Interference of electromagnetic waves

In summary, the criteria for electromagnetic waves to interfere with each other are that they must obey the superposition principle, have frequencies near each other with phase differences close to zero or 180 degrees, and have parallel or anti-parallel wave trajectories. The symmetry of the interference pattern is determined by the phase differences between the frequency components of both waves. The random phases and directions of emitted waves from atoms in a gas make it unlikely for them to interfere with each other, but there may still be some constructive and destructive interference.
  • #1
I haven't been able to find any literature that answers this question in a pleasing way. Also, all sources on the internet are contradictory.

If electromagnetic waves (out of phase since they are emitted by the gaseous atoms in discharge tube) sent through a diffraction gitter interfered with each other there would not be a symmetric interference pattern. When performing some diffraction experiment, a symmetric pattern obviously arises at the screen though. The same frequency is obviously not enough for the waves to interfere, so I wonder:

What are the criteria for electromagnetic waves to interfere with each other? None of my teachers has been able to answer this question properly and I have received the most unreasonable answers you can possably imagine. :p

Thanks //F
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  • #2
Hi freddyfish,

Since EM waves obey the superposition principle (their amplitudes add linearly) waves from different sources pretty much always interfere with each other as they traverse the same location at the same time.

What you are probably most interested in though is when you can observe obvious patterns of constructive and destructive interference. Those are more easily observable if the frequencies lie near each other (or near multiples of each other) and their phase differences are closer towards zero or 180 degrees and when either the wave trajectories are parallel or anti-parallel (or possibly near to perpendicular).

Whether the pattern is symmetric or not I believe is determined by the particular phase differences between the frequency components of both waves. Monochromatic interfering waves near each other in frequency shouldn't produce an asymmetrical pattern (unless they are undergoing refraction or are impinging at an angle on each other).
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  • #3
freddyfish said:
If electromagnetic waves (out of phase since they are emitted by the gaseous atoms in discharge tube) sent through a diffraction gitter interfered with each other there would not be a symmetric interference pattern. When performing some diffraction experiment, a symmetric pattern obviously arises at the screen though. The same frequency is obviously not enough for the waves to interfere.
Thanks //F

The EM waves emitted by atoms in a gas are not "out of phase". They have random phases, and there is a difference. They are also emitted in random directions. Two EM waves cannot cancel each other out (interfere destructively) or add together (interfere constructively) unless they are traveling in practically the same direction. So if you pick two atoms in the gas, chances are they will not be interfering with each other, because chances are they will not be emitting in the same direction. When you look at a gas of emitting atoms, all you see are the atoms that happen to be emitting in more or less your direction. Even then, since the phases are random, there will not be complete cancelling. There will be some constructive interference, some destructive interference.

Related to Interference of electromagnetic waves

1. What is interference of electromagnetic waves?

Interference of electromagnetic waves is the phenomenon where two or more waves meet and interact with each other. This interaction can result in either constructive interference, where the waves reinforce each other and create a larger amplitude, or destructive interference, where the waves cancel each other out and create a smaller amplitude.

2. How does interference of electromagnetic waves occur?

Interference of electromagnetic waves occurs when two or more waves with the same frequency and wavelength meet. They can either be from the same source or from different sources. When they meet, they combine and create a new wave with a different amplitude and phase depending on the type of interference.

3. What is the difference between constructive and destructive interference?

Constructive interference is when two waves meet and their amplitudes add together to create a larger amplitude. This occurs when the waves are in phase, meaning their peaks and troughs align. Destructive interference is when two waves meet and their amplitudes subtract from each other, resulting in a smaller amplitude. This occurs when the waves are out of phase, meaning their peaks and troughs do not align.

4. How does interference of electromagnetic waves affect light?

Interference of electromagnetic waves can affect light in many ways. It can create colorful patterns, such as those seen in soap bubbles or oil slicks, due to the interference of different wavelengths of light. It can also result in diffraction patterns, where light bends and spreads out when passing through narrow openings. In addition, interference of electromagnetic waves is used in many technologies, such as fiber optics and holograms.

5. What are some real-life applications of interference of electromagnetic waves?

Interference of electromagnetic waves has many practical applications in our daily lives. Some examples include radio and television broadcasting, where signals are transmitted and received through interference. It is also used in medical imaging techniques such as MRI and ultrasound. In addition, interference of electromagnetic waves plays a crucial role in communication technologies, such as WiFi and cellular networks.

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