Introducing a Blind Student in Physics: Overcoming Challenges in Kinematics

  • Thread starter sorressean
  • Start date
  • #1
Hey all,
I just wanted to take some time to introduce myself and thank everyone in advance for the help I'm sure to get here.

My name is ty; I am a totally blind student working toward a degree in computer science. I am taking an introduction physics course which uses calculous and it's the only subject I'm really struggling with. I have a lot of problems with basic kinematics, so I'm probably going to make a lot of use of this forum.

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  • #2
Hi sorressean. Welcome to the famous Physics Forums! :)

When you post questions to the homework forums, make sure you point out that you'll be reading the responses using a speaking computer so that people know not to place any reliance on graphics. Well, I imagine that diagrams are a problem. How do you handle diagrams?

Good luck with your studies.