Intro abstract algebra along with basic set theory

In summary, the ring element A is a zero divisor for the ring if and only if A is a subset of B, and the ring has only one unit, X.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An interesting example of a ring:

Begin with a nonempty set X and form the power set of X, P(X), which is the set of all subsets of X. On P(X), define addition + and multiplication × as follows:

For A, B in P(X):

A × B = A ∩ B

A + B = (A\B) ∪ (B\A), where as usual A\B = {a in A | a not in B}

I have to answer the following. I have bolded the questions i am having trouble on. the rest i have answered and just want to make sure I'm right.

(a)Show there exists an element 0 in P(X) such that A + 0 = A for all A in P(X).

(b)Show that for all A in P(X), there exists an element -A in P(X) so that A + (-A) = 0 (0 is from part (a)).

(c)Show A×(B + C) = A×B + A×C for all A, B, C in P(X).

(d) In fact this is a commutative ring with (multiplicative) identity. What element in P(X), not the zero 0 element, when multiplied by any A in P(X), gives you A itself?

(e)What are the zero divisors in this ring, if any? What are the units in this ring, if any?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

(a) The 0 element is the empty set. The empty set is a subset of all sets, therefore given any set X, the empty set is an element of the power set P(X).

A + ∅ = (A\∅) ∪ (∅\A) = A ∪ ∅ = A.

(b) This one troubles me.

Suppose there exists such an additive inverse, let's find it. For an A in P(X), let the inverse of A be B. It exists if

(A\B) ∪ (B\A) = ∅ implies we must have (A\B) = (B\A) = ∅.
(A\B) = ∅ implies A is a subset of B.
(B\A) = ∅ implies B is a subset of A.

These two previous statements imply A = B. So this guarantees that for every A, there exists an additive inverse of A, which actually happens to be itself, which is always in P(X) by definition. Can a ring element be its own additive inverse?

(c)Not sure where to start.

(d) The set X itself, which generates the power set P(X), is the mult. identity. The question doesn't ask that we prove this. It just asks what is the the identity.

(e) every element in P(X) except X and ∅ is a zero divisor. This is because there will always exist an element so that their intersection is disjoint. This element is simply A\X. X is not a zero divisor because X\X = ∅ which cannot be a zero divisor. Again an explanation isn't needed here but i thought i would throw it in on this forum. There is only one unit, which is X itself.
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  • #2
stripes said:
Can a ring element be its own additive inverse?
(c)Not sure where to start.
You could start by translating both sides of the equation into usual set operations, according to the definitions of + and x.
  • #3
Just for part b) where your write (A\B) = (B\A) = ∅ it should read (A\B) or (B\A) = ∅.
This changes the wording of what's to follow but still the same idea.

As for c) equality of sets is shown through showing that the LHS is a subset of the RHS and then showing that the RHS is a subset of the LHS.

To start you might say something like:
Let x [itex]\in[/itex] A×(B + C)
Then by definition of multiplication x [itex]\in[/itex] A∩(B+C)
So x[itex]\in[/itex] A and x [itex]\in[/itex] (B+C)
Does this help?
  • #4
Jufro said:
Just for part b) where your write (A\B) = (B\A) = ∅ it should read (A\B) or (B\A) = ∅.
This changes the wording of what's to follow but still the same idea.

I think for the union of two sets to be empty, we must have that both sets are the empty set. E.g., {1,2} U ∅ = {1,2} ≠ ∅, which would be required for additive inverse.
  • #5
Oh yes, I was thinking about sets in general and forgot things get a little different when you mention the empty set sometimes.

Part c remains the same,

Related to Intro abstract algebra along with basic set theory

1. What is abstract algebra?

Abstract algebra is a branch of mathematics that studies algebraic structures which are abstract in nature, meaning they do not necessarily have a geometric interpretation. It deals with the study of sets, operations, and their properties, and how these concepts can be applied to solve mathematical problems.

2. What is the difference between abstract algebra and basic algebra?

The main difference between abstract algebra and basic algebra is that abstract algebra deals with more general and abstract concepts, while basic algebra focuses on solving equations and manipulating numbers and variables. In abstract algebra, the emphasis is on the properties and structures of algebraic systems, rather than specific numerical solutions.

3. What is set theory?

Set theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of sets, which are collections of objects. It provides a foundation for all of mathematics by defining the basic concepts of sets, elements, and operations on sets. Set theory is used in many areas of mathematics, including abstract algebra.

4. What are the main topics covered in an intro abstract algebra and basic set theory course?

An intro abstract algebra and basic set theory course typically covers fundamental concepts such as groups, rings, fields, and modules in abstract algebra, as well as the basic concepts of sets, functions, and operations in set theory. It may also cover topics such as subgroups, homomorphisms, and isomorphisms in abstract algebra, and subsets, unions, and intersections in set theory.

5. How is abstract algebra and set theory used in real-world applications?

Abstract algebra and set theory have many practical applications in fields such as computer science, engineering, and physics. For example, group theory is used in cryptography, which is essential for secure communication on the internet. Set theory is used in database design, graph theory, and other areas of computer science. Many modern technologies and systems rely on the principles of abstract algebra and set theory for their functionality.

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