Interpreting von Neumann Entropy in Schrodinger's Cat-type Experiment

In summary: Thank you.In summary, the von Neumann entropy in quantum systems is an extension of classical entropy and can be interpreted as a measure of uncertainty. In Schrodinger's cat experiment, the sudden decrease in joint entropy is due to a measurement collapsing the pure state of a subsystem. The thermodynamic entropy can still be calculated, taking into account the quantum nature of the system. A good book on quantum information theory is "Quantum Computation and Quantum Information" by Nielsen and Chuang.
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***EDIT: This is nonsensical. I'm new to density matrices, and I had a sign error that led to some confusion. In addition... this just doesn't make sense, reading it over. I apologize for the post. I'd appreciate it if a moderator removed this, please.
I'm reading about the von Neumann entropy, and I'm having trouble understanding the relationships between the joint quantum, conditional quantum, and classical thermodynamic entropy. If the von Neumann entropy of a system is an extension of the classical entropy, and the joint quantum entropy of a set of subsystems is equal the von Neumann entropy of the system containing these subsystems, then I'm not sure how to interpret the von Neumann in certain situations. Let me try to apply the von Neumann entropy to a Schrodinger's cat-type experiment.

The Schrodinger's cat experiment describes the evolution of an isolated macroscopic interacting with a (similarly isolated) pure state. We put these elements in a "box" which isolate them from the lab. For simplicity, let's say that the "cat-killing" subsystem which is in a pure state is described by a spin superposition before measurment:

[itex]|\psi>=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|+>+|->) [/itex]

The density matrix of this state is:


Let's say that the rest of the system inside the box is described by the density matrix [itex]\widehat{\rho}[/itex], and so the entire system in isolation is described by:


The expectation values for the entropy operator of the subsystem containing everything but the "cat-killing" pure state is generally some positive value:


The expectation value for the entropy operator of the "cat-killing" bit is zero:


Because of inclusion of the pure state, the joint entropy of the system is zero:

[itex]<\widehat{S}_{\sigma \rho}>=0[/itex]

Let's say that the "cat-killing" bit started as just a thermalized particle inside the box, so the joint entropy was non-zero. Then we seal the box. Then, the apparatus inside prepares a single particle in a pure state, immediately reducing the joint entropy of the system to zero.

If the joint entropy of all subsystems is equal to the total von Neumann entropy of the complete system, and the von Neumann entropy of the whole system is a generalization of the classical entropy of the whole system, how do we interpret the sudden decrease in total entropy of the system? If the box was at the same temperature as the lab before we sealed it, do we expect the box to suddenly give off heat? I wouldn't expect so, but I'm not sure how to interpret the joint entropy.

The entropy of the subsystems I considered still adds to what I would expect the total value to be for the classical entropy. However, they don't add up to the joint entropy. I understand that quantum information and entropy can sometimes be negative; the conditional quantum entropy appears to be negative in this case. I understand that the conditional quantum entropy has something to do with state merging, but again I'm not sure how to interpret this.

My biggest question is, what value(s) stand in for the thermodynamic entropy in this case if not the joint entropy of the system? Do we really expect the thermodynamic entropy of the entire isolated system to drop to zero in this case?

(Also, I'd love it if anyone could suggest a good book on quantum information theory while they're at it. Thank you!)
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I can understand your confusion about the relationships between the different entropies in quantum systems. The von Neumann entropy is indeed an extension of classical entropy, and it can be interpreted as a measure of the uncertainty in a quantum system.

In the case of Schrodinger's cat experiment, the sudden decrease in the joint entropy of the system can be explained by the fact that the system has undergone a measurement. This measurement has collapsed the pure state of the "cat-killing" subsystem, reducing its entropy to zero. This does not violate the second law of thermodynamics, as the overall entropy of the system (including the "cat-killing" subsystem) has not decreased.

As for the thermodynamic entropy, it can still be calculated using the classical definition, taking into account the quantum nature of the system. This can be a complex calculation and depends on the specific system being studied.

As for a good book on quantum information theory, I would recommend "Quantum Computation and Quantum Information" by Michael Nielsen and Isaac Chuang. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the field and covers topics such as quantum entropy and quantum measurements.

I hope this helps clarify some of your questions. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any further doubts.

Related to Interpreting von Neumann Entropy in Schrodinger's Cat-type Experiment

1. What is von Neumann entropy?

Von Neumann entropy is a measure of the randomness or uncertainty in a quantum system. It was first introduced by physicist John von Neumann in the 1920s and is calculated using the density matrix of a quantum system.

2. How is von Neumann entropy related to Schrodinger's cat experiment?

In Schrodinger's cat experiment, a cat is placed in a sealed box with a vial of poison that will be released if a radioactive atom decays. According to quantum mechanics, until the box is opened and observed, the cat exists in a superposition of both alive and dead states. Von Neumann entropy is used to quantify the randomness of the cat's state while it is in the sealed box.

3. What is the importance of interpreting von Neumann entropy in the context of Schrodinger's cat experiment?

Interpreting von Neumann entropy in the context of Schrodinger's cat experiment helps us understand the concept of quantum superposition and the role of observation in determining the state of a quantum system. It also provides insight into the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics and the concept of measurement in quantum systems.

4. How is von Neumann entropy calculated in Schrodinger's cat experiment?

In Schrodinger's cat experiment, the density matrix is used to calculate von Neumann entropy. The density matrix is a mathematical representation of the state of a quantum system and can be used to calculate the probabilities of different outcomes. Von Neumann entropy is calculated by taking the trace of the density matrix multiplied by its logarithm.

5. Can von Neumann entropy be used to measure the degree of entanglement in Schrodinger's cat experiment?

Yes, von Neumann entropy can be used to measure the degree of entanglement in Schrodinger's cat experiment. Entanglement occurs when two or more quantum systems are connected in a way that their states are dependent on each other. Von Neumann entropy can be used to quantify the amount of entanglement between the cat and the radioactive atom in the experiment.

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