Interplanetary Trajectory Calculation

In summary, the speaker is looking at different interplanetary trajectories for a Mars mission using algebraic equations due to their limited knowledge of calculus. They are specifically trying to calculate the Mars transit time for non-hohmann transfer orbits by approximating the flight path with a section of an ellipse and solving for time of flight and true anomaly. They mention the use of Kepler's equation and the mean anomaly, and advise using the standard gravitational parameter instead of G*M for accuracy. They also mention using Newton-Raphson iteration to solve Kepler's equation.
  • #1
For something of a hobby of mine, I'm looking at different interplanetary trajectories for a Mars mission.

I've got a somewhat interesting case;
I only know basic calculus of a single variable (taken calculus 1), so I can't do the more in-depth multivariable and (I think) vector calculus required for true calculation of interplanetary trajectories, so for now, I'm sticking to algebraic equations which assume only two bodies and instantaneous Δv. (such as the vis-viva equation, and equations given on wiki for things like hohmann transfer and flight path angle)

So, here's the problem;
I want to be able to calculate Mars transit time for non-hohmann transfer orbits. The method I'll use is to approximate the interplanetary flight path with a section of an ellipse, find the velocity and distance to get time for the flight.

The first step, is calculating the speed. That's rather simple, just an integral of the vis-viva equation with Δv/Δr, divided by the Δr to get average velocity.

The second step, finding the distance, is where I need some help.

The problem, from what I've seen, is finding the arc length of an ellipse from one point to another.

Most of the answers I've seen from looking around on the web are a bit above me, though, lol. But it looks like it can be done with just single variable calculus, so I'll give it a shot.
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  • #2
Arc length along an ellipse is calculated by an elliptical integral (and now you have a term to google).

Elliptical integrals are not the way to solve this problem, however. You need to solve for time of flight and and an angle called true anomaly. This is the angle between the directed line from the ellipse focus (e.g., the Sun) to the periapsis point and the directed line from the focus to the current point on the orbit. There is a related angle called eccentric anomaly. True anomaly ν (Greek nu, but sometimes written as θ, and other times f) and eccentric anomaly E are related by the orbital eccentricity e via
[tex]\tan\frac{\nu} 2 = \sqrt{\frac{1+e}{1-e}}\tan\frac E 2[/tex]
Why this new term E? The answer is Kepler's equation, which relates eccentric anomaly E and yet another "anomaly" called mean anomaly M by
[tex]M = E - e\sin E[/tex]
So what's this M? The reason for using the mean anomaly is that it grows linearly with time:
[tex]M(t) = M(t_0) + n (t-t_0)[/tex]
That n is called the mean motion. It is given by [itex]n=2\pi/T[/itex], where T is the orbital period. Another equation for the mean motion is [itex]n=\sqrt{GM/a^3}[/itex], where this M is the mass of the central object. Yet another equation is [itex]n=\sqrt{\mu/a^3}[/itex], where [itex]\mu=GM[/itex] is the standard gravitational parameter for the central object. Word of advice: Use μ (mu) rather than G*M. This disambiguates the meaning of M (is it mean anomaly or central mass?) and it is more accurate. We only only G to 4 decimal places or so, and the same for the mass of the sun. Compare that to the ten decimal places to which we know product G*M for the sun. In fact, the mass of the sun is determined by dividing the sun's gravitational parameter by G.

Calculating the mean anomaly M at some time is a straightforward calculation if you know the true anomaly at that same time or if you know the mean motion and you know the mean anomaly at some other time. Calculating the true anomaly if you know the mean anomaly isn't so simple. You will have to calculating the eccentric anomaly and then calculate the true anomaly from the eccentric anomaly. The problem is that there is no nice simple formula that is the inverse of Kepler's equation. There is no such formula in the elementary functions. One widely used approach is to use Newton-Raphson iteration to solve Kepler's equation for E given M and e.

FAQ: Interplanetary Trajectory Calculation

1. How is interplanetary trajectory calculated?

Interplanetary trajectory is calculated using mathematical equations and computer simulations that take into account the gravitational forces between planets, the initial velocity of the spacecraft, and the position of the planets at a given time. This calculation can also be affected by factors such as the spacecraft's propulsion systems and any necessary mid-course corrections.

2. Why is interplanetary trajectory important?

Interplanetary trajectory is important because it allows us to accurately plan and execute space missions, such as sending probes or spacecraft to other planets or moons. It also helps us to understand and predict the movement of celestial bodies in our solar system.

3. What are some challenges in calculating interplanetary trajectory?

One of the main challenges in calculating interplanetary trajectory is the complexity of the mathematical equations and the need for precise and constantly updated data on the positions and velocities of celestial bodies. Additionally, the long duration of interplanetary missions and the potential for unforeseen obstacles can make trajectory calculations difficult.

4. How accurate are interplanetary trajectory calculations?

Interplanetary trajectory calculations are typically very accurate, with a margin of error of only a few kilometers. This level of precision is necessary for successful space missions and requires constant monitoring and adjustments to account for any potential errors.

5. Are there any new developments in interplanetary trajectory calculation?

Yes, as technology advances, there are always new developments in interplanetary trajectory calculation. Some recent developments include the use of machine learning algorithms to improve accuracy, and the development of new propulsion systems that can allow for more precise and efficient trajectory calculations.

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