Intersections between this infinite power tower and a multifactorial

In summary, multifactorial notation can be confusing for those who are unfamiliar with it. Common mistakes include confusing the notation with factorials and not understanding its definition for different values of n. To better understand multifactorials, a function called f_k(x) is defined, which is real and continuous for all values of x. Another important concept related to multifactorials is tetration, which can be expressed using Knuth's up-arrow notation. One interesting relationship that arises from tetration is the function h(z), which is defined using the Lambert W function and only converges for values of z in the domain [e^-e, e^1/e]. To find the smallest integer value of k for which f_k(x) and h
  • #1
Saracen Rue
TL;DR Summary
Find the smallest integer value for ##k## for which ##x!^{k}## has the largest number of intersections with ##{}^{\infty}(!x)##, and state the values of ##x## and ##y## at each intersection point.
For those unaware of multifactorial notation, it should be noted that there are some common mistakes made when first being introduced to the notation. For example, ##n! \neq (n!)!## and ##n! \neq (n!)! \neq (n!)! \neq ((n!)!)!##. Just to make sure we're all up to speed, here's a quick run down of how multifactorials are defined for integer values of ##n##: $$n!=n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)...(n-a)|\text{ } (n-a) > 0$$ $$n!=n(n-2)(n-4)(n-6)...(n-a)|\text{ } 2 \geq (n-a) > 0$$ $$n!=n(n-3)(n-6)(n-9)...(n-a)|\text{ } 3 \geq (n-a) > 0$$ $$\large \text{For a more generalized definition:}$$ $$n!^{k}= \left. \begin{cases}
1 & n=0\\
n & 1\leq n\leq k \\
n(n-k)(n-2k)(n-3k)...(n-a) & n>k
\end{cases}\right| k \geq (n-a) > 0$$ Continuing on from this, the next step is to define a function, ##f_k(x)=x!^{k}##, such that ##f_k## is real and continuous for all values of ##x##, which can be accomplished like so:
$$x!^{k}= \left. k^{\frac{x}{k}} \cdot \Gamma(1+\frac{x}{k}) {\prod_{j=1}^{k}}\left(\left(\frac{j \cdot k^{\frac{-j}{k}} }{\Gamma(1+ \frac{j}{k})}\right)^{\displaystyle \frac{1}{k} \sum_{n=1}^{k}\cos\left(\frac{2\pi n\left(x-j\right)}{k}\right)}\right)\right| x \in \mathbb{R}, k \in \mathbb{Z}^+$$ $$\large { \text{Where } !^{k} \text{ represents }k\text{ number of factorial symbols after }} x$$ Now for the second function in this question we need to talk about tetration and subfactorials. Focusing on the latter for now, let's look at the definition for a subfactorial (also known as derangement): $$!n=\text{subfactorial}(n)=\frac{\Gamma(n+1, -1)}{e}$$ $$\large \text{Where } \Gamma(a, x) \text{ is the incomplete gamma function}$$ This leaves us with the final topic of tetration. Tetration is a very useful tool and can be seen as another way of expressing Knuth's up-arrow notation. Consider the following: $$^{n}a=a\uparrow\uparrow n = \Large\underbrace{a^{a^{a^{.^{.^{.^a}}}}}}_{n \text{ times}}$$ Note: the notation can be kind of tricky here; "##n## times" means that the total number of '##a##'s present is equal to ##n##. For example: $$\Large ^{4}3={3^{3^{3^{3}}}}=10^{10^{12.56090264130034}}$$ When this is then applied to create an infinitely tall power tower we end up with this interesting relationship: $$\large ^{\infty}z=z^{z^{z^{.^{.^{.^z}}}}}=h(z)=\frac{-W(-\ln(z))}{\ln(z)}$$ $$\large \text{Where } W(z) \text{ is the Lambert W function}$$ It should be duly noted that ##h(z)## will converge if and only if ##z## falls in the domain ##[e^{-e}, e^{\frac{1} {e}}]##. $$\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_$$ Now, with the definitions out of the way and hopefully everyone is on the same page, we can finally address the question; $$\large \text{Find the smallest integer value of } k \text{ for which}$$ $$\large f_k(x)=x!^{k} \text{ and }h(!x)=\frac{-W(-\ln(!x))}{\ln(!x)}$$ $$\large \text{have the most points of intersection for } x \geq 0$$ $$\large \text{and evaluate the coordinates for each point, correct to }3 \text{ decimal places}$$
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  • #2
Regarding this comment:

Saracen Rue said:
When this is then applied to create an infinitely tall power tower we end up with this interesting relationship: $$\large ^{\infty}z=z^{z^{z^{.^{.^{.^z}}}}}=h(z)=\frac{-W(-\ln(z))}{\ln(z)}$$ $$\large \text{Where } W(z) \text{ is the Lambert W function}$$ It should be duly noted that ##h(z)## will converge if and only if ##z## falls in the domain ##[e^{-e}, e^{\frac{1} {e}}]##.
I believe it's more accurate to write:
$$y=\large^{\infty} z=z^{z^{z^{.^{.^{.}}}}}$$
$$D=\{z\in\mathbb{C}: y(z)\;\text{converges}\}$$
Then ##y=z^y## for ##z\in D## and we may write:
y(z)=\frac{-\text{W}(-\log(z))}{\log(z)}; \;\; z\in D
but the function
is analytic (and multivalued) everywhere except at it's singular points.

Regarding this expression:

$$\large f_k(x)=x!^{k} \text{ and }h(!x)=\frac{-W(-\ln(!x))}{\ln(!x)}$$

If we plot the trajectory of ## !x## then when ##x=1## it's passing through the logarithmic branch point. Perhaps, though you could perturb the path around the origin and remain in analytic continuity on the same principal-valued sheet or even drop to the next sheet perturbing it in the opposite fashion and still remain analytically continuous. Not sure though how that would affect matters.
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FAQ: Intersections between this infinite power tower and a multifactorial

1. What is an infinite power tower?

An infinite power tower is a mathematical concept where a number is raised to the power of itself, and then that result is raised to the power of itself, and so on infinitely. For example, 3^3^3^3... goes on forever.

2. What is a multifactorial?

A multifactorial is a mathematical function that is similar to a factorial, but instead of multiplying consecutive numbers, it multiplies consecutive numbers with a certain step size. For example, the multifactorial of 5 with a step size of 2 would be 5 * 3 * 1 = 15.

3. How do these two concepts intersect?

The intersection between an infinite power tower and a multifactorial occurs when the base number of the power tower is equal to the step size of the multifactorial. In other words, when the number being raised to the power of itself is the same as the number being multiplied with the step size in the multifactorial function.

4. What is the significance of this intersection?

This intersection has been studied in mathematics and has been found to have interesting properties and patterns. It has applications in number theory, combinatorics, and other areas of mathematics.

5. Are there any real-life applications for this intersection?

While this intersection may not have direct real-life applications, it has been used in theoretical mathematics to solve problems and explore patterns. It also has connections to other mathematical concepts such as hyperoperations and tetration.

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