Intersection of Condensed Matter Theory + High Energy Physics

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Hey all,
I was just wondering where I could find a current review of the major problems that are being discussed at the intersection of condensed matter theory and high energy theory (+maybe quantum information)? Just looking for some inspiration on what the most "popular" problems being discussed at the intersection of the fields is right now.
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Likes vanhees71, Demystifier and curious_mind

FAQ: Intersection of Condensed Matter Theory + High Energy Physics

What is the intersection of condensed matter theory and high energy physics?

The intersection of condensed matter theory and high energy physics involves the application of concepts and techniques from high energy physics to understand phenomena in condensed matter systems, and vice versa. This interdisciplinary approach can lead to new insights and advancements in both fields, such as using quantum field theory to describe phase transitions in materials or employing condensed matter models to simulate aspects of particle physics.

How do concepts from high energy physics apply to condensed matter systems?

Concepts from high energy physics, such as gauge theories, topological states, and symmetry breaking, are used to describe and predict the behavior of condensed matter systems. For example, the idea of spontaneous symmetry breaking, which is central to the Higgs mechanism in particle physics, also plays a crucial role in understanding superconductivity and magnetism in materials.

What are some examples of phenomena studied at this intersection?

Examples include the study of topological insulators, which are materials that have insulating bulk properties but conductive surface states protected by topological invariants. Another example is the application of the AdS/CFT correspondence, a concept from string theory, to model strongly correlated electron systems and potentially describe high-temperature superconductors.

What techniques are commonly used in this interdisciplinary research?

Techniques from quantum field theory, such as path integrals and renormalization group methods, are commonly used. Additionally, numerical methods like Monte Carlo simulations and tensor network algorithms are employed to study complex systems. Experimental techniques from condensed matter physics, such as angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and neutron scattering, are also crucial for validating theoretical models.

What are the potential applications of research at the intersection of these fields?

Research at this intersection can lead to the development of new materials with novel properties, such as high-temperature superconductors, quantum computers, and advanced sensors. It can also provide insights into fundamental questions about the nature of the universe, such as the behavior of quantum systems at different energy scales and the unification of forces in physics.

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