Interesting property of idempotent 10-adic number

In summary, an idempotent 10-adic number is a number that, when raised to the power of 10, equals itself. Examples include 0, 1, and 10. They have unique properties that make them useful in algebraic number theory and cryptography, and can be calculated using the formula x = 10^n mod 10. They are used in real-world applications such as cryptography, coding theory, and computer science, and have connections to other mathematical concepts.
  • #1
We build a special number from ##5##, by squaring it, appending the next digit of the square to it and repeating the steps.

##5^2=25.## The next digit is 2, which is added to 5 to give 25.

##25^2=625.## The next digit is 6, which is added to 25 to give 625.

##625^2=390625.## The next digit is 0, which is added to 625 to give 0625.

##0625^2=390625.## The next digit is 9, which is added to 0625 to give 90625.

##90625^2=8212890625.## The next digit is 8, which is added to 90625 to give 890625.

We end up with the special number ##F=\,...\,4106619977392256259918212890625.##

Why is it that the number in every step shares the same digits as its square? In other words, prove the existence of this number.

(The article mentioned that the digit 6 can be used. But I don't think so because ##36\times36=1296##, which doesn't end with 36.)
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  • #2
The number seems to be the limit ##L=\lim_{n\rightarrow +\infty} 5^{2^n}##. We see that
[tex]L^2 = \lim_{n\rightarrow +\infty} (5^{2^n})^2 = \lim_{n\rightarrow +\infty} 5^{2^{n+1}} = L[/tex]
So ##L^2 = L## meaning that your number is ##L=0## or ##L = 1##.

We see that
[tex]|5^{2^n}|_{10} = 1~\text{and}~|5^{2^n} - 1|_{10} = 1[/tex]
so the sequence doesn't converge. It does converge in the ##5##-adic numbers:

[tex]|5^{2^n}|_5 = 2^{-n}[/tex]
So your number equals ##0## in the ##5##-adic numbers.

EDIT: the number does exist in the ##10##-adic numbers. The ##10##-adics are not an integral domain so ##L^2 = L~\Rightarrow~L\in \{0,1\}## is not valid. The number doesn't seem to be a rational number though
  • #3
micromass said:
The number seems to be the limit ##L=\lim_{n\rightarrow +\infty} 5^{2^n}##. We see that
[tex]L^2 = \lim_{n\rightarrow +\infty} (5^{2^n})^2 = \lim_{n\rightarrow +\infty} 5^{2^{n+1}} = L[/tex]
So ##L^2 = L## meaning that your number is ##L=0## or ##L = 1##.

We see that
[tex]|5^{2^n}|_{10} = 1~\text{and}~|5^{2^n} - 1|_{10} = 1[/tex]
so the sequence doesn't converge. It does converge in the ##5##-adic numbers:

[tex]|5^{2^n}|_5 = 2^{-n}[/tex]
So your number equals ##0## in the ##5##-adic numbers.

EDIT: the number does exist in the ##10##-adic numbers. The ##10##-adics are not an integral domain so ##L^2 = L~\Rightarrow~L\in \{0,1\}## is not valid. The number doesn't seem to be a rational number though

I am not familiar with p-adic numbers. Could this be proved without using p-adic numbers?
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  • #4
micromass said:
The number seems to be the limit ##L=\lim_{n\rightarrow +\infty} 5^{2^n}##.

##625^2=390625## but ##F## ends with ##890625##. So I think ##F## may not be the limit ##L##.
  • #5
Happiness said:
##625^2=390625## but ##F## ends with ##890625##. So I think ##F## may not be the limit ##L##.

Yes, you're right. I misunderstood the OP.
  • #6
OK, so let ##a_n## be the number formed by the first ##n## digits of ##F##. We know by construction that the ##nth## digit of ##a_n## is the ##n##th digit of ##a_{n-1}^2##. We prove by induction that the first ##n## digits of ##a_n^2## equal ##a_n##.

We can obviously write ##a_n = x 10^n + a_{n-1}##. Squaring gives us
[tex]a_n^2 = x^2 10^{2n} + 2x10^n a_{n-1} + a_{n-1}^2[/tex]
We are interested in the first ##n## digits of this number. The number ##x^2 10^{2n}## has a zero on its first ##2n## digits, so it plays no role. The first ##n-1## digits of ##2x10^n a_{n-1}## are zero. The ##n##th digit of this number is the first digit of ##2xa_{n-1}##. But since the first digit of ##a_{n-1}## is ##5##, we get that this first digit is the first digit of ##2\cdot 5\cdot x##, that is: the first digit is ##0##.

So the first ##n## digits of ##a_n^2## are the first ##n## digits of ##a_{n-1}^2##, like we wanted.
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  • #7
micromass said:
We can obviously write ##a_n = x 10^n + a_{n-1}##.


So ##a_n = x 10^{n-1} + a_{n-1}##.

  • #8
Right sorry, I should have proof read it. But the proof still goes through modulo these notational errors.
  • #9
Using the same proof, I discovered a similar number:

[tex]2^5 = \mathbf{32},~32^5 = 33554\mathbf{432},~432^5 = 1504591950\mathbf{6432}, ...[/tex]
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Likes Happiness
  • #10
The proof needs a slight modification, and relies on the ending number being 5 to make 2x*5 a multiple of 10.
That also explains why it works with 5 but not with 6.

The fifth power, starting with 2, also works because then 5x*2 is a multiple of 10. Apart from higher powers (^10, ^15, ... with 2, or ^4, ^6, ... with 5) that should be all we have in the decimal system. Other bases lead to similar results. Start with a divisor in this system, then use a power such that starting number * power is a multiple of the base.
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Related to Interesting property of idempotent 10-adic number

What is an idempotent 10-adic number?

An idempotent 10-adic number is a number that, when raised to the power of 10, equals itself. In other words, it is a number that is its own 10th power.

What are some examples of idempotent 10-adic numbers?

Some examples of idempotent 10-adic numbers include 0, 1, and 10. In general, any number that can be written in the form 10n where n is a non-negative integer is idempotent.

What is the significance of idempotent 10-adic numbers?

Idempotent 10-adic numbers have unique properties that make them useful in certain mathematical contexts, such as in algebraic number theory and cryptography. They also have connections to other mathematical concepts, such as p-adic numbers and power towers.

How are idempotent 10-adic numbers calculated?

Idempotent 10-adic numbers can be calculated using a simple formula: x = 10n mod 10, where n is a non-negative integer. This formula essentially takes the remainder when dividing 10n by 10, resulting in an idempotent 10-adic number.

Are idempotent 10-adic numbers used in real-world applications?

Yes, idempotent 10-adic numbers have practical applications in fields such as cryptography, coding theory, and computer science. They are also used in the study of number theory and have connections to other mathematical concepts, making them a valuable tool for researchers in various fields.

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