Introducing Myself: 2nd Year U of T Student in Maths & Physics

In summary, the conversation mainly focused on introductions and welcoming a new member to the forum. The individual is a second year student at the University of Toronto, studying Mathematics and Physics. They anticipate needing help with complex topics and express their appreciation for the friendly atmosphere of the forum. They also mention their love for beautiful fish and receive a humorous welcome featuring a video of a beautiful fish.
  • #1
Gold Member
I've seen a lot of people making introductions and since I'll probably be here for a while, I might as well do the same.

I'm a second year student at the University of Toronto doing a specialist (honors) program in Mathematics and Physics. I'll probably need a lot of help from here, since I'm just getting to the "main" parts of physics and math (e.g. complex analysis, quantum mechanics advanced etc).
Physics news on
  • #2
Welcome to Physics Forums.
I am sure you will get a lot of help from here. Good luck to your program :D

By the way, what is your favourite fish?
  • #3
Welcome to the forum. Introductions are optional here, as you may have noticed. It's not a social forum but the folks are very friendly. Well, most are. I'm not :smile:
  • #4
adjacent said:
Welcome to Physics Forums.
I am sure you will get a lot of help from here. Good luck to your program :D

By the way, what is your favourite fish?

Thanks. I like beautiful fish, like

phinds said:
Welcome to the forum. Introductions are optional here, as you may have noticed. It's not a social forum but the folks are very friendly. Well, most are. I'm not :smile:

Thanks. That's actually one of the reasons I like this forum. It is mainly focused on science, but some discussions do happen, unlike SE.
  • #5
Welcome, Rocket50! I hope you like it here.

What a beautiful fish! Here's your official welcome, featuring said fish:

Consider yourself initiated :smile:.
  • #6
Lisab, you need some new material. :biggrin:
  • #7
Thanks! :biggrin:

FAQ: Introducing Myself: 2nd Year U of T Student in Maths & Physics

1. What inspired you to study math and physics at the University of Toronto?

I have always been fascinated by numbers and how they can be used to explain and understand the world around us. I also have a passion for problem-solving and the logical thinking required in both math and physics. When I learned about the strong and reputable math and physics programs at the University of Toronto, I knew it was the perfect fit for me.

2. What has been your favorite experience as a 2nd year student at U of T so far?

One of my favorite experiences has been participating in research projects with my professors. It has allowed me to apply my knowledge in a practical setting and gain valuable skills in data analysis and problem-solving. Working closely with my professors has also been a great opportunity to learn from their expertise and get a glimpse into the world of academia.

3. How do you balance your workload between math and physics courses?

Time management is key. I make sure to prioritize my assignments and study time for both subjects equally. I also use my breaks between classes to review material and stay on top of my coursework. Additionally, I try to find connections between the two subjects, which helps me to better understand and retain the material.

4. What advice do you have for incoming students interested in studying math and physics at U of T?

My advice would be to take advantage of all the resources available to you. Join study groups, attend office hours, and make use of the university's tutoring services. Don't be afraid to reach out to your professors and peers for help. Also, make sure to stay organized and manage your time effectively to stay on top of your coursework.

5. What are your future plans after graduating with a degree in math and physics?

After graduation, I plan on pursuing a graduate degree in astrophysics. I am particularly interested in studying black holes and the behavior of matter in extreme conditions. I also hope to continue conducting research and contributing to the field of physics through publications and conferences.

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