Invariance of vectors due to changes in coordinate systems

In summary: Thank you Exactly. This means that if X^{\mu},~X'^{\mu} are the components of your vector in two different basis (x^{\mu}),~(x'^{\mu}) you should haveX'^{\mu}=\frac{\partial x'^{\mu}}{\partial x^{\nu}}X^{\nu} X=X^{\mu}E_{\mu} represented on a basis (E_{\mu}) is an invariant object, as it should.
  • #1

Homework Statement

How do I know that vector is invariant to changes of coordinate systems if i only have the components of the vector and not the basis vectors?

Homework Equations

let the vector in reference frame 1 be ds and the same vector in the reference frame 2 be ds1

The Attempt at a Solution

If ds=ds1

Is this correct?
Physics news on
  • #2
Not at all sure I understand the question.
A vector is usually thought of as existing independently of any co-ordinate system within which to represent it. So by definition the vector itself is invariant, but its representation is not.
  • #3

Id like to point out that I am the guy that made the post, accidentally logged in with the wrong account. So the exact question is

How do we know that a vector is invariant to changes of coordinate system if we only have the components of the vector and not the basis vectors?
  • #4
Zamze said:

Id like to point out that I am the guy that made the post, accidentally logged in with the wrong account. So the exact question is

How do we know that a vector is invariant to changes of coordinate system if we only have the components of the vector and not the basis vectors?

If you have the components in two coordinate systems, and the components are related by the proper transformation law, then the components are those of an invariant vector.
  • #5
Thank you
  • #6
Chestermiller said:
If you have the components in two coordinate systems, and the components are related by the proper transformation law, then the components are those of an invariant vector.

Exactly. This means that if [itex]X^{\mu},~X'^{\mu}[/itex] are the components of your vector in two different basis [itex](x^{\mu}),~(x'^{\mu})[/itex] you should have
[tex] X'^{\mu}=\frac{\partial x'^{\mu}}{\partial x^{\nu}}X^{\nu} [/tex]
In this way [itex] X = X^{\mu}E_{\mu} [/itex] represented on a basis [itex](E_{\mu})[/itex] is an invariant object, as it should.

FAQ: Invariance of vectors due to changes in coordinate systems

1. What is the concept of invariance of vectors in relation to coordinate systems?

The concept of invariance of vectors refers to the idea that the magnitude and direction of a vector remain unchanged regardless of the coordinate system used to represent it. In other words, the vector itself does not change, even though its coordinates may appear different in different coordinate systems.

2. Why is it important to understand invariance of vectors in relation to coordinate systems?

Understanding invariance of vectors is crucial in many fields of science, including physics, engineering, and mathematics. It allows us to accurately describe and analyze physical phenomena and make predictions that are independent of the chosen coordinate system. This helps to ensure the validity and consistency of our mathematical models.

3. How does a change in coordinate system affect a vector?

A change in coordinate system does not affect the vector itself, but it may change the way the vector is represented numerically. For example, in a Cartesian coordinate system, a vector may be represented as a set of three numbers (x, y, z), while in a polar coordinate system, it may be represented by two numbers (r, θ). However, the vector represented by these coordinates remains the same.

4. Can a vector be invariant in all coordinate systems?

Yes, a vector can be invariant in all coordinate systems. This is because the concept of invariance is independent of the specific coordinate system used. As long as the magnitude and direction of the vector remain unchanged, it is considered invariant.

5. How does the principle of invariance extend to other mathematical concepts?

The principle of invariance extends to many other mathematical concepts, such as tensors, matrices, and differential equations. Invariance allows us to solve complex problems by simplifying them into different coordinate systems. It also forms the basis for many important physical laws, such as the principle of relativity in physics.

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