Integration of inverse trigonometric functions

In summary: thank you very much! :smile: ok i will revise my solution to make it more understandable... thank you again..
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

why was the -2 in -2(x-2) was ignored?

The Attempt at a Solution

so first i let u= 4x-x2
then, du=4-2x
= -2(x-2)

so to get (x+2) i equate it to (x-2)+4

so ...
(x+2)dx/√(4x-x2) = (x-2)+4dx/√(4x-x2)

= (x-2)dx/√(4x-x2) + 4dx/√(4x-x2)is the solution right?
and why was the -2 in -2(x-2) was ignored?
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  • #2
delapcsoncruz said:

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

why was the -2 in -2(x-2) was ignored?

The Attempt at a Solution

so first i let u= 4x-4x2
then, du=4-2x
= -2(x-2)

so to get (x+2) i equate it to (x-2)+4

so ...
(x+2)dx/√(4x-x2) = (x-2)+4dx/√(4x-x2)

= (x-2)dx/√(4x-x2) + 4dx/√(4x-x2)

is the solution right?
and why was the -2 in -2(x-2) was ignored?
Hello delapcsoncruz. Welcome to PF !

Check your differentiation.
du = (4-8x)dx​

As to your question: "why was the -2 in -2(x-2) was ignored?" : What are you referring to ?
  • #3
SammyS said:
Hello delapcsoncruz. Welcome to PF !

Check your differentiation.
du = (4-8x)dx​

As to your question: "why was the -2 in -2(x-2) was ignored?" : What are you referring to ?

sorry typographical error.. the u= 4x-x2
so du = 4-2x = -2(x-2)
  • #4
delapcsoncruz said:
sorry typographical error.. the u= 4x-x2
so du = 4-2x = -2(x-2)
Not quite right.

du = -2(x-2)dx .

You're doing the method of substitution incorrectly. At any rate, the substitution you're trying won't help much.

Complete the square for -x2 + 4x .

You should then be able to let u = x-2 .
  • #5
SammyS said:
Not quite right.

du = -2(x-2)dx .

You're doing the method of substitution incorrectly. At any rate, the substitution you're trying won't help much.

Complete the square for -x2 + 4x .

You should then be able to let u = x-2 .

thank you...
so (x+2)dx / (4x-x2) = (x+2)dx / (4-(x+2)2)

i don't know what is the next thing to do.. please help..
  • #6
delapcsoncruz said:
thank you...
so (x+2)dx / (4x-x2) = (x+2)dx / (4-(x+2)2)

i don't know what is the next thing to do.. please help..

The completion of the square has not been done properly. [itex]\sqrt{4x-x^2} \neq \sqrt{4 - {(x+2)}^2}[/itex]. Remember that you have to get a [itex]-4x[/itex] term from the square expression to end up with a (positive) 4x at the end.
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  • #7
Curious3141 said:
The completion of the square has not been done properly. [itex]\sqrt{4x-x^2} \neq \sqrt{4 - {(x+2)}^2}[/itex].

thank you for the correction...
sorry its (x+2)dx / 4 - (x-2)2

so what i am going to do next?
  • #8
delapcsoncruz said:
thank you for the correction...
sorry its (x+2)dx / 4 - (x-2)2

so what i am going to do next?

Ah good, you got it. You didn't need the hint I added in my edit.

OK, now you can do the sub. that Sammy was suggesting, then separate the integrand into two simpler quotients added together (separate the sum in the numerator). After that, it should become quite easy to see.
  • #9
Curious3141 said:
Ah good, you got it. You didn't need the hint I added in my edit.

OK, now you can do the sub. that Sammy was suggesting, then separate the integrand into two simpler quotients added together (separate the sum in the numerator). After that, it should become quite easy to see.
how can i do the substitution? can you give me a hint.
  • #10
delapcsoncruz said:
how can i do the substitution? can you give me a hint.

Start by subbing u = (x-2).

What does the numerator become in terms of u? Denominator? What about dx in terms of du?
  • #11
Curious3141 said:
Start by subbing u = (x-2).

What does the numerator become in terms of u? Denominator? What about dx in terms of du?

i solve it and this is my solution..

∫ (x+2)dx / sqrt (4x-x2)
let u= 4x -x2

so now the numerator will become [(x-2)+4]dx

= ∫ [(x-2)+4]dx / sqrt (4x-x2)

= ∫ (x-2)dx / sqrt (4x-x2) + ∫ 4dx / sqrt (4x-x2)

let u = 4x -x2
du = -2(x-2)dx

by completing the square : 4x - x2 = 4-(x-2)2

= -1/2 ∫ du / u1/2 + 4∫ dx / sqrt 4 -(x-2)2
= -u1/2 + 4∫ du / sqrt (a2 -u2)

= -(4x -x2) + 4 Arcsin (x-2)/2 +c

is the answer right?
  • #12
delapcsoncruz said:
i solve it and this is my solution..

∫ (x+2)dx / sqrt (4x-x2)
let u= 4x -x2

so now the numerator will become [(x-2)+4]dx

= ∫ [(x-2)+4]dx / sqrt (4x-x2)

= ∫ (x-2)dx / sqrt (4x-x2) + ∫ 4dx / sqrt (4x-x2)

let u = 4x -x2
du = -2(x-2)dx

by completing the square : 4x - x2 = 4-(x-2)2

= -1/2 ∫ du / u1/2 + 4∫ dx / sqrt 4 -(x-2)2
= -u1/2 + 4∫ du / sqrt (a2 -u2)

= -(4x -x2) + 4 Arcsin (x-2)/2 +c

is the answer right?

Your final answer is right (and you decided to take a slightly more complicated route, but that's OK).

However, some of your notation needs cleaning up (it would be grounds for marking you wrong or subtracting marks). For example, in one line, "u" has two different definitions in the two integrals. And then "a" is brought in out of nowhere (you were probably referencing a standard form, but still, the "a" doesn't belong in the middle of your working).
  • #13
Curious3141 said:
Your final answer is right (and you decided to take a slightly more complicated route, but that's OK).

However, some of your notation needs cleaning up (it would be grounds for marking you wrong or subtracting marks). For example, in one line, "u" has two different definitions in the two integrals. And then "a" is brought in out of nowhere (you were probably referencing a standard form, but still, the "a" doesn't belong in the middle of your working).

thank you very much! :smile: ok i will revise my solution to make it more understandable... thank you again..

FAQ: Integration of inverse trigonometric functions

What is integration of inverse trigonometric functions?

Integration of inverse trigonometric functions is a mathematical process that involves finding the antiderivative of functions involving inverse trigonometric functions. It is a method used to determine the original function from its derivative.

What are some common inverse trigonometric functions?

Some common inverse trigonometric functions include arcsine (sin^-1), arccosine (cos^-1), and arctangent (tan^-1). These functions are used to find the angle that corresponds to a specific trigonometric ratio.

What are the basic rules for integrating inverse trigonometric functions?

The basic rules for integrating inverse trigonometric functions include using the substitution method, using trigonometric identities, and recognizing patterns. It is also important to remember the derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions in order to integrate them correctly.

Why is it important to learn about integration of inverse trigonometric functions?

Integration of inverse trigonometric functions is an essential skill in calculus and is used in many real-world applications, such as engineering, physics, and geometry. It also helps in solving problems involving motion, optimization, and finding areas and volumes.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when integrating inverse trigonometric functions?

Some common mistakes to avoid when integrating inverse trigonometric functions include forgetting to apply the chain rule, using the wrong trigonometric identity, and not simplifying the final answer. It is also important to check for extraneous solutions when solving for the original function.

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