Invariant symbol with four spinor indices

In summary, the invariant symbol for the 2nd singlet in the Srednickis textbook is the Minkowski metric ημν.
  • #1
from Srednickis QFT textbook, we know the following coupling of Lorentz group representations: [tex](2,1)\otimes (2,1) = (1,1)_A \oplus (3,1)_S,[/tex] which yields [tex]\epsilon_{a b}[/tex] as an invariant symbol. Generalising, we can look at [tex](2,1)\otimes (2,1) \otimes (2,1) \otimes (2,1) = (1,1) \oplus (1,1)\oplus ...[/tex]
which implies the existence of two invariant symbols with four spinor indices. One is just the trivial coupling [tex]\epsilon_{a b}\epsilon_{c d},[/tex] but what is the other one? It should be symmetric in the first two indices, and in the last two, and (I think) be further symmetric under the exchange of the two pairs. Could someone please confirm that it is just [tex](S_L^{\mu\nu})_{a b} (S_L^{\rho\sigma})_{c d} \epsilon_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}? [/tex]
(or in a different notation
[tex](\sigma^{\mu\nu})_{a b} (\sigma_{\mu\nu})_{c d}.) [/tex]

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  • #2
The 2nd singlet here comes from reducing the symmetric tensor (in vector indices) into its trace and traceless part. The invariant symbol we use to do this is the Minkowski metric ##\eta_{\mu\nu}##.
  • #3
Hm, yes, but I am looking for a representation with spinor indices, i.e. the invariant symbol [tex]x_{a b c d}[/tex]
corresponding to this singlet.
  • #4
The 2nd singlet here comes from reducing the symmetric tensor (in vector indices) into its trace and traceless part. The invariant symbol we use to do this is the Minkowski metric ημν.
He's taking the product of four undotted spinors. Don't you need to use dotted spinors also to form a vector/tensor quantity?
  • #5
I would try to express it as

[tex]\sigma^{\mu})_{a b} (\sigma_{\mu})_{c d}. [/tex]

I'm guessing that this can be reduced into some expression with ##\epsilon##s, but I don't have a good reference to steal standard results from at the moment.
  • #6
(2,1) ⊗ (2,1) = (3,1)S ⊕ (1,1)A. In terms of spinors this is φA χB reduced to tyhe symmetric part φ(A χB) and the trace φA χB εAB.

Now take the product of two of these things, in each way:

(3,1)S ⊗ (3,1)S = (5,1)S ⊕ (3,1) ⊕ (1,1)A
(1,1)S ⊗ (3,1)A = (3,1)S
(3,1)S ⊗ (1,1)A = (3,1)S
(1,1)S ⊗ (1,1)S = (1,1)S

(Total of 16 components)

In spinor language, the first line:

φ(A χB) ψ(C ωD) reduces to the totally symmetric part φ(A χB ψC ωD), a partial trace φ(A χX) ψ(Y ωD) εXY εBC and a full trace φ(W χX) ψ(Y ωZ) εXY εWZεBC εAD.

The remaining three are φX χY ψC ωD εXY εAB, φA χB ψX ωY εXY εCD and φX χY ψW ωZ εXY εWZ εAB εCD.
  • #7
Bill_K said:
He's taking the product of four undotted spinors. Don't you need to use dotted spinors also to form a vector/tensor quantity?

Ah, you're right that we need both left and right-handed spinors to get a Minkowski vector index. What confused me is that you can still view the ##\mathbf{3}## as an ##SO(3)## vector, in which case there is an invariant ##\delta_{ij}##. But it is not what I wrote down.
  • #8
@Bill_K: Thanks a lot, but isn't the singlet in 3x3 symmetric? Then you end up with the symmetry properties I proposed in the first post.
  • #9
Interesting problem. I used my semisimple-Lie-algebra package (My Science and Math Stuff) on it.

I first created the algebra D2 ~ SO(4), and I then took a plethysm (power of rep with some symmetry) of various reps.

torus, what you're working with is a Majorana spinor, (2,1) in multiplicity notation, (1,0) in highest-weight notation, and (1/2,0) in angular-momentum notation.

It turns out that there are 2 mixed-symmetry combinations of 4 Majorana spinors (all nondotted or all dotted). Taking permutations of indices in torus's OP's one gives 3 possibilities. Only 2 of them are linearly independent, as I verified with a brute-force evaluation using Mathematica:
[itex]\epsilon_{ab}\epsilon_{cd} - \epsilon_{ac}\epsilon_{bd} + \epsilon_{ad}\epsilon_{bc} = 0[/itex]

Evaluating fzero's one with signature +---, I find
[itex](\sigma^\mu)_{ab}(\sigma_\mu)_{cd} = 2\epsilon_{ac}\epsilon_{bd}[/itex]

These looks like some Fierz identities (Wikipedia)

I also tried it with a Dirac spinor, (2,1) + (1,2) / (1,0) + (0,1) / (1/2,0) + (0,1/2). For a square, the scalar products are all antisymmetric, and there are 2 of them. For a fourth power, the scalar products are 6 mixed-symmetry ones, with the same mixed symmetry as the Majorana one, and 1 completely antisymmetric one.
  • #10
Thanks for all the replies. I found a very nice reference:
Eq. (2.95) together with (2.64) gives
[tex] z_1 \sigma^{\mu\nu} z_2 z_3 \sigma_{\mu\nu} z_4 = - (z_1 z_4) (z_2 z_3) - (z_1 z_3) (z_4 z_2) ,[/tex]
valid for both commuting and anticommuting spinors z_i, which has the symmetry properties proposed in the initial post.


Related to Invariant symbol with four spinor indices

1. What is an invariant symbol with four spinor indices?

An invariant symbol with four spinor indices is a mathematical object used in theoretical physics, specifically in the study of spinors. It is a four-component object that represents the spinor indices of a given system in a way that is invariant under rotations and boosts.

2. How is an invariant symbol with four spinor indices used in physics?

Invariant symbols with four spinor indices are used to study the properties of spinors, which are fundamental objects in quantum mechanics and particle physics. They are particularly useful in understanding the behavior of spin-1/2 particles, such as electrons and neutrinos.

3. What is the significance of the four spinor indices?

The four spinor indices in an invariant symbol represent the spin degrees of freedom of a particle. These indices can take on four possible values, which correspond to the four possible orientations of a spin-1/2 particle in space. The combination of these indices allows for a comprehensive description of the particle's spin state.

4. How do invariant symbols with four spinor indices relate to other mathematical objects?

Invariant symbols with four spinor indices are related to other mathematical objects, such as tensors and spinors, through their transformation properties under rotations and boosts. They are also used in conjunction with other mathematical tools, such as the Dirac equation, to describe the behavior of spinors in a given system.

5. Are there any applications of invariant symbols with four spinor indices outside of physics?

While they were originally developed for use in physics, invariant symbols with four spinor indices have found applications in other fields as well. They have been used in computer graphics and computer vision for image recognition and processing, as well as in the study of symmetry in crystal structures.

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