Intertwining Maps: Exploring Group Representations

In summary: The representation of a group G on a vector space V is a group homomorphism p : G \to \mathrm{Aut}(V), where \mathrm{Aut}(V) is the set of invertible linear maps from V to itself ("automorphisms") and its group operation is composition of functions. Thus each g \in G is associated with an invertible linear map p(g) : V \to V. Since p is itself a function it is common to denote it by p_g so that the image of v \in V is p_g(v). Since p is a homomorphism one has p_{g_1g_2} = p_{
  • #1

Homework Statement

My online class notes:
"Along the same vein as linear maps between vector spaces and group homomorphisms between groups we have maps between group representations that respect the algebraic structure.

Definition 3.1: Let (p,V) and (q,W) be two representations of a group G. a lineaer transformation
ø: V → W is an intertwining map if ø(p(g)v) = q(g)ø(v) for all v in V and g in G."

okay so my first question is what exactly does the arguments in the notation for the representations mean? For example, the (p,V) representation; I know the V is a vector space, but what is the p? Is it the permutation or mapping that results from the group action on the vector space? If so, why do two representations of the same group (p,V) and (q,W) have different mappings if the group acting on them only has one binary operation?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
If I'm reading correctly, ##p## and ##q## are group homomorphisms that map the group onto the vector spaces ##V## and ##W##.

##\phi: V → W \space | \space \phi(p(g)v) = q(g)\phi(v), \forall v \in V, g \in G##

It looks like the linear map is mapping ##(p(g)v) \in V → (q(g) \phi(v)) \in W##. So ##\phi## is intertwining when it takes the mapped representation of an element ##g \in G##, multiplied by some vector ##v \in V## to its representation in ##W##, where ##\phi (v) \in W## as well.
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  • #3
So what exactly are p and q? What are they defined by? Is the binary operation in which G is closed under represented anywhere in this notation? Are p and q the unique mapping for each vector space yet they are "guided" by the same binary operation in G? I'm new to this stuff if it's not obvious >.<.
  • #4
So this is the condition for it to be considered an intertwining map --> ø(p(g)v) = q(g)ø(v)
ø is the mapping between representations
g is an element of group G
v is an element of vector space V
p and q are doing something to each element of G...

and then it's confusing why it's ø(p(g)v) = q(g)ø(v) rather than say ø(p(g)v) = ø(q(g)v)
  • #5
A representation of a group [itex]G[/itex] on a vector space [itex]V[/itex] is a group homomorphism [itex]p : G \to \mathrm{Aut}(V)[/itex], where [itex]\mathrm{Aut}(V)[/itex] is the set of invertible linear maps from [itex]V[/itex] to itself ("automorphisms") and its group operation is composition of functions. Thus each [itex]g \in G[/itex] is associated with an invertible linear map [itex]p(g) : V \to V[/itex]. Since [itex]p(g)[/itex] is itself a function it is common to denote it by [itex]p_g[/itex] so that the image of [itex]v \in V[/itex] is [itex]p_g(v)[/itex]. Since [itex]p[/itex] is a homomorphism one has [tex]
p_{g_1g_2} = p_{g_1} \circ p_{g_2}
[/tex] for every [itex]g_1 \in G[/itex] and every [itex]g_2 \in G[/itex].

Here you have not only a representation of [itex]G[/itex] on [itex]V[/itex], but also a representation of [itex]G[/itex] on the vector space [itex]W[/itex], this second representation being denoted [itex]q : G \to \mathrm{Aut}(W)[/itex] so that [itex]q_g : W \to W[/itex] is an invertible linear map.

A linear map [itex]\phi : V \to W[/itex] is then intertwining if and only if [tex]
\phi \circ p_g = q_g \circ \phi\qquad\mbox{(*)}
[/tex] for every [itex]g \in G[/itex]. Hence on right composition by [itex]p_h[/itex], [itex]h \in G,[/itex] the left hand side of (*) becomes [tex]\phi \circ p_g \circ p_h = \phi \circ p_{gh}[/tex] and the right hand side of (*) becomes [tex]q_g \circ \phi \circ p_h
= q_g \circ q_h \circ \phi = q_{gh} \circ \phi[/tex] as required.
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  • #6
PsychonautQQ said:
So what exactly are p and q? What are they defined by? Is the binary operation in which G is closed under represented anywhere in this notation? Are p and q the unique mapping for each vector space yet they are "guided" by the same binary operation in G? I'm new to this stuff if it's not obvious >.<.


##p: G → GL(V)## and ##q: G → GL(W)##

Where ##GL(n)## is the general linear group.
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FAQ: Intertwining Maps: Exploring Group Representations

1. What is the purpose of exploring group representations?

The purpose of exploring group representations is to understand how groups, or collections of objects, behave and interact with each other. This can help us better understand complex systems and phenomena in various fields such as physics, chemistry, and mathematics.

2. How are group representations related to intertwining maps?

Group representations and intertwining maps are closely related as intertwining maps are used to study the behavior of group representations. Intertwining maps are mathematical functions that preserve the structure of group representations, allowing us to analyze and manipulate them more easily.

3. What are some real-world applications of intertwining maps and group representations?

Intertwining maps and group representations have many practical applications in fields such as cryptography, quantum mechanics, and computer science. For example, they can be used to design secure communication protocols, analyze quantum systems, and optimize algorithms.

4. What are some common techniques used to explore group representations?

There are various techniques used to explore group representations, including character theory, representation theory, and the use of tensor products. These techniques allow us to decompose and analyze group representations into simpler components, making them easier to study.

5. Are there any limitations to using intertwining maps for exploring group representations?

While intertwining maps are a powerful tool for studying group representations, they do have some limitations. For example, they may not be applicable to all types of groups or representations, and their use may be limited by computational constraints. Additionally, the results obtained from intertwining maps may not always be easily interpreted or generalized.
