Intuitive understanding of enthelpy

  • Thread starter maxbashi
  • Start date
In summary, enthalpy is a concept that exists in man made form and is used to describe the energy of a system. It is related to the amount of work done on/by the system and the amount of heat flowing in/out of the system. It can be written as a function of entropy and volume, and depends only on the amount of heat flowing in/out of the system under conditions of constant pressure. The Gibbs free energy is also a useful measure because it is constant under conditions of constant temperature and pressure.
  • #1
For most science concepts I try to intuitively understand what a quantity actually *is* but I'm having trouble understanding enthalpy. I understand the definition and how to work the standard problems you see involving H but I don't intuitively understand what it is.

In other words, why is it that H=E+PV? Since enthalpy is usually used to describe a general concept of "energy," (in a reaction), why add the PV work instead of just using E?

I hope you understand what I'm trying to say, any help would be appreciated.
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  • #2
Enthalpy isn't something that actually exists in nature, its a man made concept. It exists because one day someone got tired of writing U + pV all the time and decided to call it H. It has no specific meaning in nature.
  • #3
The internal energy of a system (E) is an intuitive measure of the energy of a system because it is related to the amount of work done on/by the system and the amount of heat flowing in/out of the system. One useful property of E is that it is invariant under conditions of constant entropy (no heat flow) and constant volume (no work). Hence, we can write E as a function of entropy (S) and volume (V), E = E(S,V). However, most chemical systems are studied under conditions of constant pressure. It would, therefore, be useful to come up with a measure of potential energy that is a function of entropy and pressure, H = H(S,P). One particularly useful property of such a thermodynamic function would be that, under conditions of constant pressure, the change in this thermodynamic function depends only on the amount of heat flowing in/out of the system.

To derive this pressure-dependent function from E, we apply a Legendre transformation. That's where the +PV term comes from. The Gibbs free energy (G = G(T,P)) is derived in a similar way and is useful because it is constant under conditions of constant temperature and pressure.

N.B. these thermodynamic functions also depend on the number of particles in the system (N), but I'm ignoring these contributions for now for the sake of simplicity.

FAQ: Intuitive understanding of enthelpy

What is enthalpy?

Enthalpy is a thermodynamic concept that describes the total amount of energy in a thermodynamic system, including both its internal energy and the energy required to make room for it in its surroundings.

What is intuitive understanding of enthalpy?

Intuitive understanding of enthalpy refers to having a basic understanding of how enthalpy relates to energy and heat transfer, and how it can be used to analyze physical processes and chemical reactions.

How is enthalpy measured?

Enthalpy is typically measured in units of joules (J) or kilojoules (kJ) in the SI system. It can be measured experimentally using calorimetry, which involves measuring the heat exchange between a system and its surroundings.

What is the difference between enthalpy and internal energy?

The main difference between enthalpy and internal energy is that enthalpy takes into account the energy required to make room for a system in its surroundings, while internal energy only refers to the total energy within a system.

How is enthalpy used in chemistry?

Enthalpy is used in chemistry to calculate the heat transfer that occurs during a chemical reaction, as well as to determine the energy change of a system. It is also used to predict the direction of a chemical reaction based on whether it is exothermic or endothermic.
