Internal combustion engine transfer function (request)

In summary, an internal combustion engine transfer function is a mathematical representation of the relationship between the input and output of an engine. It is used to model and analyze the performance of the engine, taking into account factors such as fuel flow, air intake, and exhaust emissions. By understanding the transfer function, engineers can make adjustments to improve engine efficiency and reduce emissions, ultimately leading to more reliable and environmentally-friendly engines.
  • #1
Hello everyone, i need to find reported transfer functions of internal combustion engines for a project, i would appreciate the model of a four cylinder engine.
If anyone knows about a book or some article which i can use, please let me know.
thank you very much.
the topic is related with dynamics and control.
Engineering news on
  • #2
ismagtz said:
Hello everyone, i need to find reported transfer functions of internal combustion engines for a project, i would appreciate the model of a four cylinder engine.
If anyone knows about a book or some article which i can use, please let me know.
thank you very much.
the topic is related with dynamics and control.

Welcome to the PF.

Transfer function from what to what? Gasoline to acceleration?
  • #3
berkeman said:
Welcome to the PF.

Transfer function from what to what? Gasoline to acceleration?

Thank you very much.

I need a transfer function from the air inlet to RPM or Hp, considering a constant ideal air/fuel ratio (maybe i would need a transfer function for that).

Also another one from RPM to exhaust gas flux, in this one I'm not quite sure what is really convenient to calculate the exhaust gas flux, rpm or Hp?.

I need all of this to elaborate a control loop for a twin charged system.
  • #4
ismagtz said:
Thank you very much.

I need a transfer function from the air inlet to RPM or Hp, considering a constant ideal air/fuel ratio (maybe i would need a transfer function for that).

Also another one from RPM to exhaust gas flux, in this one I'm not quite sure what is really convenient to calculate the exhaust gas flux, rpm or Hp?.

I need all of this to elaborate a control loop for a twin charged system.

I did a Google search on Thermodynamics of Internal Combustion Engines, and got a lot of good hits. Have a look through the hit list to see if you start finding what you are looking for:

  • #5
berkeman said:
I did a Google search on Thermodynamics of Internal Combustion Engines, and got a lot of good hits. Have a look through the hit list to see if you start finding what you are looking for: of internal combustion engines&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGLL_enUS301US302&q=thermodynamics of internal combustion engines&gs_l=hp..0.0l2j0i22i30l3.

I will, thanks.

Searching around i found this book, "Engine Modeling and Control" Author: Rolf Isermann, it may have some transfer functions
here's a preview of the book in case someone is interested:
  • #6
Dear All

this is my problem too, We have an engine test bench based on torque controlling dynamometer, I don't know how to have the transfer function for the shaft
I guess we need a transfer function of force to speed, we only have access to ECU to send the pedal load and that it! We have to have a specific rotation with that!
Please let me know if anyone have any suggestion how to control with PID and transfer function! I am confused ( I am a mechanical engineering and don't know anything from controlling )

FAQ: Internal combustion engine transfer function (request)

What is an internal combustion engine transfer function?

An internal combustion engine transfer function is a mathematical representation of the relationship between the input and output variables of an internal combustion engine. It describes how the engine responds to changes in the input variables such as fuel flow rate, air flow rate, and ignition timing, to produce the desired output variable, which is typically power output.

Why is the transfer function of an internal combustion engine important?

The transfer function of an internal combustion engine is important because it allows engineers to understand and predict how the engine will perform under different operating conditions. This information is crucial for designing efficient and reliable engines and optimizing their performance.

How is the transfer function of an internal combustion engine determined?

The transfer function of an internal combustion engine is determined through extensive testing and analysis of the engine's performance under different operating conditions. This involves measuring the input and output variables and using mathematical techniques to derive the transfer function that best fits the data.

What factors can affect the transfer function of an internal combustion engine?

The transfer function of an internal combustion engine can be affected by various factors such as engine design, fuel quality, air temperature and humidity, altitude, and engine wear and tear. Changes in any of these factors can alter the engine's performance and, therefore, its transfer function.

How can the transfer function of an internal combustion engine be used in engine control systems?

The transfer function of an internal combustion engine is used in engine control systems to adjust the input variables, such as fuel injection and ignition timing, in real-time to maintain the desired output variable. This allows for precise control of the engine's performance and can improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions.

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