Interband transition no photon

In summary, photoluminescence in GaAs occurs when an electron is excited from the valence band to the conduction band by light energy with a wavelength higher than the band gap. The electron then "falls" to the edge of the conduction band through interband transitions and eventually emits photons with energy equal to the band gap. Intraband transitions may also occur, but photons are usually not emitted due to the low probability of spontaneous emission. Other mechanisms, such as interactions with phonons, are more likely to cause electron relaxation. However, in certain cases, such as transitions from the upper edge of the conduction band to the lower edge, photons may be emitted.
  • #1
Consider photoluminescence in GaAs.

I have been told that if excitation of electrons from the valence band happens with the light energy of wavelength of which is higher than the band gap energy, then electron gets excited to the conduction band, but not to the edge of the conduction band. And then by means of interband transitions it "falls" to the edge of the conduction band and then eventually to the valence band emitting photons with the energy equals the band gap.

Why photons are not emitted in case of interband transitions? I assume energy goes to phonons, then why transition without creating of phonon is not possible?

Thank you.
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  • #2
You mean : What is the mechanism behind these "interband transitions"?
How close are the energy levels inside a band?
Lets say a transition was electromagnetic, what would be the wavelength of the resulting photon for a transition between adjacent levels?
  • #3
I understand that in case of a macro crystal, energy levels in bands are infinitely close. So, transition between infinitely close energy level would correspond to a photon emission of 0 energy. But since in reality energy levels are NOT continuous, then in case of interband transition energy must go somewhere. And my question is why this energy does not convert to photons? Or photons are emitted, but since energy of them is ~0 they are not detected?
  • #4
OK, since the energy gap is very small but non-zero, what is the likely wavelength?
Can you characterize the sort of photon that would be emmitted?

But you also need to consider if there are other mechanisms that could cause an electton to lose energy.
  • #5
Thanks for the responses Simon, my question is just are photons emitted in interband transition or not? Or since energy gaps between interband levels are ~0, while electron "drifts" to the edge of the conduction band, we have infinite number of photons with infinite wavelength emitted?
  • #6
You got your terminology messed up.

Goodver said:
I have been told that if excitation of electrons from the valence band happens with the light energy of wavelength of which is higher than the band gap energy, then electron gets excited to the conduction band, but not to the edge of the conduction band. And then by means of interband transitions it "falls" to the edge of the conduction band and then eventually to the valence band emitting photons with the energy equals the band gap.

The transition across the band gap is an interband transition. The transitions that occur while the electron relaxes to the conduction band edge are intraband transitions.

Goodver said:
Why photons are not emitted in case of interband transitions? I assume energy goes to phonons, then why transition without creating of phonon is not possible?

I assume you mean intraband transitions and not interband transitions. In GaAs photons are meitted in interband transitions, but usually not in the relaxation processes towards the conduction band edge. In principle it might be possible, that these transitions involve the emission of a a photon. If so, one would naively assume spontaneous emission. Now the spontaneous emission rate for a known energy can be calculated simply using Fermi's golden rule. Have a look at the matrix elements:

Have a look at the energy dependence of spontaneous emission in the dipole approximation and plug in some numbers and you should be able to find out, why optical transitions are not that important in this scenario.
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  • #7
Thank you, this helped!
  • #8
However, I still have a question.

Yes I meant intraband transitions, thank you. If we consider intraband transitions as a spontaneous emission, rate of which can be expressed as a Fermi golden rule, then from Fermi golden rule, rate is proportional to the 3d power of angular frequency. As far as understand rate of spontaneous emission means how often spontaneous emission happens per unit of time. In this case, since energy gap between energy levels in the band is ~0, then rate of spontaneous emission ~0, meaning electrons should not relax to the lower energies, which is not the case.

Hence it still not clear to fully clear to me, which in case of the INTERband transition it is likely that photon is emitted, and in case of INTRAband very unlikely.
  • #9
Goodver said:
Yes I meant intraband transitions, thank you. If we consider intraband transitions as a spontaneous emission, rate of which can be expressed as a Fermi golden rule, then from Fermi golden rule, rate is proportional to the 3d power of angular frequency. As far as understand rate of spontaneous emission means how often spontaneous emission happens per unit of time. In this case, since energy gap between energy levels in the band is ~0, then rate of spontaneous emission ~0, meaning electrons should not relax to the lower energies, which is not the case..

You are almost correct. What Fermi's golden rule tells you is not that electrons should not relax towards the lower energies at the bottom of the conduction band within a reasonable time. Fermi's golden rule tells you,that electrons should not relax towards the lower energies at the bottom of the conduction band within a reasonable time just by spontaneous emission of photons. So there are other relaxation mechanism that are way more likely like those including phonons.
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  • #10
And the last question (sorry for disturbing). It seems clear why emission of photon does not happen in case of intraband transition between adjacent energy levels in a band. But do I understand it correctly that transition within the band can occur not only between adjacent energy levels, but say from the level at the upper edge of the conduction band to the lower edge of the conduction band, and in this case energy gap between such levels is NOT ~0. Therefore Fermi Golden rule approach proving that spontaneous emission is unlikely due to low frequency of a photon does not work. Are photons emitted in case of such mentioned transition?
  • #11
An important point is the factorial increase of the density of states (DOS) of the phonons with energy. The DOS enters in Fermi's golden rule so that with increasing energy phonon transitions become much more intense than photon transitions.
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Related to Interband transition no photon

1. What is an interband transition with no photon?

An interband transition with no photon refers to a process in which an electron moves from one energy band to another within an atom or solid material, without emitting or absorbing a photon of light. This can occur through various mechanisms such as phonon-assisted transitions or Auger processes.

2. How is an interband transition with no photon different from a regular interband transition?

An interband transition with no photon differs from a regular interband transition in that it does not involve the emission or absorption of a photon of light. In a regular interband transition, an electron moves between energy bands and emits or absorbs a photon of a specific energy, while in an interband transition with no photon, the electron moves between bands without any light emission or absorption.

3. What are some applications of interband transitions with no photon?

Interband transitions with no photon have a variety of applications in optoelectronic devices such as solar cells, photodetectors, and light-emitting diodes. They can also play a role in energy conversion processes, such as in photocatalysis for water splitting or CO2 reduction.

4. Can interband transitions with no photon occur in all materials?

Yes, interband transitions with no photon can occur in all materials, but the likelihood and efficiency of these processes may vary depending on the material's properties. For example, materials with a high density of states and strong electron-phonon interactions tend to have a higher probability of interband transitions with no photon.

5. How do scientists study interband transitions with no photon?

Scientists can study interband transitions with no photon through various spectroscopic techniques such as Raman spectroscopy, photoluminescence, and time-resolved spectroscopy. These methods allow researchers to observe the changes in energy levels and electronic transitions that occur during interband transitions with no photon.

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