International (Dutch) student, second Bachelor in Aerosp. Eng. which school?

In summary, an international (Dutch) student is seeking advice on which school to choose for a second Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering. They are currently studying Computer Science in the Netherlands, but have always been interested in aerospace engineering. After studying mechanical engineering for a year, they realized it wasn't for them and now want to pursue their true passion. They have applied to three universities in the US, Florida Institute of Technology, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and California State University, Long Beach, and have been accepted to FIT and ERAU with scholarships. They are still waiting to hear back from CSULB. They are seeking advice on which school has the better reputation and if it is worth the cost to attend ERAU
  • #1
International (Dutch) student, second Bachelor in Aerosp. Eng. "which school?"

Hello everyone,

I'd like to start off with a small disclaimer. I am new to these forums and know how it is - newbies posting threads that have already been widely discussed etc. Please believe me, I've scoured the net and found tons of threads on this subject but I would still very much appreciate a personalized one about my particular situation. So I hope you guys can help me out with this!

OK here we go (I always like to type big opening posts so bear with me. I'll try and stick to the relevant facts). I am currently enrolled at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, in my fourth and final year of a bachelor's degree in computer science. A small confession: a bachelor's degree here in the Netherlands is supposed to take only three years.

Before this, I studied mechanical engineering at another university here in the Netherlands for a year, but this didn't work out. So, this is the fifth year of my academic career.

Well, here the plot thickens, because while I didn't like mechanical engineering, I don't particularly like Comp Sci either. I just wanted to finish a degree and didn't know what else to do until recently, anyway.

Meanwhile, I've always wanted to study aerospace engineering. One year of geeky people and loads of maths whilst studying mechanical eng. just scared me off... However, we all become wiser with age (right?) and I realized that I should study what I WANT to study.

Now, we have a perfectly good aerospace engineering program here at Delft University for (by American standards) very low tuition. Alas, one complication arose: I visited America (many times), fell in love and want to move.

And so, in 2005 I applied for Utrecht University's exchange program with University of Florida. I studied there during the Fall of 05 semester and met my girlfriend who lives in Tampa. We've had a long distance relationship for close to a year now.

Well, last summer I got sick of traveling back and forth between the US and Europe and not really doing anything constructive (academically/career-wise) except finishing a degree in a field in which I don't wish to have a career (well... I did loads of other stuff too but that's not too relevant here). I did a lot of soul-searching and came to the conclusion that

A) I want to study A.E.
B) I want to do it in America.

This is definitely 'the hard way of doing things'. Obviously I would be paying out of state tuition no matter where I go, there's visa issues etc. - it would be costly and difficult. Still - it's what I want.

I cannot give a very detailed description of exactly what I want to do in the field. But I know my interests lie in aerodynamics/design of aircraft/ spacecraft , and propulsion.

So, I looked into US institutions, applied, etc. But you know how it is - I've been occupying myself with this for about 6 months now, and feel like I am finally getting a grip on it, but by now most deadlines for applications have passed. And finally, we get to my situation as it is now.

I've applied to three universities (there should have been more):

1) Florida Institute of Technology
2) Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Daytona Beach campus)
3) California State University, Long Beach

This must be quite a strange list. The reason is that I know a lot of people in Florida now, so naturally I looked for schools there, and these two seemed like good options because of their proximity to the Space Center, reputations (more on this later...) etc.
As for CSULB... I just love Southern California and would love to live there. The university is a lot cheaper as well.

Well then! Right now, I have been accepted at Florida Tech and ERAU, both with scholarships (they don't cover much of the tuition though and I'm still looking at roughly 20K a year for tuition + fees, books etc) and still waiting on CSULB's answer.

Okay... Now for the past couple of months I've been driving myself crazy trying to make a decision. Let's say for the moment that I'll be accepted at CSULB too (because I'll need to get started on getting my visa etc. I need to decide relatively quickly)... What do I do?

I've visited both Florida Tech and ERAU. They both seemed like really nice schools. Not sure about the cities they're in (Melbourne, FL/Daytona Beach, FL) - seemed sort of boring. I know I got bored with Gainesville in 5 months (I guess I am demanding).
But the most important thing is their reps. Which one of these has the better reputations? And is either one of them really a good option?

ERAU has the number one rating for AE, undergrad, at universities whose highest degree is a master's (so does this even mean anything compared to research universities?). Florida Tech is a third-tier school yet incredibly expensive.
However, I have been hearing positive things about it from a friend who works at Honeywell and on forums etc. ("I heard the only good space programs in FL are FIT and UF") It was founded by NASA engineers so I suppose it must be a suitable place to study if you want to work at NASA...?

Meanwhile a friend of mine says ERAU comes extremely highly recommended by NASA professionals etc. Yet I read (almost) nothing but bad things about this school on the net (overpriced, bad atmosphere etc) I suppose what I really want to know is: how good IS ERAU's reputation really?! Is it worth the money?

Disturbingly I also read posts saying "don't go to either ERAU or FIT" but this is on airline pilot forums - those guys seem to do nothing but worry/criticize the industry etc. :wink:

Finally, CSULB. It's a cheaper option (less than half the cost of the other ones which are roughly equally expensive) and I love that environment. But... (and here is where my lack of knowledge really hurts so don't be offended by these questions please - I just don't know!) are Cal State schools inferior to UC ones? I'd hate to end up in a place where I feel I am not getting the best education I could.

After my new bachelor I intend to try and go to a great, prestigious grad school (Stanford, MIT, CalTech...). Right now, my grades just aren't there. So perhaps - the first few years don't even matter that much (99% maths anyway) so the cheapest, "most fun" option (I'd say that's CSULB) is best? But I don't know about that.

As for college/party atmosphere - I've been there for 5 years now. That's not a high priority for me. I intend to work hard, yet I don't want to be around people who have no interests at all besides their study and work 24/7 (I hear it can be like that at places like Cal Tech, then again I'd be stupid to just believe what I hear about stuff like this).

Money is also an issue but not the primary deciding factor.

What it all boils down to is that I'd like ANY advice anyone can offer me about any of these schools. Opinions about what path I should chose are VERY welcome. I know that I will have to decide for myself eventually, and I also know that all three options have pros and cons. I'm sure anyone of them will be great. But this is still an important decision and I don't have much experience with US universities (except UF which I liked a lot. Just don't want to live in Gainesville really, plus I like the idea of a specialized school, and at UF, the mechanical/aerospace engineering programs are identical the first few years).

Thanks very much for reading my long post and I hope someone out there will have something to say about all this!


Physics news on
  • #2
For the great grad schools, I can tell you that for international students they are very very selective. You have to be out there, not just an ordinary student. Take part to competitions, get involved in projects, all you can do, do it.
  • #3

Dear Thomas,

Thank you for sharing your situation and concerns with us. I understand the importance of making informed decisions and I am happy to offer my advice on your situation.

First of all, congratulations on your acceptance to Florida Tech and ERAU, and I wish you the best of luck with your application to CSULB. It seems that you have narrowed down your options to three schools that have strong aerospace engineering programs. However, I understand that choosing the right school for you can be a difficult decision, especially when considering factors such as reputation, cost, and location.

In terms of reputation, both ERAU and Florida Tech have strong reputations in the aerospace industry. While ERAU may have a higher ranking in undergraduate aerospace engineering programs, Florida Tech has a strong connection to NASA and a good reputation among professionals in the field. I would suggest researching the faculty and alumni of each school to get a better understanding of their backgrounds and achievements. Additionally, it may be helpful to reach out to alumni or professionals in the industry to get their perspective on the schools and their programs.

As for the cost, it is important to consider the financial burden of attending a more expensive school. However, it is also important to weigh the value of the education and opportunities that the more expensive school may offer. You mentioned your intention to attend a prestigious graduate school, and a school with a strong reputation and connections to industry may better prepare you for that next step in your education. It may also be worth looking into scholarship and financial aid options at each school to help alleviate the cost burden.

In terms of location, it is important to consider your personal preferences and what environment will help you thrive academically. If you did not enjoy your time in Gainesville, it may be worth considering a change of scenery. However, keep in mind that the location of the school may also have an impact on internship and job opportunities in the aerospace industry.

Ultimately, the decision of which school to attend is a personal one and I can only offer my advice based on the information you have provided. I would suggest making a list of your priorities and weighing the pros and cons of each school to help you make the best decision for your academic and career goals. I wish you all the best in your academic journey and hope that you find a school that will help you achieve your dreams in aerospace engineering.

Best regards,

Related to International (Dutch) student, second Bachelor in Aerosp. Eng. which school?

1. What are the requirements for international (Dutch) students to apply for a second Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering?

The specific requirements may vary depending on the school, but generally, international (Dutch) students must have completed a relevant first Bachelor's degree with a good academic standing and meet the language proficiency requirements. It is also important to check if the school offers a second Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering and if there are any additional requirements for international students.

2. Are there any scholarships or financial aid available for international (Dutch) students pursuing a second Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering?

Many schools offer scholarships and financial aid for international students, but it is important to research and apply for them early. Some scholarships may be specifically for students from certain countries or based on academic merit, so it is important to thoroughly check the school's website for available options.

3. What is the duration of a second Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering for international (Dutch) students?

The duration of a second Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering may vary depending on the school and the student's previous education and credits. Generally, it can take anywhere from 2-3 years to complete the degree.

4. Can international (Dutch) students work while pursuing a second Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering?

International (Dutch) students can work part-time while studying, but it is important to check the specific regulations and limitations set by the school and the country's immigration laws. It is also important to prioritize studies and make sure that employment does not interfere with academic commitments.

5. What are the career prospects for international (Dutch) students with a second Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering?

Aerospace Engineering is a highly specialized field with a high demand for skilled professionals. Graduates with a second Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering have a wide range of career opportunities in the aerospace industry, including roles in design, manufacturing, research, and development. They may also pursue higher education and research opportunities in this field.

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