Intuition Behind Particular Related Rates Question

Answer: at x = 1/4.Homework Statement A particle is moving along the graph of y=sqrt(x). At what point on the curve are the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate of the particle changing at the same rate?Homework Equationsy = sqrt(x)y' = 1/(2sqrt(x))The Attempt at a SolutionThe solution to the problem is to differentiate both sides of the eqn with respect to time and then determine when dy
  • #1

Homework Statement

A particle is moving along the graph of y=sqrt(x). At what point on the curve are the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate of the particle changing at the same rate?

Homework Equations

y = sqrt(x)
y' = 1/(2sqrt(x))

The Attempt at a Solution

The solution to the problem is to differentiate both sides of the eqn with respect to time and then determine when dy/dt = dx/dt.

But I don't understand how the x-coordinate has a rate of change since it's an independent variable? Can someone explain how to comprehensively understand the solution and I suppose, wording of this problem?

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  • #2
Edit: As shown in later posts, this is wrong and I need sleep.

I think we need to make the assumption that the particle is moving at a constant speed, and that the independent variable is time (not x).

That changes the equation for y:

y = sqrt(t)

and gives us an equation for x:

x = t^2

I admit, though, the question is very vague and I can't be sure that this is what it means.
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  • #3
If x = t^2, then sqrt(x) = t, which simplifies the function to:

y = sqrt(sqrt(x))

Not sure I understand.
  • #4
You are thinking of y as a function of x. Think of them as two independent functions:

x(t) = t^2

y(t) = sqrt(t)

This allows you to differentiate both x and y with respect to t, rather than with respect to one another. Once you have both derivatives, you can find where they have equal rates of change.

Note that t^2 is just a reflection of sqrt(t). It would have been equivalent to say t = sqrt(x), which would make the x and y plots identical, but with different axis labels.

Does that make sense? I'm not sure that I am explaining how I got the equation for x very well.
  • #5
S.R said:

Homework Statement

A particle is moving along the graph of y=sqrt(x). At what point on the curve are the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate of the particle changing at the same rate?

Homework Equations

y = sqrt(x)
y' = 1/(2sqrt(x))

The Attempt at a Solution

The solution to the problem is to differentiate both sides of the eqn with respect to time and then determine when dy/dt = dx/dt.

But I don't understand how the x-coordinate has a rate of change since it's an independent variable? Can someone explain how to comprehensively understand the solution and I suppose, wording of this problem?


Use the chain rule. dy/dt=(dy/dx)*(dx/dt). If dy/dt=dx/dt then what is dy/dx?
  • #6
Well, dy/dx must equal 1. So I guess we have to assume y and x are functions of another variable (time I suppose)? It's rather unintuitive to do so since x is generally the independent variable.
  • #7
I don't think we can assume constant speed -- I think all that's implied by the problem is that the independent variable is t, and then velocity is going to depend on dx/dt and dy/dt.

S.R said:
If x = t^2, then sqrt(x) = t, which simplifies the function to:

y = sqrt(sqrt(x))

Not sure I understand.

There's an error in your substitution here. And I think you have the same error too Nick -- eliminating t would also give you sqrt(sqrt(x)) instead of just sqrt(x).

For these parameterization problems, it's usually easiest to assign t to x, and then find what y as a function for t would be. For this problem, you would get:

[itex]x = t[/itex] (by arbitrary assignment) and
[itex]y = \sqrt(t)[/itex]

Then you want to find when [itex]\frac{dx}{dt}[/itex] and [itex]\frac{dy}{dt}[/itex] are equal, and then what point that time corresponds to.

Hope this was clear enough.
  • #8
Gah, you're right. In a post I made an hour or so ago I said I should get some sleep... I really should do that before trying to do any more math.
  • #9
S.R said:
Well, dy/dx must equal 1. So I guess we have to assume y and x are functions of another variable (time I suppose)? It's rather unintuitive to do so since x is generally the independent variable.

Yes, time is the independent variable but dy/dx must equal 1. So at what (x,y) point is dy/dx=1? That doesn't depend on the time.
  • #10
Thanks jackarms, your explanation was great. If dy/dx = 1 then 1/(2sqrt(x)) = 1 and thus x = 1/4.
  • #11
S.R said:
If x = t^2, then sqrt(x) = t, which simplifies the function to:

y = sqrt(sqrt(x))

Not sure I understand.

To answer the question there is no need to assume a constant speed; it will work perfectly well if you assume the position is <x(t),y(t)>, with y(t) = sqrt(x(t)) and x(t), y(t) differentiable functions of t. That's all you need.

FAQ: Intuition Behind Particular Related Rates Question

1. What is the concept of related rates?

The concept of related rates is a mathematical method used to find the rate of change of one quantity in relation to the rate of change of another quantity.

2. How do you approach a related rates problem?

The first step in approaching a related rates problem is to identify all the known and unknown variables. Then, use the given information and the appropriate mathematical relationships to set up an equation. Finally, differentiate the equation with respect to time and solve for the unknown rate.

3. What is the intuition behind solving a particular related rates problem?

The intuition behind solving a particular related rates problem is to understand the relationship between the changing variables and how they affect each other. It is important to visualize the problem and break it down into smaller, simpler components to better understand the problem and find the appropriate equation to solve.

4. How do you determine which variables are constant and which are changing in a related rates problem?

In a related rates problem, constant variables are those that do not change over time, while changing variables are those that are dependent on time. It is important to carefully read the problem and identify which variables are given and which are changing over time.

5. What are some common mistakes to avoid when solving related rates problems?

Some common mistakes to avoid when solving related rates problems include incorrect identification of variables, not drawing a diagram or visualizing the problem, and not differentiating correctly. It is also important to pay attention to the units of measurement and to check the final answer for accuracy and reasonableness.
