Interview a mechanical engineer for a project

In summary, a mechanical engineer described how the field has changed with the advancement of technology, their job responsibilities and work location, key factors for success, lack of engineering courses in high school, important achievements, their enjoyment of work, advice for future mechanical engineers, personal motivation, and salary range. They also mentioned the importance of understanding the fundamentals, keeping up with technology, and finding enjoyment in the field. They recommended courses in numerical methods and system optimization and stated a salary range of $30k-$130k.
  • #1
I'm a sophmore in high school and I need to interview a mechanical engineer for a project. so if any mechanical engineer could answer the following questions, that would be great. thanks for your time.

1. Describe how mechanical engineering has changed during your lifetime.
2. What specifically do you do?
3. Where do you work?
4. What are 3 key things to be successful in this field?
5. Were any engineering courses offered to you when you were in high school?
6. What are some of your important engineering achievements?
7. Do you enjoy your work?
8. What advice would you give anyone looking to be a mechanical engineer?
9. What motivated you to become a mechanical engineer?
10. Have you supervised or worked on any big projects?
11. What classes should I take in college if I want to work in this field?
12. What is the salary range for mechanical engineers?
13. Where do you live?
14. What is your name? (I need the your name for my paper)
Engineering news on
  • #2
please, someone answer. oh yeah I forgot to mention I'm in the PLTW class principles of engineering.
  • #3
james1902004 said:
I'm a sophmore in high school and I need to interview a mechanical engineer for a project. so if any mechanical engineer could answer the following questions, that would be great. thanks for your time.

1. Describe how mechanical engineering has changed during your lifetime.
2. What specifically do you do?
3. Where do you work?
4. What are 3 key things to be successful in this field?
5. Were any engineering courses offered to you when you were in high school?
6. What are some of your important engineering achievements?
7. Do you enjoy your work?
8. What advice would you give anyone looking to be a mechanical engineer?
9. What motivated you to become a mechanical engineer?
10. Have you supervised or worked on any big projects?
11. What classes should I take in college if I want to work in this field?
12. What is the salary range for mechanical engineers?
13. Where do you live?
14. What is your name? (I need the your name for my paper)

I'll give you some answers but keep in mind my actual job title is electromechanical although my degree is mechanical engineering.

1. I'm pretty young for an engineer (22) but the computer has really changed everything. From being able to do complex calculations quickly and design an entire car on a computer has made development and analysis much faster and thorough.

2. I work for an engineering firm (part time as of sept.) on a venture capital project developing a high altitude wind generator. My main tasks are to create, model, and analyze the power and control systems of the machine.

3. In Dearborn, MI.

4. Understand the fundamentals, make your work understandable to others, and keep up with the technology.

5. Not a single one. The best I had was classical physics.

6. Depends on what you call achievements. I think my best achievements have been some of the work I've done, both during my undergrad and my current job.

7. Yes, although at times it can be very frustrating with all the bureaucracy I have to deal with at times.

8. Make sure its something you want. If your in it for the money or some kind of prestige go do something else. The rewards can be small and insignificant so you have to make sure its a field you thoroughly enjoy.

9. It's what I'm good at and its what I enjoy. And its always been that way.

10. No. I'm still a "newbie".

11. The classes you should take depends on the specific area of ME you want to go into. Its a braud field. However, I would highly suggest courses in numerical methods and system optimization, they have really helped me a lot and the skills are universal.

12. Anywhere from $30k - $130k, it depends on your skills and experience.

13. South East, MI.

14. If you want me answers for your report I'll PM it to you.

Related to Interview a mechanical engineer for a project

1. What is your educational background and experience in mechanical engineering?

I have a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from ABC University and have been working in the field for 10 years. I have experience in designing and analyzing mechanical systems, as well as project management and team leadership.

2. Can you explain a project you have worked on in the past and your role in it?

One project I worked on was designing a new cooling system for a large industrial facility. My role was to lead the design team, conduct research and analysis, and oversee the implementation of the system. I also collaborated with other engineers and contractors to ensure the project was completed on time and within budget.

3. What skills and qualities do you think are important for a mechanical engineer?

In addition to strong technical knowledge and problem-solving skills, I believe a mechanical engineer should also have good communication skills, attention to detail, and the ability to work well in a team. Adaptability and a willingness to constantly learn and improve are also crucial in this field.

4. What challenges have you faced in your previous projects and how did you overcome them?

In one project, we encountered unexpected delays in the delivery of materials, which threatened to delay the entire project. To overcome this challenge, I worked closely with the project team to find alternative suppliers and adjust our timeline accordingly. Effective communication and quick problem-solving helped us complete the project on time.

5. How do you stay updated on advancements and developments in the field of mechanical engineering?

I regularly attend conferences and workshops related to mechanical engineering, and also read industry publications and research papers. I also make an effort to network with other engineers and stay connected with my colleagues in the field. Additionally, I am always open to learning new skills and technologies through online courses and training programs.
