Integrating Trigonometric Functions: Need Help!

In summary: That's why I said it's close to what you want, except you make du = 1*dx.In summary, In this conversation, the expert explains that integration can be done using the arctan and arcsine functions, and that integration by parts can be used to solve the problems. If you need help with integration by parts, let us know.
  • #1
I need help with these problems:

(1) STan^-1(y)dy


(2) Ssin^-1(x)dx


I can't seem to figure out the trigonometric formula for integration. A little help or hint would be nice. Thanks!
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  • #2
Are you talking about arctan and arcsine (the inverse functions)?
If so, use integration by parts in both cases, with 1 as the function you integrate.
  • #3
Do you have to use a trigonometric method to integrate those? I think they could both be readily solved with integration by parts.

Edit: arildno beat me to it :)

If you need help with integration by parts, let us know. It works really well in this case.
  • #4
Um, arildno or TALewis can you show me how to do it using integration by parts. I just learned this relatively recently and haven't got the core concepts down. If you could show me, it would be much appreciated.

Thanks! :approve:
  • #6
Thread Title said:
Aarr, help

Aasrr, i was born on a pirate ship! ok now that i got that out of my system...

i'm assuming for the problem you mean:

1 )[tex] \int arctan(y) [/tex] [tex] dy [/tex]


2)[tex]\int arcsin(x) [/tex] [tex] dx [/tex]

(thats the inverse tangent and inverse sine functions respectively). In that case you must perfomr a substitution before using integration by parts:


[tex] \theta = arctan(y) [/tex]

[tex] tan(\theta) = y [/tex]

[tex] dy = sec^2(\theta) [/tex] [tex] d\theta [/tex]

So the integral becomes:

[tex] \int \theta*sec^(\theta) [/tex] [tex] d\theta [/tex]

which using integration by parts gives:

[tex] \int u [/tex] [tex] dv = u*v-\int v [/tex] [tex] du [/tex]


[tex] u = \theta [/tex]
[tex] dv = sec^2(\theta) [/tex]


[tex] \int \theta*sec^2(\theta) [/tex] [tex] d\theta = \theta*tan(\theta)-\int tan(\theta) [/tex] [tex] d\theta [/tex]

[tex] = \theta*tan(\theta) + ln|cos \theta| [/tex]

So substituting for theta we get

[tex] \int arctan (y) [/tex] [tex] dy = yarctan(y) + ln|cos(arctan y)| [/tex]
[tex] =y*arctan(y) + ln|\frac{1}{\sqrt{1+y^2}}| [/tex]
[tex] =y*arctan(y) - \frac{1}{2}ln|y^2+1| [/tex]
[tex] =y*arctan(y) - \frac{1}{2}ln(y^2 + 1) [/tex]

U can use a similar substitution in the second problem (simply construct a right triangle, substitute theta in, integrate, and the substitute x back in.

Note: LaTeX still hates me...eventually i'll get it to look right...
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  • #7
franznietzsche, I am curious why you made that substitution. I approach the problem this way. We want to evaluate:

[tex]\int \tan^{-1}y\,dy = I[/tex]

I use capital I to denote the integral to be evaluated.

I choose the following directly from the integral:

u &= \tan^{-1}y & du &= \frac{dy}{1+y^2}\\
dv &= dy & v &= y

Integration by parts is given by:

[tex]\int u\,dv = uv-\int v\,du[/tex]

So I have:

I&=y\tan^{-1}y - \int \frac{y\,dy}{1+y^2}\\
\therefore \int \tan^{-1}y\,dy&=y\tan^{-1}y - \frac{1}{2}\ln(1+y^2)
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  • #8
TALewis said:
franznietzsche, I am curious why you made that substitution. I approach the problem this way. We want to evaluate:

[tex]\int \tan^{-1}y\,dy = I[/tex]

I use capital I to denote the integral to be evaluated.

I choose the following directly from the integral:

u &= \tan^{-1}y & du &= \frac{dy}{1+y^2}\\
dv &= dy & v &= y

Integration by parts is given by:

[tex]\int u\,dv = uv-\int v\,du[/tex]

So I have:

I&=y\tan^{-1}y - \int \frac{y\,dy}{1+y^2}\\
\therefore \int \tan^{-1}y\,dy&=y\tan^{-1}y - \frac{1}{2}\ln(1+y^2)

I suppose some combination of liking trig substitutions inherently and not wanting to differetiate [tex] arctan y [/tex] simply because i didn't know it offhand and didn't want to look it up.
  • #9
Hm, I agree. If you don't have the derivative of arctan memorized, you have to look it up. And while you're looking things up, you might as well just use an integral table anyway.
  • #10
TALewis said:
Hm, I agree. If you don't have the derivative of arctan memorized, you have to look it up. And while you're looking things up, you might as well just use an integral table anyway.

yup, exactly.

FAQ: Integrating Trigonometric Functions: Need Help!

What are the basic trigonometric functions?

The basic trigonometric functions are sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant. These functions relate the sides of a right triangle to its angles.

How do you integrate trigonometric functions?

To integrate trigonometric functions, you can use the trigonometric identities and substitution, or you can use integration by parts. Additionally, you can use tables of integrals or computer software to solve more complex trigonometric integrals.

What are some common strategies for integrating trigonometric functions?

Some common strategies for integrating trigonometric functions include using trigonometric identities, converting trigonometric functions to exponential functions, using substitution, and using integration by parts.

What is the difference between integrating trigonometric functions and solving trigonometric equations?

Integrating trigonometric functions involves finding the antiderivative of a trigonometric function, while solving trigonometric equations involves finding the values of the variables that make the equation true. Integration and solving equations are two different techniques used in calculus.

Why is it important to learn how to integrate trigonometric functions?

Integrating trigonometric functions is important in many applications in physics, engineering, and other scientific fields. It also serves as a foundation for more advanced mathematical concepts and techniques.

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