Integrator, Differentiator & I-to-V converter, why use opamp anyway?

In summary: So when you say "buffer" what do you mean? I thought that it was just a fancy word for a voltage follower with a high input impedance.
  • #1
We all know the Differentiator and Integrator configurations of the Operational Amplifier.
I realized that the RC circuits used as low pass and high pass filters can also be used as integrators and differentiators. Its obvious from their differential equations actually.

As for current to voltage converter. We just need a resistor and a current source right? Than why bother making an opamp current to voltage converter? I think its called the buffer configuration.

What I do not understand also is what does buffer means here? In digital circuits we may have buffer that stores binary data before it is passed on. But what does buffer mean in an analogue circuit?
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  • #2
An analog buffer would have a high input impedance and a low output impedance.

So, it would load the previous circuit as little as possible (so that the previous circuit would work properly) and still produce an accurate version of the input voltage at its output, even if the output is loaded with a fairly low impedance.

This can make filter design much easier. A simple RC filter may use a large resistor (perhaps 500 K ohms) and the high impedance buffer will allow this to function properly whereas a lower impedance would form a voltage divider with the 500 K resistor and affect its function.
  • #3
As for current to voltage converter. We just need a resistor and a current source right? Than why bother making an opamp current to voltage converter? I think its called the buffer configuration.

ever study meter shunts?
Whatever is measuring the voltage across the resistor is connected in parallel with it.
So it bypasses a teensy bit of current around the resistor, lowering its voltage drop.
No problem so long as the measuring device is high resistance compared to your current sampling resistor , the drop will be too small to notice. But, if you aren't sure what somebody will connect there, best put an opamp voltage follower in between - the opamp can deliver substantial current to whetever your customer connects.

But what does buffer mean in an analogue circuit?

A buffer is something used to separate an analog signal from anything that could degrade its integrity.

Usually just an opamp voltage follower with substantial resistance in its input lead.
But some places you need more.

To that point - here's
Another boring anecdote"
- In my plant we used 4 to 20 milliamp current loops
and nominal 250 ohm resistors to convert current into a 1 to 5 volt signal.
We calculated how much each resistor was "loaded down" by the measuring devices it supplied, and the nominal 250 ohms was adjusted up to 251.25 or 252.5 etc as required to maintain 1 to 5 volts. We had an assortment of precision wirewound resistors for that purpose.
Wherever a signal exited a safety system to go someplace less vital like the datalogging computer,
we installed a "buffer" so that an unfortunate event in the non-safety system couldn't reach backward and upset the safety system. Our buffers were kinda super-opamps with stout transformer isolation between input and output terminals. You could electrically "stomp on" the output over at computer and not affect the safety system.

That's the two extremes of analog buffering.

old jim

EDIT Thanks VK6 !

FAQ: Integrator, Differentiator & I-to-V converter, why use opamp anyway?

1. What is an integrator and how does it work?

An integrator is a circuit that performs mathematical integration, which is a process of summing up all the input values over time. It is typically constructed using an operational amplifier (opamp) and a feedback capacitor. The opamp amplifies and integrates the input signal, while the capacitor stores and discharges the integrated output signal.

2. What is a differentiator and why is it useful?

A differentiator is a circuit that performs mathematical differentiation, which is a process of calculating the rate of change of an input signal. It is also built using an opamp and a feedback element, usually a resistor. The opamp amplifies and differentiates the input signal, allowing for the measurement of fast-changing signals. This is useful in applications such as signal processing and control systems.

3. What is an I-to-V converter and how is it different from an integrator or differentiator?

An I-to-V converter, or current-to-voltage converter, is a circuit that converts an input current to an output voltage. This is typically achieved by using an opamp and a feedback resistor. Unlike an integrator or differentiator, an I-to-V converter does not perform mathematical operations on the input signal, but rather converts it to a different form for further processing or analysis.

4. Why use an opamp in these circuits instead of other amplifiers?

Opamps are commonly used in integrators, differentiators, and I-to-V converters because they have high gain, high input impedance, and low output impedance. This allows for precise and accurate signal processing, as well as minimal loading effects on the input signal. Opamps also have a wide frequency response, making them suitable for a variety of applications.

5. What are the practical applications of these circuits?

Integrators, differentiators, and I-to-V converters have a wide range of practical applications, including in signal processing, control systems, instrumentation, and communications. They can be used to perform tasks such as filtering, differentiation, and data conversion. These circuits are also commonly used in electronic circuits for sensor and transducer applications, where they convert physical quantities such as temperature, pressure, or light intensity into electrical signals for further processing.

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