What Is the Difference Between Interference and Diffraction?

In summary, diffraction is a modification of the angular spectrum content of a wave due to the presence of an obstacle during its propagation.
  • #1
Santosh Acharya
I have a confusion regarding interference and diffraction phenomenon, I will be glad if you can post a video or something about interference and diffraction basics. I don't have meaningful concept over their differences.

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  • #2
Interference is a special case of superposition between two or more waves witht the same frequency, but sometimes there are also authors who use this term for waves with different frequencies.
Diffraction is the modification of the angular spectrum content of a wave due to the presence of an obstacle during its propagation. Note that, another wave effect, the refraction, also leads to a change in the angular spectrum but it's just a shift in frequency. On the other hand, diffraction usually leads a modification of the entire shape of the angular spectrum, e.g. to become broader like that in the diffraction from a slit or narrower like that in a focused light beam.
As for the videos, why not try to type "interference and diffraction" in youtube?
  • #3
I can add to blue_leaf's explanation above. Diffraction patterns are also the result of interference between the Huygen's sources that originate from the different locations on the wavefront. The diffraction patterns often originate from a continuum of (Huygen's) sources, like across the finite width of a small slit, but diffraction is also a form of interference.
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  • #4
Santosh Acharya said:
I have a confusion regarding interference and diffraction phenomenon
. . . . and I sympathise, because there is such a lot of fuzzy talk about them. The easy answer is that everything to do with wave propagation is Diffraction, in one form or another and Interference is a sub-set. The simplest form of Diffraction is what you get when there are a finite number of (very) small sources (e.g. holes or slits or multiple radio antennae or loudspeakers etc. etc.). These sources can be treated as points (looking on one plane) and they will produce a diffraction pattern that's referred to as an Interference pattern. Interference is the simplest form of diffraction to calculate and describe. Young's Slits is the most familiar and the positions of the maxes and mins can be calculated easily by calculating the directions in which the path difference between the two sources is either a whole number of wavelengths or an odd number of half wavelengths. For multiple points or slits, the calculation is a simple Summation of contributions from an integer number of sources. ("Σ" is the operation).
To work out the diffraction pattern when the wave is formed by a large object / aperture getting in the way of the wave, you look at every point on the wave front and calculate the way all those points contribute to the result in any direction. That involves Integration ("∫" is the operation). Diffraction occurs whenever waves encounter anything on their journey; a hole, a solid object, a lens, a mirror etc. etc. will all produce a diffraction pattern. If they are large, you get an almost perfect optical image / shadow etc.. Charles Link has referred to Huygen's principle and his (Huygens') was the first approach to calculating the progress of any wave, based on treating it as a set of point sources all across the wave front, which interfere with each other and produce the next step in the wave's progress. It's clever in that it actually predicts that the wave will only travel forwards, when undisturbed, and the interference 'backwards' or to the side, produces nothing.
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  • #5
Perhaps one of the most useful results in interference/diffraction theory is that for two sinusoidal (in time) point sources of wavelength ## \lambda ## placed a distance "d" apart, the phase difference ## \phi ## between them in the far field at angle ## \theta ## is given by ## \phi=(2\pi/\lambda)*d*\sin(\theta) ##. Meanwhile for the Huygen's sources across a finite size slit of width ## b ##, the phase ## \phi ## from the Huygen's source at location ## x ## where ## 0<x<b ## at angle ## \theta ## in the far field is given by ## \phi=(2\pi/\lambda)*x*\sin(\theta) ##
  • #6
If interference and diffraction are similar topics why not to study interference under diffraction?
Do anyone have animated video or like that to make me much more clear... I would be pleased.
  • #7
Santosh Acharya said:
If interference and diffraction are similar topics why not to study interference under diffraction?
Usually, the topic of diffraction follows immediately that of interference, probably this is because the formula involved to describe diffraction requires a higher level of math.
Santosh Acharya said:
Do anyone have animated video or like that to make me much more clear... I would be pleased.
Have you tried googling it? But even if you do find videos discussing interference and diffraction in one topic, I don't think it will give you much insight into the matter - these two phenomena are visually (for light) and aurally (for sound) hardly distinguishable. The difference between them is more subtle than what you may think, or what you may have realized given the fact that you asked this question. To get a deeper understanding on this, a literature study is highly recommended, it's a lot of work though but will be worth it if you do want to know,
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FAQ: What Is the Difference Between Interference and Diffraction?

1. What is the difference between interference and diffraction?

Interference refers to the phenomenon where waves from two or more sources combine and either reinforce or cancel each other out, resulting in a visible pattern. Diffraction, on the other hand, is the bending of waves around an obstacle or through an opening, resulting in the spreading out of the waves.

2. How are interference and diffraction similar?

Both interference and diffraction involve the interaction of waves, resulting in a change in the overall wave pattern. They are both caused by the superposition of waves.

3. What are some real-life examples of interference and diffraction?

An example of interference is the colorful patterns seen in soap bubbles or oil slicks, where light waves are interfering with each other. An example of diffraction is the diffraction grating used in spectrometers to separate different wavelengths of light.

4. How do interference and diffraction affect light and sound waves differently?

Interference can occur in both light and sound waves, but diffraction is more noticeable in light waves due to their shorter wavelength. In sound waves, diffraction is more noticeable when the wavelength is comparable to the size of the obstacle or opening.

5. How do interference and diffraction relate to the wave-particle duality of light?

The wave-particle duality of light states that light can behave as both a wave and a particle. Interference and diffraction provide evidence for the wave-like behavior of light, as they can only be explained by the superposition of waves. However, the photoelectric effect, which demonstrates the particle-like behavior of light, also provides evidence for the wave-particle duality.
