How Do You Calculate Thermodynamic Properties in Different Expansion Processes?

In summary, the conversation discusses two questions related to adiabatic and isobaric processes of an ideal gas. The first question involves finding work, heat, internal energy, enthalpy change, and final temperature for a reversible adiabatic expansion of 2.5 moles of He from a volume of 9L at 300K to a final volume of 28L. The second question involves finding work, change in internal energy, heat, and enthalpy for a reversible isobaric expansion of an ideal gas. The conversation also suggests using the Ideal Gas Law and the value of \gamma for an ideal monoatomic gas to solve for the values of the different variables.
  • #1
Hi all , I have 2 questions, I don't know how to derive the equations, please help.
Thank you.
1)A reversible adiabatic expansion of 2.5 moles or He from a volume 9L at 300K to a final volume of 28L.
Find work(W), heat(Q), internal energy(U) and enthalpy change(H) and final temperature. (He is a monatomic ideal gas)

2)A reversible isobaric expansion of an ideal gas from P1,V1,T1 to P1,V2,T2, assume Cv = 5/2nR
Find W, change in internal energy, Heat and enthalpy.

I know for #1 heat = 0, therefore delta U = W = integral P*dV, but I don't know since we don't know pressure , I don't know how to continue.

For #2, it is constant pressure, therefore W= -P*delta V
delta U = Q - (p*delta V)
Q = delta U + (p*delta V) = enthalpy
Am I right ? it looks so weird, I need some help thanks !
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  • #2
1. Adiabatic work done, [itex]W = \int PdV [/itex]. But [itex]PV^{\gamma} = const, ~C[/itex] gives :

[tex]W = C~\int \frac{dV}{V^{\gamma}} [/tex]

Integrate that out, find P using the Ideal Gas Law, use the value of [itex]\gamma[/itex] for an ideal monoatomic gas, and hence find the value of the adiabatic constant C. Plug in values of C, Vf and Vi to find the work done.

2. For an isobaric process, Q is easily found. Recall what Cp is ?
  • #3


For the first question, since the process is reversible and adiabatic, we can use the equation:

dU = -PdV + Cv dT

Where dU is the change in internal energy, P is the pressure, V is the volume, T is the temperature, and Cv is the constant volume specific heat capacity.

Since the process is adiabatic, there is no heat exchange, so dU = W. Also, for an ideal gas, we know that P*V = nRT, where n is the number of moles, R is the ideal gas constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvin.

Using these equations, we can solve for the final temperature and the other parameters:

W = dU = -PdV + Cv dT

= -nRTdV/V + Cv dT

= -nRTd(V/nRT)/V + Cv dT

= -nRTd(lnV)/V + Cv dT

= -nRTd(ln(Vi/Vf))/Vf + Cv dT

= -nRTd(ln(9/28))/28 + (5/2)nRdT

= -nRTln(9/28)/28 + (5/2)nRdT

= -nRTln(9/28)/28 + (5/2)nR(Tf-Ti)

Since the process is adiabatic, we know that dQ = 0, so dU = W = -nRTln(9/28)/28 + (5/2)nR(Tf-Ti).

Using this equation, we can solve for the final temperature, which is 214.3K. From there, we can calculate the other parameters:

W = -nRTln(9/28)/28 + (5/2)nR(Tf-Ti)

= (-2.5 mol)(8.314 J/mol*K)(214.3K)ln(9/28)/28 + (5/2)(2.5 mol)(8.314 J/mol*K)(214.3K)

= -3.27 kJ

Q = 0

dU = W = -3.27 kJ

H = dU + PdV

= -3.27 kJ + (2.5 mol)(8.314 J/mol*K)(214.3K)

FAQ: How Do You Calculate Thermodynamic Properties in Different Expansion Processes?

1. What is thermodynamics?

Thermodynamics is the branch of physics that deals with the study of energy and its transformation from one form to another. It also focuses on the relationship between heat, work, and energy.

2. What is the first law of thermodynamics?

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred or converted from one form to another.

3. What is the second law of thermodynamics?

The second law of thermodynamics states that in any energy transfer or transformation, some energy will be converted into a form that cannot be used, resulting in a decrease in the total usable energy in the system.

4. What is entropy in thermodynamics?

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. In thermodynamics, it is a measure of the amount of energy that is unavailable for work in a system.

5. How is thermodynamics applied in real life?

Thermodynamics is applied in various fields such as engineering, chemistry, and biology. It is used to design and improve energy systems, understand chemical reactions, and study biological processes in living organisms.
