Inverse Fourier Transform in 2-d

In summary, the conversation discusses an integral that the speakers have been trying to solve. They discuss different methods and suggestions, ultimately coming up with a solution involving a modified Bessel function.
  • #1
Hi all,

I've been trying to solve the following

[tex] I = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{x}{(x^2+y^2+d^2)^{\frac{5}{2}}} e^{-i(kx+\ell y)} \ dx \ dy[/tex]

where [itex] d,k,\ell [/itex] are constants. I haven't been able to put this into a tractable analytic form and I figured I'd consult all of you experts for advice before I resorted to approximation methods. So does anyone see any obvious way of solving this?


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  • #2
The angular integral is wrong!Go to polar coordinates. The integral over the angular coordinate is:
\int_{0}^{2 \pi}{\cos \phi \, e^{-i q \, \rho \, \cos (\phi - \phi_0)} \, d\phi}
where [itex]q = \sqrt{k^2 + l^2}[/itex], and [itex]\tan \phi_0 = l/k[/itex]. Due to the periodicity of the two functions, we can perform the translation [itex]\phi \rightarrow \phi + \phi_0[/itex], but keep the same range of integration. Then, we get:
\int_{0}^{2 \pi}{\cos (\phi + \phi_0) \, e^{-i q \, \rho \, \cos \phi} \, d\phi}
Applying the addition theorem for the cosine, we get:
\cos \phi_0 \, \int_{0}^{2 \pi}{\cos \phi \, e^{-i q \, \rho \, \cos \phi} \, d\phi} - \sin \phi_0 \, \int_{0}^{2 \pi}{\sin \phi \, e^{-i q \, \rho \, \cos \phi} \, d\phi}
The two integrals are:
\int_{0}^{2 \pi}{\cos \phi \, e^{-i q \, \rho \, \cos \phi} \, d\phi} = -2 \pi \, i \, J_1(q \, \rho)
\int_{0}^{2 \pi}{\sin \phi \, e^{-i q \, \rho \, \cos \phi} \, d\phi} = 0
(the last one may be seen by shifting [itex]\phi \rightarrow \phi + \pi[/itex]. Then, we have an integral of an odd function over a symmetric interval.)

Then, the integral over the radial coordinate is:
I = -2 \pi \, i \, \cos \phi_0 \, \int_{0}^{\infty}{\frac{\rho^2}{(\rho^2 + d^2)^{5/2}} \, J_1(q \, \rho) \, d\rho}
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  • #3
Perhaps you can make use of the identity

[tex]\frac{1}{z^\nu} = \frac{1}{\Gamma(\nu)} \int_0^\infty dt~t^{\nu-1} e^{-zt},[/tex]
which holds for [itex]z, \nu > 0[/itex].

You would then have a triple integral

[tex]I_{k\ell} = \frac{1}{\Gamma(5/2)}\int_{-\infty}^\infty dx \int_{-\infty}^\infty dy \int_0^\infty dt~x t^{3/2} \exp\left(-\left[ tx^2 + ikx + ty^2 + i\ell y + d^2t\right]\right).[/tex]

This is Gaussian in each of x and y, so it looks like you should be able to at least reduce the integral to just one integral over t. Whether or not that will be easier than the integral Dickfore derived or doable at all, I don't know.
  • #4
Hm. Thanks for the suggestions. Here's what I've come up with.

Rewrite I as (I've changed d to h here for clarity of presentation)

[itex]I = \frac{i}{3}\partial_k \partial_h\iint \frac{1}{(x^2+y^2+h^2)^{\frac{3}{2}}}e^{-i(kx+\ell y)} \ dx \ dy[/itex]

[itex]=\frac{i}{3}\partial_k \partial_h\int_0^{2\pi}\int_0^{\infty} \frac{1}{(r^2+h^2)^{\frac{3}{2}}} e^{-i\vec{r}\cdot \vec{k}}r\ dr \ d\theta [/itex]

WLOG, orient [itex]\vec{k}=(k,\ell)[/itex] with the x-axis so that [itex]\vec{r}\cdot \vec{k} = |\vec{r}||\vec{k}| \cos \theta [/itex]. Therefore, we have

[itex]I=-i\frac{2\pi}{3} \partial_k\partial_h\int_0^{\infty} \frac{J_o(|\vec{k}| r)}{(r^2+h^2)^{\frac{3}{2}}} r \ dr [/itex]

where [itex]J_o[/itex] is the Bessel function of the first kind. The integral on the RHS of the above equation can be solved in closed form, so that we find

[itex]I = -i\frac{2\pi}{3}\partial_k\partial_h K_o(h|\vec{k}|)= -i\frac{2\pi}{3} h k\ K_o(h\sqrt{k^2+\ell^2})[/itex]

where [itex]K_o[/itex] is a modified bessel function of the second kind. This might be as good as I can hope for. Also, I might have made some algebra mistakes along the way.

FAQ: Inverse Fourier Transform in 2-d

1. What is an Inverse Fourier Transform in 2-d?

An Inverse Fourier Transform in 2-d is a mathematical operation that takes a two-dimensional signal or image in the frequency domain and converts it back into the time or spatial domain. It is the reverse process of the Fourier Transform, which decomposes a signal into its frequency components.

2. How is an Inverse Fourier Transform in 2-d performed?

To perform an Inverse Fourier Transform in 2-d, the Fourier coefficients of the signal or image in the frequency domain are multiplied by complex exponential functions and summed together. This process is repeated for each point in the time or spatial domain, resulting in a reconstructed signal or image.

3. What is the significance of performing an Inverse Fourier Transform in 2-d?

An Inverse Fourier Transform in 2-d is a powerful tool in signal and image processing, as it allows us to analyze and manipulate signals and images in the frequency domain. This can help with tasks such as noise removal, compression, and feature extraction.

4. What types of signals or images can be transformed using an Inverse Fourier Transform in 2-d?

An Inverse Fourier Transform in 2-d can be applied to any two-dimensional signal or image, including but not limited to audio signals, images, and video signals. It is widely used in various fields such as engineering, physics, and computer science.

5. Are there any limitations to using an Inverse Fourier Transform in 2-d?

While an Inverse Fourier Transform in 2-d is a powerful tool, it does have some limitations. It is assumed that the signal or image being transformed is periodic, and any discontinuities or sharp edges may result in artifacts in the reconstructed signal or image. Additionally, the quality of the reconstruction can be affected by the number of Fourier coefficients used in the transformation.

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