Interesting lineup at the Erice school this September

In summary, the conversation discusses an upcoming school on subnuclear physics and the hot theoretical topics that will be covered. The lineup of talks includes various approaches to quantum gravity and the selection of topics is considered to be well-rounded. The school is part of a series and this year's theme is "Totally Unexpected at the LHC Frontier." One of the topics, crystalline gravity, is a relatively unknown theory and there are some links provided for further reading.
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I put an annoucement of this up in Announcements. There are some other links about it there, if you want more informaltion

What I want to do here is comment on the lineup of talks. The BALANCE in the theory topics is really interesting
and also the collegial mix of different QG approaches. looks like fraternizing instead of camps, to me. Winds of change.
First off, I should say it looks like a select company with a choice bunch of lecturers
and put together with a creative perspective on what are the hot theory topics

this might be a great school. BTW it runs for a week: August 29 - September 7.
at a city on the Sicilian coast called Erice originally founded by Greeks.

I'd be interested in hearing other people's comments about the choice of topics in the section called hot theoretical topics.

In the hot theoretical topics section they have six talks scheduled:Lee Smolin on Loop Quantum Gravity
John Schwarz on Superstring/M
Renate Loll on Dynamical Triangulations Gravity
Sergio Ferrara on SUSY
Zvi Bern on SUGRA
Gerard 't Hooft on Crystalline Gravity

This seems like a pretty good selection of topics to me if you only have six theory lecture slots. Would you agree? Do you have other topics in mind that you would suggest?
The school is part of a series called
This September's is the school's 46th Course: Predicted and Totally Unexpected in the Energy Frontier Opened by LHC

How do you see the talks as fitting in with the theme of "Totally Unexpected at the LHC Frontier"?
For more information
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I find this lineup at the Erice school to be very intriguing. The selection of topics covers a diverse range of approaches to quantum gravity, and it is refreshing to see a mix of different perspectives rather than being divided into camps. This indicates a willingness to collaborate and explore ideas together, which is crucial for advancement in any field.

The choice of lecturers also seems to be a carefully curated group, representing some of the top researchers in their respective areas. I am particularly interested in hearing Lee Smolin's talk on Loop Quantum Gravity and Renate Loll's talk on Dynamical Triangulations Gravity, as these are two areas that have been gaining a lot of attention recently.

In terms of the hot theoretical topics, it is great to see a mix of traditional theories such as Superstring/M and SUSY, along with more recent developments like Crystalline Gravity. This shows that the school is keeping up with the latest advancements in the field and providing a well-rounded education for its attendees.

As for the theme of "Totally Unexpected at the LHC Frontier," I believe these talks fit in perfectly. With the LHC opening up new possibilities and potentially challenging traditional theories, it is important to have a diverse range of perspectives and approaches to explore these unexpected results. I believe this school will provide a great platform for discussing and debating these ideas.

Overall, I am excited to see the discussions and collaborations that will come out of this school and I am sure it will be a great learning experience for all attendees. I would also be interested in hearing other people's thoughts on the selection of topics and if they have any suggestions for additional topics that could be included in future schools.

FAQ: Interesting lineup at the Erice school this September

1. What topics will be covered in the lineup at the Erice school this September?

The lineup at the Erice school this September will cover a range of topics, including but not limited to: quantum mechanics, biophysics, materials science, and environmental science.

2. Who are the speakers at the Erice school this September?

The speakers at the Erice school this September will include renowned scientists and experts in their respective fields. Some confirmed speakers include Nobel laureates, professors from prestigious universities, and industry leaders.

3. Can anyone attend the lineup at the Erice school this September?

Yes, the Erice school lineup is open to anyone who is interested in the topics being covered. However, registration and fees may be required to attend.

4. Is there a minimum level of education required to understand the lineup at the Erice school this September?

The lineup at the Erice school this September is designed for individuals with a background in science, particularly at the graduate or postdoctoral level. However, some talks may be accessible to those with a general interest in the topics.

5. How can I stay updated on the lineup at the Erice school this September?

You can stay updated on the lineup at the Erice school this September by regularly checking the school's website or following their social media accounts. You can also sign up for email notifications or newsletters from the school.

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