Integration of x^{-4}y' - 4x^{-5}y = xe^x: Solution and Explanation

In summary, the purpose of integration in the equation x^{-4}y' - 4x^{-5}y = xe^x is to find the function y(x) that satisfies the given differential equation. To solve this equation, we can use the method of "separation of variables" by isolating the y' term on one side and the y term on the other, and then integrating both sides. The general solution is y(x) = Cx^4 + e^x, where C is a constant of integration. Applications of solving this equation include modeling population growth, radioactive decay, and other phenomena, as well as solving related problems. There are specific conditions and restrictions that must be met in order to solve this equation
  • #1

Homework Statement


##x \frac{dy}{dx} - 4y = x^6 e^x.##

Solution: Dividing by ##x##, we get the standard form

##\frac{dy}{dx} - \frac{4}{x}y = x^5 e^x.##

Hence the integrating factor is

##e^{\int -\frac{4}{x}dx}= e^{-4 \int \frac{1}{x}dx} = e^{-4 \ln x} = e^{\ln x^{-4}} = x^{-4}##

Now we multiply ##\frac{dy}{dx} - \frac{4}{x}y = x^5 e^x## by ##x^{-4}## and rewrite

##x^{-4} \frac{dy}{dx} - 4x^{-5}y = x e^x## as ##\frac{d}{dx}[x^{-4}y] = x e^x##

It follows from integration by parts that the general solution defined on the interval ##(0, ∞)## is

##x^{-4}y = x e^x - e^x + c##


##y = x^5e^x - x^4e^x + cx^4.##

My question is, why integrate of ##x^{-4} \frac{dy}{dx} - 4x^{-5}y = x e^x## is ##y = x^5e^x - x^4e^x + cx^4##?

Compare it with mine below.

Which one is correct?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

##x^{-4} \frac{dy}{dx} - 4x^{-5}y = x e^x##

Multiplying by ##dx## yield

##x^{-4} dy - 4x^{-5}y \ dx = x e^x dx##

Integrating both sides

##\int x^{-4} dy = x^{-4}y + c_1##

##\int - 4x^{-5}y \ dx = -4 \int x^{-5}y \ dx = -4 \frac{1}{-4}x^{-4}y + c_2 = x^{-4}y + c_2##

##\int x e^x dx = xe^x - e^x + c_3##


##\int x^{-4} dy - \int 4x^{-5}y \ dx = \int x e^x dx##
##x^{-4}y + c_1 + x^{-4}y - c_2 = xe^x - e^x + c_3##
##x^{-4}y + x^{-4}y = xe^x - e^x - c_1 + c_2 + c_3##
##x^{-4}y + x^{-4}y = xe^x - e^x + c_4##
##2x^{-4}y = xe^x - e^x + c_4##
##2y = \frac{xe^x - e^x + c_4}{x^{-4}}##
##2y = x^5e^x - x^4e^x + c_4x^4##
##y = \frac{x^5e^x - x^4e^x + c_4x^4}{2}##
Physics news on
  • #2
basty said:

Homework Statement


##x \frac{dy}{dx} - 4y = x^6 e^x.##

Solution: Dividing by ##x##, we get the standard form

##\frac{dy}{dx} - \frac{4}{x}y = x^5 e^x.##

Hence the integrating factor is

##e^{\int -\frac{4}{x}dx}= e^{-4 \int \frac{1}{x}dx} = e^{-4 \ln x} = e^{\ln x^{-4}} = x^{-4}##

Now we multiply ##\frac{dy}{dx} - \frac{4}{x}y = x^5 e^x## by ##x^{-4}## and rewrite

##x^{-4} \frac{dy}{dx} - 4x^{-5}y = x e^x## as ##\frac{d}{dx}[x^{-4}y] = x e^x##

It follows from integration by parts that the general solution defined on the interval ##(0, ∞)## is

##x^{-4}y = x e^x - e^x + c##


##y = x^5e^x - x^4e^x + cx^4.##

My question is, why integrate of ##x^{-4} \frac{dy}{dx} - 4x^{-5}y = x e^x## is ##y = x^5e^x - x^4e^x + cx^4##?
I think you're asking why the work in the first part of your post differs from the work and the second part.
You asked this:
why integrate of ##x^{-4} \frac{dy}{dx} - 4x^{-5}y = x e^x## is ##y = x^5e^x - x^4e^x + cx^4##?

The short answer is that it (your solution equation) is not the integral of your differential equation. In the work of the first part, the original differential equation was manipulated to get to this equation:
##\frac{d}{dx}[x^{-4}y] = x e^x##
Since you know that the derivative of x-4y is xex, it follows that x-4y equals an antiderivative of xex.

Now if you're asking why the work of the first part produces a different result than the work in the second part, the best I can come up with is that your integrals aren't right. Specifically ##\int x^{-4} dy## and ##\int - 4x^{-5}y \ dx##.

When you solve a diff. equation you are tacitly assuming that there is some function y = f(x) that satisfies the diff. equation. In your integrals above, you are treating x and y as being independent of each other, which contradicts the basic assumption that y is a function of x. I'm surprised that the result in the second part came out so close to the solution in the first part.
basty said:
Compare it with mine below.

Which one is correct?
The work in the first part looks correct. You can check each solution by differentiating to get back to the original diff. equation.
basty said:

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

##x^{-4} \frac{dy}{dx} - 4x^{-5}y = x e^x##

Multiplying by ##dx## yield

##x^{-4} dy - 4x^{-5}y \ dx = x e^x dx##

Integrating both sides

##\int x^{-4} dy = x^{-4}y + c_1##

##\int - 4x^{-5}y \ dx = -4 \int x^{-5}y \ dx = -4 \frac{1}{-4}x^{-4}y + c_2 = x^{-4}y + c_2##

##\int x e^x dx = xe^x - e^x + c_3##


##\int x^{-4} dy - \int 4x^{-5}y \ dx = \int x e^x dx##
##x^{-4}y + c_1 + x^{-4}y - c_2 = xe^x - e^x + c_3##
##x^{-4}y + x^{-4}y = xe^x - e^x - c_1 + c_2 + c_3##
##x^{-4}y + x^{-4}y = xe^x - e^x + c_4##
##2x^{-4}y = xe^x - e^x + c_4##
##2y = \frac{xe^x - e^x + c_4}{x^{-4}}##
##2y = x^5e^x - x^4e^x + c_4x^4##
##y = \frac{x^5e^x - x^4e^x + c_4x^4}{2}##
  • #3
Your method is wrong. x and y are not independent variables. While integrating with respect y, you can not consider x a constant.
  • #4
How do he obtain

##x^{-4}y = x e^x - e^x + c##


##y = x^5e^x - x^4e^x + cx^4.##

  • #5
basty said:
How do he obtain

##x^{-4}y = x e^x - e^x + c##


##y = x^5e^x - x^4e^x + cx^4.##
The whole point of getting an integrating factor is to be able to write one side of the differential equation as the derivative of something.
After one step in the first part of your post you have
y' - (4/x)y = x5ex

In the later work an integrating factor of x-4 was found.

Multiplying through by the integrating factor yields this equation:
x-4y' - 4x-5y = xex

The left side of the equation above is the derivative of x-4y,
so d/dx(x-4y) = xex
or x-4y = ##\int xe^x dx##

Finally, integrate the right hand side, and then multiply both sides by x+4 to get y in terms of x alone.
  • #6
How to differentiate




  • #7
How do you differentiate a product? Keep in mind that y is a function of x. You need to get
  • #8
basty said:
How to differentiate




How is it that you're taking a differential equations class (or at least studying them) but don't know how to differentiate a product? Differentiating products is one of the first things you learn in a calculus class.

FAQ: Integration of x^{-4}y' - 4x^{-5}y = xe^x: Solution and Explanation

1. What is the purpose of integrating x^{-4}y' - 4x^{-5}y = xe^x?

The purpose of integration in this equation is to find the function y(x) that satisfies the given differential equation. This function can then be used to model real-world phenomena or solve other related problems.

2. How do you solve x^{-4}y' - 4x^{-5}y = xe^x?

To solve this differential equation, we can use the method of "separation of variables." This involves isolating the y' term on one side of the equation and the y term on the other side, and then integrating both sides with respect to x.

3. Can you provide a step-by-step explanation of the solution for x^{-4}y' - 4x^{-5}y = xe^x?

First, we can rearrange the equation to get y' on one side and y on the other: y' = (4x^{-5}y + xe^x)/x^{-4}. Then, we can integrate both sides with respect to x. This will give us the general solution y(x) = Cx^4 + e^x, where C is a constant of integration. Finally, we can use initial conditions or other information to find the specific value of C and get the final solution.

4. What are the applications of solving the equation x^{-4}y' - 4x^{-5}y = xe^x?

The applications of solving this equation include modeling population growth, radioactive decay, and other phenomena that can be described by a differential equation. It can also be used to solve related problems, such as finding the maximum or minimum value of a function.

5. Are there any specific conditions or restrictions for solving x^{-4}y' - 4x^{-5}y = xe^x?

Yes, there are certain conditions and restrictions that must be met in order to solve this equation. These may include initial conditions, boundary conditions, or specific values for the variables involved. It is important to carefully consider these conditions when finding the solution to the differential equation.
