Integration of Schrodinger equation

In summary: You can apply the separation of variables technique to this equation by separating the time and space dependence of the state vector, but you would need to choose a representation in order to do that. In the Schrodinger picture, the state vector is time-dependent, so it is not possible to apply the separation of variables technique directly. However, as mentioned above, you can use the formal solution to the Schrodinger equation to find the time dependence of the state vector. This involves using the exponential of the Hamiltonian operator, which is a different approach than the separation of variables technique. In summary, the Schrodinger equation ##i\hbar\frac{d}{dt}|\psi(t)\rangle = H|\psi(t)\rangle
  • #1
I'm trying to integrate the Schrodinger equation ##i\hbar \frac{d}{dt} |\psi(t)\rangle = H |\psi(t)\rangle## with the initial condition ##|\psi(t_{0})\rangle=|\psi_{0}\rangle##

to show that ##|\psi(t)\rangle = \exp(\frac{t-t_{0}}{i\hbar}H)|\psi_{0}\rangle##.

I know how to plug in the solution into the Schrodinger equation and differentiate the LHS using the Taylor expansion of the exponential of the Hamiltonian operator in order to show that the two sides of the Schrodinger equation are equal.

However, what I'm looking for is an analog/generalisation of the separation of variables technique (used to integrate ordinary first-order differential equations) that works for operators. Can you help me out with it?
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  • #2
failexam said:
what I'm looking for is an analog/generalisation of the separation of variables technique
I am not sure how solving the above problem can connect to finding a generalization of the separation of variables technique.
  • #3
The point of the Dirac formulation is that you don't need to choose a representation (which leads to "wave mechanics" or a mixture of "wave mechanics" and "matrix mechanics", depending on whether your choice of observables to choose the representation contains only observables with a continuous spectrum (e.g., the position or momentum representation of a spin-less particle) or some also having a discrete spectrum (e.g., the energy and orbital angular momentum of a spinless particle in a radial potential)).

The only choice you have to make is that of the picture of time evolution. Now, you've chosen the Schrödinger picture, were the full time dependence is on the states. For a representing state vector the equation reads, as you say in the OP,
$$\mathrm{i} \hbar \mathrm{d}_t |\psi(t) \rangle=\hat{H} |\psi(t),\rangle.$$
The only parameter here is time. So you have an ordinary differential equation for the state vector ##|\psi(t) \rangle##. If ##\hat{H}## is independent of time, then it's very easy to solve this equation formally to
$$|\psi(t) \rangle=\exp \left (-\frac{\mathrm{i} t}{\hbar} \hat{H} \right ) |\psi_0 \rangle,$$
where ##|\psi_0 \rangle=|\psi(t=0) \rangle## is the given initial state vector of the system.

This formal solution is only correct when ##\hat{H}## is not time dependent, because otherwise, you'd have to formally integrate over ##t##, and for a time-dpendent Hamiltonian ##\hat{H}(t_1)## and ##\hat{H}(t_2)## do not necessarily commute.
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Likes bhobba
  • #4
Let's take ##\hbar=1##. Then you have:
The usual separation of variables technique is:
and integrate:
So finally:
as expected.
  • #5
MBPTandDFT said:
Let's take ##\hbar=1##. Then you have:
The usual separation of variables technique is:
and integrate:
So finally:
as expected.
I wouldn't take a direct analogy between vector equation, which applies here, with the usual differential equation applied to functions. In the right side of the equation
##H## is an operator acting on a vector ##\psi##. You can imagine this as a square matrix acting on a column matrix. As you may have known, one cannot arbitrarily take a column matrix to the left of a matrix which was originally multiplied with, and then even further bring this column matrix to the denominator in the left hand side, ##i\frac{d\psi}{\psi}##.

In order to understand that the solution, especially the time dependency of the state, in the Schroedinger operator equation ##i\partial_t\psi = H\psi## is given by ##\psi(t) = \exp(iH(t-t_0))\psi(t_0)##, it's sufficient to understand that this form does satisfy the Schroedinger equation, i.e. when you plug it into Schroedinger equation, the left side matches the right side.

The usual separation of variable arise when you have projected the Schroedinger operator equation into a continuous basis, e.g. position or momentum basis. However, even with this method the solution you get is the normal modes (or eigenstates) of the corresponding Schroedinger equation.
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Likes vanhees71
  • #6
I agree. I would call it an heuristic derivation, and I would say it holds because H doesn't involve (besides doesn't depend on) time at all, and tha's a differential equation in time, if you close your eyes and don't look at the space-laplacian inside H that would prevent you from dividing by ##\psi##.

FAQ: Integration of Schrodinger equation

1. What is the Schrodinger equation?

The Schrodinger equation is a mathematical equation that describes how the quantum state of a physical system changes over time. It was proposed by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrodinger in 1926 and is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics.

2. Why is the Schrodinger equation important?

The Schrodinger equation is important because it allows us to predict the behavior of quantum systems, such as atoms and molecules. It has been extensively tested and has been shown to accurately describe the behavior of these systems.

3. How is the Schrodinger equation integrated?

The Schrodinger equation is integrated using mathematical techniques such as separation of variables, eigenvalue problems, and perturbation theory. These methods allow us to solve the Schrodinger equation and obtain the wave function, which describes the quantum state of a system.

4. What is the role of the Hamiltonian in the integration of the Schrodinger equation?

The Hamiltonian is a mathematical operator that represents the total energy of a system. It plays a crucial role in the integration of the Schrodinger equation as it is used to write the equation in its most general form.

5. Are there any limitations to the integration of the Schrodinger equation?

Yes, there are limitations to the integration of the Schrodinger equation. It can only be used for non-relativistic systems and does not take into account the effects of gravity. Additionally, for complex systems with many particles, the equation becomes too difficult to solve analytically and requires the use of numerical methods.

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