Integration involving spherical harmonics

In summary, the conversation was about evaluating the integral ∫∫dΩ V(Ω)Yml(Ω) for a given V(Ω) function. The person was initially trying to use the orthonormality properties of spherical harmonics, but found it difficult since the integral was split into two over half spheres. They then suggested rewriting V(Ω) to invoke the orthogonality properties of spherical harmonics. However, the other person pointed out that orthonormality would not help in this case. The conversation ended with the solution being a straightforward integration, starting with integrating φ out first and ending with an integral involving a Legendre polynomial.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Evaluate the integral ∫∫dΩ V(Ω)Yml(Ω) for V(Ω) = +V0 for 0<θ<π/2 ; -V0 for π/2<θ<π

Homework Equations

I was hoping to apply the orthonormality properties of the spherical harmonics but this is a little more difficult since the integral breaks into two integrals over half spheres instead of one integral over a full sphere.

I guess it may be useful to rewrite the V(Ω) as ±√(4π)Y00(Ω)V0 in order to invoke the orthogonality properties of the spherical harmonics when integrated on a sphere.

The Attempt at a Solution

Basically I've split the integral into two integrals over the upper and lower halves of the sphere. Now what? Surely I'm not to use the definition of the spherical harmonics; there must be a cleaner way to do this by invoking the properties of Ylm(omega). There is nothing I can say about ∫∫half of spheredΩYlm(Y00)* as far as I know. Is there some way to combine the two integrals again so that I can use the orthonormality property?
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  • #2
Orthonormality won't really help here because you're not integrating the product of two spherical harmonics. The integral should be pretty straightforward though. Start by integrating φ out first. Then you'll be left with an integral involving a Legendre polynomial.
  • #3
I get zero. I think this is so since Ylm(θ,[itex]\phi[/itex]) = const* e^(i*[itex]\phi[/itex])*Plm(cos([itex]\theta[/itex]) and so the integral over phi yields zero.
  • #4
It's [itex]e^{im\phi}[/itex], not [itex]e^{i\phi}[/itex]. It makes a difference.
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  • #5

I would suggest approaching this problem by first recognizing that the integral can be rewritten as a sum of two integrals, one over the upper half of the sphere and one over the lower half. This allows us to use the orthonormality property of the spherical harmonics, as we can now write the integral as a product of two spherical harmonics with different indices.

Next, we can use the fact that the spherical harmonics are eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator, which means that they satisfy the equation ∇^2Ylm = -l(l+1)Ylm. This can help us simplify the integrals, as we can replace the Laplace operator with its eigenvalue in the integrands.

Finally, we can use the fact that the spherical harmonics are orthogonal to each other when integrated over a full sphere, but also that they are not orthogonal when integrated over a half sphere. This means that we can use the orthonormality property of the spherical harmonics for the upper half of the sphere, but we need to introduce a negative sign for the lower half.

In summary, we can rewrite the integral as a sum of two integrals, use the eigenvalue equation for the spherical harmonics, and use the orthonormality property for the upper half of the sphere and introduce a negative sign for the lower half. This approach should allow us to evaluate the integral without having to use the definition of the spherical harmonics.

FAQ: Integration involving spherical harmonics

1. What are spherical harmonics?

Spherical harmonics are a set of mathematical functions that are used to describe the behavior of waves in three-dimensional space. They are commonly used in physics and engineering to model the behavior of electromagnetic and acoustic waves.

2. How are spherical harmonics related to integration?

Spherical harmonics are often used in integration to describe the behavior of functions over a sphere or a spherical surface. They can be used to expand a function into a series of spherical harmonics, which allows for easier integration and analysis.

3. What is the general formula for integrating spherical harmonics?

The general formula for integrating spherical harmonics involves using the orthogonality property of these functions. This means that the integral of the product of two spherical harmonics is equal to zero unless the two functions are the same, in which case the integral is equal to the surface area of the sphere.

4. What are some common applications of integrating spherical harmonics?

Spherical harmonics are commonly used in the fields of physics, engineering, and mathematics. They are particularly useful in solving problems involving electromagnetic fields, quantum mechanics, and heat transfer.

5. Are there any limitations to using spherical harmonics in integration?

While spherical harmonics are a powerful tool for integration, they do have some limitations. They are only suitable for problems involving spherical symmetry and may not be as accurate for non-spherical systems. Additionally, the calculation of spherical harmonics can become computationally expensive for higher orders, making it difficult to use for large-scale problems.
