Integration of 2 product. possible without numerical method?

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of integration and distribution in relation to σ(E) and dE/dx, as well as the use of Mathematica for computation. The forum members suggest using Latex to format equations and provide a thread explaining how to use it. However, others argue that simply posting the code in Mathematica's InputForm would be more efficient for solving problems.
  • #1
Dear Forum :
I hung up with a integration

Can it be deduced to a simpler form?

The distribution of σ(E) is

The estimation width of x is 10MeV , height is 200mb.

The distribution of dE/dx is

Is there a way to do some simple computation, or I can only do it with Mathematica ?
Physics news on
  • #2
Hi !
It would take too much time to read the referenced documents. You should write on the forum the integral on a direct understandable form.
  • #3
Thank you JJacquelin.
Actually, before post I browse over this forum,and I'm amazed how all the people write the form you mean.
I tried but I do not get how to do it.
So I do it in my laptop and post the reference link.
  • #4
flied said:
I tried but I do not get how to do it.

Just try with some simple examples. It's called Latex and it's like a programming language. Here's the thread that explains how to use it. You can also press the quote button on a post to see the code used to generate the math. Tell you what, spend some time with it and make an effort to try and compose the expression you wish to talk about.

Muscle through it:
  • #5
jackmell said:
It's called Latex and it's like a programming language.

I disagree. If someone is SPECIFICALLY asking for help with Mathematica code then spending time trying to learn how to desktop publish their question seems like it just takes up their time and introduces the potential of a whole new level of errors. Then the reader, if they want to bother actually trying to check to see if their guess about what the answer is has to reverse engineer that whole process to get the problem back into Mathematica and introduce the potential of another whole new level of errors.

Instead just scrape-n-paste the InputForm of the Mathematica expression into a post. Then anyone who is Mathematica literate and is trying to help can typically in a few seconds point out any of dozens of simple misunderstandings of the use of the unforgiving Mathematica syntax. And if that doesn't immediately fix a third of the issues then they can scrape-n-paste the code back into Mathematica, actually try it to see if their idea works and scrape-n-paste the InputForm of the solution back into a reply here. (If you don't know what InputForm is then look it up in the help system, if that isn't enough then please ask and this can be explained)

If the original poster had spent half the time he did trying to desktop publish his abstract integral notation and instead simply shown everyone what the function e actually was in Mathematica notation then this question would have been conclusively settled in a couple of minutes.

I do understand that more and more people have drunk the desktop publishing Koolaid(tm) and believe they not only have to desktop publish their questions, but even have to desktop publish their code inside Mathematica. But this probably accounts for about a third of the problems that novice users are reporting. If you are just compelled to go all Don Knuth and have to do this then understand you are less likely to get a correct answer, or even an answer at all.

FAQ: Integration of 2 product. possible without numerical method?

1. Can two products be integrated without using numerical methods?

Yes, it is possible to integrate two products without using numerical methods. This can be achieved through analytical integration, which involves finding an exact algebraic solution to the integration problem.

2. What are the limitations of integrating two products without numerical methods?

The main limitation is that analytical integration is only possible for simple and well-defined functions. For more complex functions, numerical methods may be necessary.

3. What are the advantages of using numerical methods for integration?

Numerical methods allow for the integration of more complex functions and can provide a more accurate solution compared to analytical integration. They also allow for the evaluation of integrals that cannot be solved analytically.

4. What are some common numerical methods used for integration?

Some common numerical methods for integration include the trapezoidal rule, Simpson's rule, and Gaussian quadrature. These methods involve approximating the integral by dividing the function into smaller intervals and using a set of pre-defined formulas to calculate the area under the curve.

5. How are numerical methods used to integrate two products?

Numerical methods are used to approximate the integral of the two products by dividing the function into smaller intervals and using a set of pre-defined formulas to calculate the area under the curve. This process is repeated until a satisfactory level of accuracy is achieved.
