Interesting Dream/Mathematical Codes

  • Mathematica
  • Thread starter JLThompson
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In summary: If someone asks me a question when I'm asleep I can answer it correctly and go back to sleep.When I was a kid I used to play pranks on my dad like that.But that was back when I was 6.I'm 17 now so its been like 11 years since I've done that stuff. I can't even remember my dreams.But I know I dream. I just can't remember them.I can't even sleep talk anymore. I used to talk in my sleep and respond to my parents like I was awake. And then later I'd wake up and not remember a thing.But that only happened like twice.But it hasn't happened since then.So if I can do crazy stuff
  • #1
I had a interesting dream two nights ago, I will explain it.

A woman with "Angel" in her name told me the name "Deivion", after this I saw a another woman's name with an "Angel" design by it (as you would see on a card or such).

Now after this a man approached me with urgentcy crying "10,9" "10,9". As if "10,9" were a key to unlock a mystery. *Another key was given that I will not speak of*

Now look at these number sequences, "1 5 7 5 1" and "4 5 9 22 9 5 4", the same forward and backwards.

Now watch as I add the code given to the two number sequences.

"1 5+9 7 5 1+10" and, "4 5 9 22 9 5+10 4+10" *Notice in the first I used 10,9 in addition and in the second the two 10's were added after the 9 of the sequence. Making in both sequences the use of the key "10,9"

Here is what results "1 14 7 5 11" and, "4 5 9 22 9 15 14".

Now using this code, A=1, B=2, C=3,... H=8 Etc. Then you get these two words.

1=A 14=N 7=G 5=E 11=L making "Angel" and,

4=D 5=E 9=I 22=V 9=I 15=O 14=N making "Deivion"

The two words given me both made a sequence using the key the young man gave me "10,9". *Both required the subtraction of "10 or 9" to make a number sequence the same forward and backwards*.

I also turned the letters in "deivion" that are roman numerals to roman numerals as Johann Bessler did in 1717 in his writing and it made "DeIVIon"

Do you see the word that comes out of "Deivion" when using the Roman Numeral Code? It makes "Demon". *Interestingly The center I-V-I is a musical cadence*.

So the dream revealed this,


Key "10,9" "?" "10,9"

1 5 7 5 1/4 5 9 22 9 5 4/1 5 7 5 1


Was a bizarre dream but very interesting.

Soli Deo Gloria, Jeremy
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  • #2
JLThompson said:
I had a interesting dream two nights ago, I will explain it.

A woman with "Angel" in her name told me the name "Deivion", after this I saw a another woman's name with an "Angel" design by it (as you would see on a card or such).

Now after this a man approached me with urgentcy crying "10,9" "10,9". As if "10,9" were a key to unlock a mystery. *Another key was given that I will not speak of*

Now look at these number sequences, "1 5 7 5 1" and "4 5 9 22 9 5 4", the same forward and backwards.

Now watch as I add the code given to the two number sequences.

"1 5+9 7 5 1+10" and, "4 5 9 22 9 5+10 4+10" *Notice in the first I used 10,9 in addition and in the second the two 10's were added after the 9 of the sequence. Making in both sequences the use of the key "10,9"

Here is what results "1 14 7 5 11" and, "4 5 9 22 9 15 14".

Now using this code, A=1, B=2, C=3,... H=8 Etc. Then you get these two words.

1=A 14=N 7=G 5=E 11=L making "Angel" and,

4=D 5=E 9=I 22=V 9=I 15=O 14=N making "Deivion"

The two words given me both made a sequence using the key the young man gave me "10,9". *Both required the subtraction of "10 or 9" to make a number sequence the same forward and backwards*.

I also turned the letters in "deivion" that are roman numerals to roman numerals as Johann Bessler did in 1717 in his writing and it made "DeIVIon"

Do you see the word that comes out of "Deivion" when using the Roman Numeral Code? It makes "Demon". *Interestingly The center I-V-I is a musical cadence*.

So the dream revealed this,


Key "10,9" "?" "10,9"

1 5 7 5 1/4 5 9 22 9 5 4/1 5 7 5 1


Was a bizarre dream but very interesting.

Soli Deo Gloria, Jeremy
Looks like you went through a lot of trouble to come up with a lot of nonsense.

Now look at these number sequences, "1 5 7 5 1" and "4 5 9 22 9 5 4", the same forward and backwards.
1 5 7 5 1, using your code spells AEGEL, not angel. :rolleyes: Just where did you get this number sequence? And I suppose the girl that "told you "DEIVION" made sure she spelled it out, like in a spelling bee "Deivion D E I V I O N Deivion" :-p

You used 9,10 to turn AEGEL into angel, not the "code" 10,9 that was in your dream.

As with most dreams, once you look at it upon waking, it just makes no sense. :wink:
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  • #3
You are full of crap mister dreamer. You did not have this dream. You are trying to make people believe you are somehow special, but you are a liar. And not a very effective or imaginative one at that.
  • #4

I see it was not wise to post this here.

Anyways, I will not defend myself concerning being a liar. I had a interesting yet bizarre dream and thought I would share it. I shouldn't expect everyone to believe it. The young dreamer of old was thrown into a pit for his dreams. I shouldn't expect anything less.

Looking over what I calculated from the dream I had one error in it which related to what Evo said although the error was not in what she said, but on the word "Angel" a mis-calculation on my part. Being L=12 not 11. So it would be 1 5 7 5 2 not 1 5 7 5 1.

Anyways... God Bless, Jeremy :smile:
  • #5
I had a dream last night where I had to explain seismic wave propagation through the earth. When I woke up I realized that I had explained it correctly. THAT WAS NUTS!1 :rolleyes:
  • #6
I don't think he is lying.

I get pretty crazy stuff too.

I can play Solitaire in my sleep without mixing up the cards. I can do tons of stuff in my dreams. My brain keeps track of all the details, while I just sit back and play.
  • #7

Interestingly the mind does seem to work better while sleeping for sure... Although strangely bizarre.

I write Neo-Baroque music and I have noticed when sleeping the music is much better and in full orchestration. Yet, when I awake I cannot hear it as complex as when sleeping. While awake I have to work out the Counterpoint with much more effort.

I love the music of Johann Sebastian Bach which is very Mathematical and I study musical science. My mind seems to like Mathematical sequences and mathematically constructed music... So I guess it's not a big thing I had a dream like this.

If you notice in my first post I put "A=1, B=2, C=3... H=8 Etc." BACH
The number realtions I used with the dream are ones I am familiar with.

If anyone is interested... You can hear a four part Fugue I wrote at,

Just click the Fugue by Jeremy Thompson

Soli Deo Gloria, Jeremy
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FAQ: Interesting Dream/Mathematical Codes

1. What are mathematical codes?

Mathematical codes are patterns or algorithms that represent information in a systematic way. They are used in various fields such as cryptography, computer programming, and data analysis.

2. How do mathematical codes relate to dreams?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest a direct correlation between mathematical codes and dreams. However, some individuals may incorporate mathematical concepts into their dreams, particularly those who have a strong interest in math or work with it on a regular basis.

3. Can dreams contain hidden mathematical messages?

There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that dreams contain hidden mathematical messages. Dreams are a product of our subconscious mind and often reflect our thoughts, fears, and desires, rather than containing hidden codes or messages.

4. Are there any famous examples of mathematical codes in dreams?

There are no famous or well-documented examples of mathematical codes in dreams. However, some individuals have reported having dreams that involved solving complex equations or using mathematical concepts to solve problems.

5. Is there any benefit to studying mathematical codes in relation to dreams?

Studying mathematical codes in relation to dreams is not a recognized field of study and has no proven benefits. However, studying the brain and its processes, including dreaming, can provide insight into the complexities of the human mind and how it perceives and interprets information.

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