Intermediate Physics Lab Analysis, Uncertainty and Linear Regression

In summary, the experiment involves using a rotating blade to measure wind speed and collecting data on the number of rotations at 10 different wind speeds, 10 times each. A linear fit will be made to determine the wind speed as a function of rotations. When determining the uncertainty of the independent variable, the formula for fractional uncertainty can be used, taking the average of the data points for each speed. This uncertainty is likely to be below 0.5 rotations per data point. Linear regression also provides its own estimate for uncertainties. The best estimate for uncertainties is the smallest value that is certain to be larger than the actual uncertainty.
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Homework Statement

"You are asked to do an experiment where you will need to use a rotating blade to measure the wind speed. You measure the number of rotations of the blade at 10 different wind speeds, 10 times each and will make a linear fit to determine the wind speed as a function of rotations."

Justification Question: Suppose the uncertainty of the independent variable is the same for each. Give an upper estimate of the value of that uncertainty that justifies neglecting this uncertainty when doing the linear fit.

Homework Equations

-Uncertainty we assign is + or - half of the least count.
-Propagation of Errors? L = L0 + ΔL
-Mean of sample distribution?

The Attempt at a Solution

This is a uncertainty and analysis type problem for my intermediate physics lab course. So I am given a set of data points, which I didn't post because I am more interested in arriving on how to do the calculations. I just want to make it clear that I'm not seeking to get the work done, but would rather learn..

So a set of example data points are however:
10 mph: 12, 13, 14, 17, 14, 14, 15, 13, 14, 14 rotations
15 mph: 18, 19, 20, 18, 18, 18, 17, 19, 21, 19 rotations

Therefore would the uncertainty be just 0.5 rotations per each data point? But then is it really possible to have an error of rotations? So I just apply the fractional uncertainty equation, which is (Uncertainity)/(Value), in which for the value I just take the average for each set, since this is not a combination type uncertainty measurement.

I get a value for each mph data points, example, i get 3.5% for 10mph, and 2.6% for 15mph. Is this approach correct? However, I do not understand why this uncertainty would be neglected in linear regression. Is it because in linear regression, it takes the sample distribution?

Thank you very much!
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The uncertainty on each data point is well estimated to be below 0.5 rotations if you are always rounding to a whole number of revolutions.
(presumably you are counting number of rotations in a set time frame?)

It is certainly valid to have an uncertainty in the number of rotations - since it is unlikely that an exact whole number of rotations will have occurred. You can see from the statistical variation in the number of rotations that the actual count is uncertain.

For each speed you can find a mean number of rotations, the uncertainty can be estimated from the standard deviation of the distribution of measurements. You can also use the formula for finding the uncertainty on the mean of a gaussian distributed measurement.

Linear regression is itself a statistical method that provides it's own estimates for uncertainties for, say, slope and intercept.

All these are methods for estimating the uncertainties. The best estimate is the smallest value that is certain to be bigger than the "actual" uncertainty. You are going through the process of learning different techniques to make sure the estimate is a good one.

FAQ: Intermediate Physics Lab Analysis, Uncertainty and Linear Regression

1. What is the purpose of uncertainty in lab analysis?

Uncertainty is a measure of the range of possible values for a measurement. It is essential in lab analysis because it reflects the limitations and potential errors in the data, and allows for a more accurate interpretation of the results.

2. How is uncertainty calculated?

Uncertainty is calculated by determining the standard deviation of a set of measurements. This can be done using statistical software or by hand using the formula: standard deviation = √(Σ(xi - x̄)^2 / N-1), where xi is each individual measurement, x̄ is the mean of the measurements, and N is the total number of measurements.

3. What is linear regression and why is it used in lab analysis?

Linear regression is a statistical method used to determine the relationship between two variables by fitting a straight line through a set of data points. It is used in lab analysis to determine the equation of the best-fit line, which can then be used to make predictions and analyze the data.

4. How is the uncertainty in the slope and intercept of a linear regression line calculated?

The uncertainty in the slope and intercept of a linear regression line can be calculated using the following formulas: uncertainty in slope = √(Σ(yi - ȳ)^2 / (N-2) * Σ(xi - x̄)^2), uncertainty in intercept = uncertainty in slope * √(1/N + (x̄)^2 / Σ(xi - x̄)^2). These calculations take into account the uncertainty in the individual data points and the number of data points used.

5. How can uncertainty affect the interpretation of lab results?

Uncertainty can affect the interpretation of lab results by introducing a margin of error into the data. This means that the true value could be higher or lower than the measured value, and the uncertainty allows for a more accurate representation of the range of possible values. It is important to consider uncertainty when drawing conclusions from lab data and to report it along with the results.
