Interplanar Spacing: Calculating Distance between (200) Planes

  • Thread starter aaaa202
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In summary, the interplanar spacing between (hkl) planes can be calculated using the formula d=2\pi/lGl, where G is the reciprocal lattice vector and lGl is the magnitude of G. However, when working with face-centered-cubic lattices, the miller indices are often chosen to correspond to a conventional cell rather than a primitive cell. Therefore, in order to use the formula, the reciprocal vector b'1 corresponding to the conventional cell lattice vectors must be found.
  • #1
The interplanar spacing between planes labeled by miller indices (hkl) is given by:
where G is the reciprocal lattice vector:
Somehow I can't get this formula to work. I wonna calculate the distance between (200) planes. This should be a/2, where a is the lattice constant. But (look it up) b1=2[itex]\pi[/itex]/a (-x + y +z), where x, y and z are unit vectors. And so G= hb1 = 2[itex]\pi[/itex]/a (-x + y +z) and thus lGl = h2[itex]\pi[/itex]/a * √3
d= a/(2√3)
But this can't be right. I have no idea why I get that factor of √3, because I checked everything. Where did I make a silly mistake?
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  • #2
From your expression for b1, it appears that you are working with a face-centered-cubic lattice (in real space) and that you have chosen reciprocal lattice vectors that are reciprocal to a set of primitive lattice vectors corresponding to a primitive cell. However, for fcc and bcc lattices the miller indices are often chosen to correspond to a conventional cell.
For information on primitive and conventional cells:

The unprimed vectors (a1, a2, a3) in the diagram that I attached show lattice vectors in real space that correspond to a primitive cell of the lattice. The primed vectors correspond to a conventional cell.

So, the Miller indices (2, 0, 0) probably correspond to the conventional cell. If so and you want to use d=2[itex]\pi[/itex]/lGl, you will need to find the reciprocal vector b'1 that is reciprocal to the conventional cell lattice vectors (a'1, a'2, a'3).


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Related to Interplanar Spacing: Calculating Distance between (200) Planes

1. What is interplanar spacing?

Interplanar spacing is the distance between two parallel planes within a crystal structure.

2. How is interplanar spacing calculated?

The formula for calculating interplanar spacing is d = λ/2sinθ, where d is the interplanar spacing, λ is the wavelength of the X-ray used, and θ is the angle of diffraction.

3. What is the significance of calculating interplanar spacing?

Calculating interplanar spacing is important because it helps determine the crystal structure of a material, which can provide valuable information about its physical and chemical properties.

4. What is the difference between (100) and (200) planes?

The numbers in parentheses represent the Miller indices, which are used to describe the orientation of a crystal plane. The (100) plane is perpendicular to the crystal's x-axis, while the (200) plane is parallel to the x-axis and twice the distance from the origin.

5. Are there any limitations to using interplanar spacing to determine crystal structure?

While interplanar spacing is a useful tool for determining crystal structure, it is not always accurate as it assumes the crystal is perfect and does not account for defects or imperfections in the crystal lattice.

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