Interpreting Ratio of Two Probs: Can Higher Prop Survive?

It is important to mention the use of the log scale when communicating the results to avoid any confusion.
  • #1
If two 5-year survival probabilities are p1=.55 and p2=.41

the ratio is .55/.41 = 1.34 but since probabilities are in [0, 1] should I take the log first?
Which is the more appropriate way to interpret the ratio?

the ratio of logs is Log(.55)/log(.41) = .671
Which is less than one although the probability .55 > .41 so taking the reciprocal I get approximately 1.49

How to interpret this...

Can I say "people in the group with higher probability have about 1.5 times the chance to survive 5 years as a person in the other group." Or do I have to qualify it and add, "on the log scale"?

Or is the former way better (without logs)?
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  • #2

it is important to consider the appropriate way to interpret the data and communicate it accurately. In this case, using the log scale may provide a more accurate representation of the data. This is because the log transformation helps to normalize the data and make it more easily comparable.

Therefore, in this scenario, it would be more appropriate to use the ratio of logs, which is approximately 0.671. This means that the group with a higher probability (p1=.55) has about 1.5 times the chance of survival as the group with a lower probability (p2=.41) on a log scale. It is important to mention the log scale when interpreting the results to avoid any confusion.

Using the log scale also allows for a clearer understanding of the differences in probabilities between the two groups. For example, if the probabilities were very close together (e.g. p1=.55 and p2=.54), the ratio of logs would be closer to 1, indicating that the difference in survival probabilities is not as significant.

In summary, using the log scale to interpret the ratio of survival probabilities is more appropriate as it provides a more accurate representation of the data and allows for a clearer understanding of the differences between the two groups.

FAQ: Interpreting Ratio of Two Probs: Can Higher Prop Survive?

1. What is the purpose of interpreting the ratio of two probabilities?

The purpose of interpreting the ratio of two probabilities is to determine the likelihood of one event occurring compared to another event. It allows for a quantitative comparison between two probabilities and can provide insights into the relationship between them.

2. How is the ratio of two probabilities calculated?

The ratio of two probabilities is calculated by dividing one probability by the other. For example, if the probability of event A occurring is 0.6 and the probability of event B occurring is 0.4, the ratio of A to B would be 1.5 (0.6/0.4).

3. How can a higher proportion survive in a given scenario?

A higher proportion can survive in a given scenario if the probability of survival is higher than the probability of not surviving. This could be due to various factors such as better resources, higher fitness levels, or more favorable conditions.

4. What does a high ratio of two probabilities indicate?

A high ratio of two probabilities indicates that one event is more likely to occur compared to the other. It can also suggest a strong relationship between the two events, with one event influencing the other.

5. How can the interpretation of ratio of two probabilities be useful in decision making?

The interpretation of ratio of two probabilities can be useful in decision making by providing a quantitative measure of the likelihood of one event occurring compared to another. This can aid in evaluating different options and making informed decisions based on the probability of success or failure.

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