iterated integral method. Another mistake is not taking into account the correct order of integration when switching the order of integration in the iterated integral method. It is also important to check for symmetry and use the correct change of variables when using that method.

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